691 research outputs found

    Nonparametric approach for measuring the productivity change and assessing the water use efficiency in the irrigated areas of Tunisia

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    In order to cope with the water scarcity, Tunisia has to manage efficiently the demand of the economic and social sectors mainly that of the agricultural irrigated activities. Within this context our investigation aims to analyze the technical efficiency, the water use efficiency and the dynamic of the productivity of the irrigated areas in the Sidi Bouzid region. Hence, farm surveys, regarding the cropping years 2003 and 2007, were carried out. We have assessed the technology performance using the Data Envelopment Analysis approach and we have computed the Malmquist index in order to characterize the productivity change. Our empirical findings showed that the technical efficiency of the farms has increased by 17% during this period leading to an improvement of the water use efficiency up to 22%. Both, the technical efficiency change as well as the technical change have contributed to this improvement. However, the farmers have to enhance further their irrigated practices in order to save more water. Indeed, in 2007, the water use efficiency was only 78%.Irrigated Area, Technical Efficiency, Water Use Efficiency, Productivity Change, Data Envelopment Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, C14, Q12, Q25,

    Nonparametric approach for measuring the productivity change and assessing the water use efficiency in the irrigated areas of Tunisia

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    In order to cope with the water scarcity, Tunisia has to manage efficiently the demand of the economic and social sectors mainly that of the agricultural irrigated activities. Within this context, this investigation aims to analyze the technical efficiency, the water use efficiency and the dynamic of the productivity of the irrigated areas in the Sidi Bouzid region. Farm surveys have been carried out during 2003 and 2007 harvesting years and technology performance has been assessed using Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Malmquist index has been also computed in order to characterize the productivity change. Empirical findings showed that the technical efficiency of the farms has increased by 19% during this period leading to an improvement of the water use efficiency up to 24%. Both, the technical efficiency change as well as the technical change reveal a positive impact on the productivity change. However, in 2007, the water use efficiency was only 79%. Therefore, farmers have to improve further their irrigated practices in order to save more water.Irrigated Area, Technical Efficiency, Water Use Efficiency, Productivity Change, Data Envelopment Analysis

    Technical Change Performance and Water Use Efficiency in the Irrigated Areas: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

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    In order to cope with the water scarcity, Tunisia has to manage efficiently the water demand of the economic and social sectors mainly that of the agricultural irrigated activities. Within this context, this investigation aims to analyze the technical efficiency, the water use efficiency and the dynamic of the productivity of the irrigated areas in the Sidi Bouzid region. Farm surveys have been carried out during 2003 and 2007 cropping years and technology performance has been assessed using Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Malmquist index has been also computed in order to characterize the productivity change. Empirical findings showed that the technical efficiency of the farms has increased by 17% during this period leading to an improvement of the water use efficiency up to 22%. Both, the technical efficiency change as well as the technical change reveal a positive impact on the productivity change. However, in 2007, the water use efficiency was only 78%. Therefore, farmers have to improve further their irrigated practices in order to save more water.Irrigated Area, Technical Efficiency, Water Use Efficiency, Productivity Change, Data Envelopment Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    On the Cohomology of the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on S1∣2S^{1|2}

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    We investigate the first cohomology space associated with the embedding of the Lie superalgebra \cK(2) of contact vector fields on the (1,2)-dimensional supercircle S1∣2S^{1\mid 2} in the Lie superalgebra \cS\Psi \cD \cO(S^{1\mid 2}) of superpseudodifferential operators with smooth coefficients. Following Ovsienko and Roger, we show that this space is ten-dimensional with only even cocycles and we give explicit expressions of the basis cocycles.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physic

    La enfermedad como experiencia de usuarix

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    A las siete de la mañana se abre la puerta de golpe, hora de tomar la temperatura. A la media hora analítica de sangre. A las nueve el desayuno, después cambio de sábanas y aseo y, aquel o aquella que puede, se levanta de la cama. Cuando a las diez viene la médico ya está todo listo, pasa consulta en cinco minutos, prescribe más medicamentos y da las explicaciones a los familiares del estado del o de la paciente.[...] A les set del matí obre la porta de cop, hora de prendre la temperatura. A la mitja hora analítica de sang. A les nou l'esmorzar, després canvi de llençols i lavabo i, aquell o aquella que pot, s'aixeca del llit. Quan a les deu ve la metgessa ja està tot a punt, passa consulta en cinc minuts, prescriu més medicaments i dóna les explicacions als familiars de l'estat del o de la pacient.[...

    De tetas y luchas

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    Un meme hace risa y la revolución es seria. Sería, si no, una revolución de mofa y lo pasaríamos bárbaro. El caso es que estaba yo el 1 de mayo con muletas sin poder andar ni salir de casa y me perdí el evento obrero. Visualicé mentalmente la mani oficial formada por mogollón de señores que podrían ser mi padre, todos ellos como un solo padre, el padre de la lucha obrera. Muchos hombres fundidos en una sola masa con una gran pancarta a modo de barba: aquí estamos los obreros de la Historia. Un meme fa riure i la revolució és seriosa. Seria, si no, una revolució de mofa i ho passaríem bàrbar. El cas és que estava jo l'1 de maig amb crosses sense poder caminar ni sortir de casa i em vaig perdre l'esdeveniment obrer. Vaig visualitzar mentalment la mani oficial formada per un munt de senyors que podrien ser el meu pare, tots ells com un sol pare, el pare de la lluita obrera. Molts homes fosos en una sola massa amb una gran pancarta a manera de barba: aquí estem els obrers de la Història

    Se alquila 'alejamiento' turístico sobre cementerio indio

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    La noticia aparecía hace unos meses en losmedios: en el barrio de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaban construyendo un edificio con seis apartamentos plurifamiliares de madera dirigidos a un mercado de turismo responsable. La promotora de estos apartamentos explicaba que se oponía al "turismo de borrachera" y a la "masificación de los barrios" y que apostaba por otros valores como son la "ecología" y lo "social". Todo un manifiesto[...] La notícia apareixia fa uns mesos en losmedios: al barri de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaven construint un edifici amb sis apartaments plurifamiliars de fusta dirigits a un mercat de turisme responsable. La promotora d'aquests apartaments explicava que s'oposava al 'turisme de borratxera' i de la 'massificació dels barris' i que apostava per altres valors com són la 'ecologia' i el 'social'. Tot un manifest[...
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