27 research outputs found

    A Study on the Individualized Information Service Mode and Its Application in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain

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    Part 4: Knowledge Management and EngineeringInternational audienceCustomer, information and functions are in the same level in the traditional computer application systems, and all customers are treated by the same interface to implement the standardized service functions. However, in general, 80 % of the profits come from 20 % of the key customers. These key customers should deserve better services. Therefore, the enterprises have to response quickly to their needs of individualized information service. In this paper, a detailed case of individualized information service in the field of iron and steel manufacturing supply chain is introduced, and valuable content is extracted and pushed from mass data to constitute a business environment of information sharing that creates value for the customers. The individualized information push mode for the key customer is studied and a functional frame and an operating system for the information service system based on the workflow are introduced


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    妞诺科技的创始团队都是脑电领域的研究学者,受科研项目启发开始探索脑电技术商业化的可能性。妞诺最初从脑电图机切入,通过自研硬件的升级取得了一系列医疗器械认证,并逐渐与一些医院建立了合作关系。自主研发的硬件帮助妞诺获取到高质量的脑电数据,再结合团队本身的数据挖掘和分析能力,公司从单一的脑电解决方案供应商逐渐转型为多模态脑科学数据平台。 妞诺科技的创智指的是公司基于医疗器械研发和数据挖掘分析所做的技术创新,创制指的是公司通过细分市场、业务范围和价值主张的调整所做的商业模式创新。 妞诺是如何一步步打造核心竞争力并发展出如今的商业模式的、未来又应该如何发展呢?此外,虽然大数据服务是当下的一个热点,但可持续的盈利点尚不清晰,且妞诺团队的销售经验相对薄弱。目前公司已完成了三轮融资,投资人对于项目回报也有自己的预期,公司下一步走向何方?是继续寻觅投资人、冲刺科创板还是投靠大公司?这些都是创始团队需要考虑的问题


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    Ant Financial: Tough Boundary Choices in Innovation

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    Ant Financial had been pursuing innovation by means of digital technology in almost every single segment within the field of finance. This case demonstrates its history of innovations and achievements at different stages. These innovations had not only made up for the shortcomings of traditional financial services by providing inclusive finance, but had also created new segments such as credit leasing. They had posed a great challenge to traditional financial institutions and, by doing so, had helped these institutions improve their competitiveness. However, despite all these achievements, Ant Financial was also confronted with many challenges. As a trailblazer in an uncharted territory, it faced great technical uncertainties and numerous challenges, including supervisory blind spots, pressure from competitors, and in defining the boundary of innovations, just to name a few. Ant Financial’s senior management was aware of these challenges. In May 2019, they held a two-day meeting to discuss the sustainability and boundary of innovation, seeking answers to questions such as, "What exactly does sustainable innovation mean today? What are the things that Ant Financial can leave to others, and why?

    Business Trends in the Digital Era: Evolution of Theories and Applications

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    This book introduces 10 mega business trends, ranging from big data to the O2O model. By mining and analyzing mountains of data, the author identifies these 10 emerging trends and goes to great lengths to explain and support his views with up-to-date cases. By incorporating the latest developments, this book allows readers to keep abreast of rapidly advancing digital technologies and business models. In this time of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, acquiring deep insights into business trends and grasping opportunities for innovation give readers (business executives in particular) and their companies a competitive advantage and the potential to become the next success story. The Chinese version of the book has become a hit, with some business schools using it as a textbook for their S&T Innovation and Business Trends programs. It also provides business executives with a practical guide for their investment and operation decisions