31 research outputs found


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    The Social Innova Sciences journal, of the Innova Scientific Research Center, has been a body whose objective has not only focused on the dissemination of various studies, review articles and essays, but has also been a bridge for collective reflection that has contributed to healthy debate and, of course, to the construction of knowledge that is increasingly necessary in a global society

    Violencia, patrimonio, hermenéutica y pandemia

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    We can affirm that, with each issue of Social Innova Sciences, not only is an enormous challenge brewing for those of us who are part of the journal's editorial committee —which this year reaches its seventh installment—, but it is also an immense responsibility for which we are part; however, both challenge and responsibility have not been exercised alone, since these actions have been promoted by our collaborators, who in their eagerness to contribute with their thoughts and words, reaffirm a laudable work as scholars in the midst of a complicated panorama. that day by day we have been overcoming

    Las Ciencias Sociales: una ventana de representaciones multidisciplinarias

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    The social sciences are marked by multidisciplinarity, as it encompasses various intellectual disciplines that try to provide answers to numerous problems of man in society, based on categories provided by the scientific method, without losing sight of the fact that the surrounding reality is dynamic and changing. while human beings live in a metamorphosis of being and doing that makes them matter, center and space for study and reflection

    Sociedad, ciencia, tecnología y Educación en tiempos de pandemia

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    Through the publication of the magazine whose center of interest has not only been occupied by science as a discipline but also other areas that have found a support to make themselves known. Although it is true that humanity is going through a drastic panorama due to the pandemic, it is well known that this same construction of knowledge has not ceased to manifest itself, much less has it allowed closing doors to scientific dissemination through the magazine that we present

    La educación de hoy para la sociedad del futuro

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    The Innova Scientific Social Magazine contributes to disseminating research, analysis and opinions about social problems worldwide, which are made by the academic community, both national and international. Because it is a science magazine social, research articles are published, reflections, theoretical revisions and reviews, which contribute to relevant debates on topics sociological, historical, technological, educational and cultural

    Violencia, patrimonio, hermenéutica y pandemia

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    We can affirm that, with each issue of Social Innova Sciences, not only is an enormous challenge brewing for those of us who are part of the journal's editorial committee —which this year reaches its seventh installment—, but it is also an immense responsibility for which we are part; however, both challenge and responsibility have not been exercised alone, since these actions have been promoted by our collaborators, who in their eagerness to contribute with their thoughts and words, reaffirm a laudable work as scholars in the midst of a complicated panorama. that day by day we have been overcoming

    Nuevos tiempos, nuevos retos

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    A key aspect that we set out to do since we were formed as an editorial team was to contribute with ideas, as well as to strengthen not only science as a spearhead, but also the deployment of reflection for the sake of a more fair and balanced, in times as convulsive as those we are going through today. True, these are difficult times that we must face and confront with intelligence and, of course, with ideas. This is and will continue to be our emblem and our firmest purpose

    Biodiversidade e atividades do ecossistema: Uma olhada nos cenários peruanos

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    Es necesario comprender los términos de biodiversidad y ecosistema desde su definición hasta su uso y como han trascendido hacia los ámbitos técnicos para integrarse profundamente en las discusiones sociopolíticas y culturales. Estos términos al estar vinculados a una región, se considera necesario su conservación y conocimiento, por lo cual el presente artículo fija como objetivo realizar un estudio sobre los escenarios peruanos concebidos desde la biodiversidad y las actividades sobre los ecosistemas. Por ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la información, extrayendo la información desde “Scholar google” y considerando un periodo entre 2010 al 2020. De esto se concluye que, parte esencial del capital natural nacional del Perú es su biodiversidad, e históricamente es la base y sustento de su desarrollo. Asimismo, la gran diversidad de ecosistemas peruanos tiene su cimiento en la ubicación tropical, las primordiales corrientes marinas y a su intrincada orografía. A pesar de los empeños que se han ejecutado a la fecha a nivel mundial y desde luego en el país, hay un deterioro evidente de los ecosistemas, por consecuencias derivadas del cambio climático y su impacto sobre la biodiversidad peruana. De allí, es esencial que las instituciones oficiales encargadas de programar y evaluar los planes, asociados a las investigaciones sobre la biodiversidad del Perú se aboquen a ello. Con este panorama, se miran los escenarios peruanos desde la biodiversidad y las actividades sobre los ecosistemas.É necessário entender os termos de biodiversidade e ecossistema desde sua definição até seu uso e como eles transcenderam para os campos técnicos para serem profundamente integrados nas discussões sociopolíticas e culturais. Esses termos, por estarem vinculados a uma região, sua conservação e conhecimento são considerados necessários, razão pela qual este artigo se propõe a realizar um estudo sobre cenários peruanos concebidos a partir da biodiversidade e atividades em ecossistemas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática das informações, extraindo as informações do "Google Acadêmico" e considerando um período entre 2010 e 2020. A partir disso, conclui-se que uma parte essencial do capital natural nacional do Peru é a sua biodiversidade, e historicamente é a base e o sustento de seu desenvolvimento. Da mesma forma, a grande diversidade dos ecossistemas peruanos tem seu fundamento na localização tropical, nas correntes marinhas primordiais e em sua orografia intrincada. Apesar dos esforços que têm sido feitos em todo o mundo e, claro, no país, há uma evidente deterioração dos ecossistemas, devido às consequências derivadas das mudanças climáticas e seus impactos sobre a biodiversidade peruana. Portanto, é imprescindível que as instituições oficiais encarregadas de programar e avaliar os planos associados à pesquisa sobre a biodiversidade do Peru o façam. Com este panorama, os cenários peruanos são vistos a partir da biodiversidade e das atividades sobre os ecossistemas

    Soft skills in administrators for the adaptation of companies to the new post-pandemic normality

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    The objective was to determine the relationship between soft skills and the adequacy of Peruvian companies in the face of the post-pandemic. The research was descriptive correlational with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, and an ad hoc checklist was used to record the information collected from the public retrievable material from business managers. It was identified that there is a statistically significant correlation between leadership and innovation with the adequacy of the companies; in addition, leadership, innovation, decision making and empathy of the managers better predict the adequacy of the companies in the post-pandemic period, as well as the soft skills as a whole