34 research outputs found

    Legal Russian in Legal - Linguistic Research

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    Artyku艂 traktuje o kszta艂towaniu i rozwoju j臋zyka rosyjskiego prawa oraz o metodologii stosowanej w studiach legilingwistycznych w Rosji i za granic膮. Autor ilustruje tendencje dominuj膮ce w badaniach legilingwistycznych i badaniach zbli偶onych do nich koncentruj膮c si臋 na problemach dotycz膮cych identyfikacji materia艂贸w zr贸d艂owych oraz metod stworzonych w Rosji dla potrzeb analiz legilingwistycznych. Autor charakteryzuje r贸wnie偶 kontynuacj臋 i dyskontynuacj臋 w metodyce bada艅 legilingwistycznych maj膮c膮 w Rosji znaczny dorobek historyczny. Poni偶szy przegl膮d problem贸w i metod bada艅 legilingwistycznych w Rosji wykazuje cechy charakterystyczne dla europejskiej tradycji legilingwistycznej, szczeg贸lnie transformacj臋 zainteresowa艅 badaczy pocz膮wszy od analizy terminologii w izolacji od innych implikacji lingwistycznych do dyskursywnych aspekt贸w prawa.聽聽The article focuses upon the emergence and the development of the legal Russian language and the methodology used for its scrutiny in the legal-linguistic research in Russia and abroad. It shows some of the dominant tendencies in the legal-linguistic and related research in a perspective that combines material issues concerning the work on textual sources and their identification as well as methods developed in Russia to deal with legal- linguistic problems. The author aims to portray methodological continuity and discontinuity in a research area with a relatively long history. The overview of topics and methods demonstrates that the development in the area of the legal-linguistic research in Russia displays all characteristic features of the European legal-linguistic tradition, and especially the shift in the attention of scholars from isolated terminological issues to discursive aspects of law.


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    This article describes Heikki E.S. Mattila鈥檚 achievements in the area of comparative legal linguistics. It concentrates on the process of emergence of basic conceptual structure in Mattila鈥檚 work. Its further expansion and methodological requirements established by the founder of comparative legal linguistics are analyzed as well. Particularly, the establishing of Comparative Legal Linguistics as teaching subject is scrutinized from the methodological perspective that is based on interdisciplinarity. Likewise, possibilities for expansion of the conceptual structure of the newly established area of knowledge are discussed as well


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    In this review essay, I describe some basic problems in the research into the legal language that are methodologically connected to linguistic and philosophical pragmatics. I call this area of knowledge pragmatic legal linguistics. Pragmatic legal linguistics deals with the processes that are constitutive of the emergence of meaning in law. Its basic concepts are coined in the course of developments in linguistic and philosophical pragmatics. It applies pragmatic theoretical approaches to clarify the functioning of the legal language and discovers new areas of pragmatic relevance in the research into the legal language. The final goal of pragmatic legal linguistics is to re-formulate our laws in accordance with linguistic findings about the use of language


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    Fundamental legal-linguistic research includes next to monolingual approaches to the legal language also comparative approaches. Meanwhile, the epistemic value of comparative approaches is unclear in legal linguistics. Therefore, in this article different legal-linguistic comparative approaches will be scrutinized, and their perspectives made operational in legal linguistics. Especially, the traditional analysis of legal terminology gains momentum here in the context of discursive comparative approaches. The multilingual origins and the intertextual mode of existence and development of the legal language clarify its specifics. They also shape processes in which the language of the global law emerges in the contemporary social reality.Legilingwistyczne badania podstawowe dotycz膮 tak 藕r贸de艂 monolingwalnych jak i analiz por贸wnawczych. Warto艣膰 poznawcza podej艣膰 por贸wnawczych do j臋zyka prawa pozostaje niewyja艣niona w legilingwistyce. Dlatego te偶 w niniejszym artykule analizowane s膮 r贸偶ne podej艣cia por贸wnawcze do j臋zyka prawa. U偶yte s膮 one do analiz tekst贸w prawnych w kontek艣cie dyskursywnym i w tradycji komparatystycznej. Wieloj臋zyczne korzenie i multilingwalny tryb bytu s膮 cechami charakterystycznymi tych tekst贸w. Podej艣cia por贸wnawcze pomagaj膮 r贸wnie偶 zrozumie膰 procesy, w kt贸rych j臋zyk prawa globalnego kszta艂tuje si臋 w dzisiejszej rzeczywisto艣ci spo艂ecznej


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    This essay is a survey of methods applied and topics scrutinized in legal-linguistic studies. It starts with the elucidation of the epistemic interest that led to the emergence and to the subsequent expansion of the mainstream legal-linguistic knowledge that we dispose of today. Thus, the essay focuses upon the development of problem awareness in the emerging legal-linguistic studies as well as upon the results of research that might be perceived as the state of the art in the mainstream legal linguistics. Meanwhile, some methodologically innovative tilts and twists that enrich and inspire contemporary legal linguistics are considered as well. Essentially, this essay traces the conceptual landscape in which the paradigms of legal-linguistic studies came about. This conceptual landscape extends from the research into the isolated words of law and the style used by jurists to the scrutiny of legal texts and legal discourses in all their socio-linguistic complexity. Within this broad frame of reference, many achievements in legal-linguistic studies are mentioned in order to sketch the consequences of processes in which legal-linguistic paradigms take shape. The author concludes upon a vision of legal linguistics called pragmatic legal linguistics as the newest stage in the intellectual enterprise that aims to pierce the language of the law and by so doing to understand law better


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    The article deals with translation strategies in their relation to translation tools. It reflects the theoretical requirements for professional legal translations in the light of the legallinguistic equivalence and the skopos-theory. The author stresses that developing translatorial strategies as well as designing and using translation tools are theory-dependent activities. What remains to be developed is the explicit model of hitherto implicitly followed particular translatorial strategies in relation to all types of translation tools. In the institutional setting the relevant translatorial strategies are influenced by guidelines that regulate many issues that are subject to choices made by individual translators. These guidelines often also determine the use of translation tools. As of now, on-line translation tools widen considerably the traditional lexicographical notions and they contribute to work rationalization in that they offer the translator a survey of already existing translation alternatives. However, available translation tools, traditional and digital, tend towards solving problems of translatorial routine.Their multitude corresponds with the number of dynamic problems in legal translation that cannot be rigidly determined. Therefore, creative legal translation remains an essentially human activity. Meanwhile, the multitude of existing approaches might lead in future to the emergence of a legallinguistic thesaurus that would display the totality of legal speech acts that constitute the legal discourse. The legal-linguistic thesaurus, that would constitute the main translation tool, does not preclude developing of other goal-oriented translation tools of limited scope. Therefore, notwithstanding the on-going changes, strategically responsible choice of translatorial strategies and the corresponding informed choice of translatorial tools are essential techniques for daily translation work.W artykule om贸wione zostaj膮 problemy wynikaj膮ce w relacji pomi臋dzy strategiami translatorskimi i narz臋dziami wspomagaj膮cymi t艂umaczenie. Punkt wyj艣ciowy stanowi膮 teoretyczne wymagania dla profesionalnych t艂umacze艅 tekst贸w prawnych wynikaj膮ce z poj臋cia ekwiwalencji legilingwistycznej oraz teorii skoposu. Autor podkre艣la, 偶e planowanie strategii translatorskich, jak r贸wnie偶 stosowanie narz臋dzi wspomagaj膮cych t艂umaczenie s膮 dzia艂aniami zale偶nymi od wyboru teorii. W tym kontek艣cie koniecznym wydaje si臋 rozwini臋cie eksplicytnego modelu strategii translatorskich zwi膮zanych z wyborem narz臋dzi wspomagaj膮cych t艂umaczenie, kt贸re dotychczas s膮 jedynie domy艣lne w praktyce translatorskiej. Ponadto, w instytucjach w kt贸rych wykonywane s膮 przek艂ady maj膮 zastosowanie dyrektywy dla t艂umaczy, kt贸re reguluj膮 kwestie zwi膮zane z wyborem i zastosowaniem narz臋dzi wspomagaj膮cych t艂umaczenie. Cyfrowe narz臋dzia wspomagaj膮ce przek艂ad rozszerzy艂y dotychczasowe poj臋cia leksykograficzne i przyczyni艂y si臋 do racjonalizacji trybu pracy udost臋pniaj膮c t艂umaczowi do wyboru przegl膮d ekwiwalent贸w t艂umaczeniowych. Jednakowo偶, tradycyjne i cyfrowe narz臋dzia wspomagaj膮ce s膮 pomocne g艂贸wnie przy rozwi膮zywaniu rutynowych problem贸w przek艂ad贸w. Ich znaczna liczba odpowiada ilo艣ci problem贸w przek艂adu prawnego o charakterze dynamicznym, kt贸re nie mog膮 by膰 rozwi膮zane w spos贸b sztywny. Z tego powodu kreatywne t艂umaczenie prawne pozostaje dzia艂alno艣ci膮 wykonywan膮 przez ludzi. Jednak偶e istniej膮ca mnogo艣膰 podej艣膰 do identyfikacji strategii translacyjnych mog艂aby w przysz艂o艣ci doprowadzi膰 do stworzenia tezaurusu j臋zyka prawa dokumentuj膮cego ca艂okszta艂t prawnych akt贸w mowy, kt贸re tworz膮 dyskurs prawny. Tezaurus j臋zyka prawa, kt贸ry m贸g艂by sta膰 si臋 g艂贸wnym narz臋dziem wspomagaj膮cym, nie wyklucza jednak rozwoju innych narz臋dzi mniejszego pokroju wspomagaj膮cych przek艂ad. Dlatego, pomimo zachodz膮cych zmian, odpowiedzialny wyb贸r strategii translatorskich i narz臋dzi wspomagaj膮cych przek艂ad pozostaje jedn膮 z podstawowych umiej臋tno艣ci zawodowych t艂umacza w jego codziennej prac