780 research outputs found

    Wages, Productivity and Work Intensity in the Great Depression

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    We show that U.S. manufacturing wages during the Great Depression were importantly determined by forces on firms' intensive margins. Short-run changes in work intensity and the longer-term goal of restoring full potential productivity combined to influence real wage growth. By contrast, the external effects of unemployment and replacement rates had much less impact. Empirical work is undertaken against the background of an efficient bargaining model that embraces employment, hours of work and work intensity.

    Labour Force Participation and the Business Cycle: A Comparative Analysis of Europe, Japan and the United States

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    Using OECD data from 1970 until 1995, we estimate systems of labour force participation equations, disaggregated by age and sex, for the United States, Japan, France and Sweden. We simulate the path of participation rates following shocks to GDP and also test for asymmetric responses to shocks occurring in upward and downward phases of the cycle. Our methodology is especially pertinent to the issue of hidden unemployment and the "discouraged worker effect". We find that this effect is essentially a female phenomenon with a particular concentration among 45 to 54 year olds.Participation rates; business cycle; asymmetric responses; discouraged worker effects

    Sulforaphane Pre-treatment Improves Cytoprotection Against Opportunistic Pathogens

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    Alcohol is associated with increased mortality and morbidity globally. Pulmonary infections with opportunistic pathogens can occur in healthy humans; however, binge alcohol intoxication (≥ 0.08% BAC) is a major risk factor. We have previously shown that a single dose of alcohol comparable to binge alcohol intoxication increases infection by reducing alveolar macrophage function in vivo. The aim of this study was to 1) test the therapeutic potential of the phytonutrient sulforaphane (SFN) given as a pre-treatment, and 2) test the alcohol-induced effects on phagocytic function in murine and human macrophages in vitro

    Research practices and support needs of Language and Literature faculty at the University of Utah

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    ReportThis report investigates the research practices and support needs of Language and Literature scholars at the University of Utah

    Wages, Productivity, and Work Intensity in the Great Depression

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    We show that U.S. manufacturing wages during the Great Depression were importantly determined by forces on firms' intensive margins. Short-run changes in work intensity and the longer-term goal of restoring full potential productivity combined to influence real wage growth. By contrast, the external effects of unemployment and replacement rates had much less impact. Empirical work is undertaken against the background of an efficient bargaining model that embraces employment, hours of work and work intensity

    Pulsed laser deposition for growth of high quality epitaxial garnet films for low threshold waveguide lasers

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    Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a mature technique capable of producing extremely high quality epitaxial single crystalline films. We have grown Nd:doped garnet films of GGG (Gd The talk will summarise our progress using conventional (single beam) PLD in thin-film and waveguide growth, using both nanosecond and femtosecond lasers, and also introduce our new directions in tri-beam PLD (three targets, three lasers) for growth of some interesting, complex and perhaps impossible structures, such as Gaussian doping, internal voids and even helically doped structures

    The Association Between Mood States and Physical Activity in Postmenopausal Obese, Sedentary Women

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    Mood states influence evaluative judgments that can affect the decision to exercise or to continue to exercise

    The Late Roman military baths of the Wadi Arabah: a survey of recent archaeological work

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    Abstract – Archaeological investigation over the past two decades at several Late Roman military sites in the Wadi Arabah has revealed a corpus of bathhouses that share a geographically distinct architectural design. Constructed in the late 3rd – early 4th cent. ce during a short-lived period of economic resurgence and revitalization of regional trade, these small Roman military baths can add much to our understanding of the broader socio-economic and historical contexts of Arabia/Palaestina in Late Antiquity. This paper reviews recent work on the Late Roman military baths of the Wadi Arabah and offers new analyses regarding their placement and architectural planning.Résumé – Les recherches archéologiques entreprises depuis une vingtaine d’années sur les sites militaires romains du Wadi Arabah ont mis au jour un corpus de bains qui partagent une même architecture régionale. Construits à la fin du iiie s. - début du ive s. apr. J.-C. lors d’une période de reprise économique et de redynamisation du commerce régional, ces petits bains militaires romains apportent beaucoup à notre compréhension du contexte socio-économique et historique de l’Arabia/Palaestina à la fin de l’Antiquité. L’article passe en revue les récents travaux sur les bains militaires romains du Wadi Arabah et offre de nouvelles analyses en termes de planification urbaine et architecturale.مُلخص : أظهرت الاكتشافات الأَثـريّة وعلى مَدى العَقْـديـن الماضيين في عِـدة مَواقع عَسكرية تعود للعَصْر الروماني المُتَأخـر في منطقة وادي عَـربه على عـَدد مِن الحمّامات التي تَشْترك في المنطقة الجغرافية و التّصميم المِعْـماري ، والتي شُيّدت في أَواخِر القرن الثالث وبداية القرن الرابع الميلادي خِلال الفترة القصيرة من الازْدهار الاقتصادي والتجارة الإقليمية النّشطة في المنطقة. و يُمْكِن لهذه الحمّامات العَسْكرية الرومانيّة الصَغيرة أن تضيف لنا الكثير مِن المَعلومات حَـوْل السّياقات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والتّاريخية للولاية العربية – فلسطين في الفترات القديمة. و ستلقي هذه الــوَرقة الضوء على الأعْمال التي أُجَريت مُؤخراً بالحمّامات العَسْكريّة الرّومانية في منطقة وادي عَـربة وتُـقـدّم لنا تحْليلاً جديداً فيما يتعلق بموقعها وتَخْطيطها وطرازها المِعْماري