71 research outputs found

    Клинический случай опухоли из бластных плазмоцитоидных дендритных клеток

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    The reason for writing this article was the difficulty in the differential diagnosis of skin lesions in a patient of 40 years, with a preliminary diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma. During the examination, including histological, immunomorphological, immunohistochemical methods, markers of various cell lines (T, B, myeloid) were detected. This feature is characteristic of lymphomas from plasmacytoid dendritic cells (MAC), a new nosological unit. In the WHO classification (2001), tumors with a similar phenotype were included in the lymphoma section of natural killer cells (NK-blast lymphomas). The clinical case described by us illustrates the need for an integrated approach in the diagnosis of lymphomas, which makes it possible to promptly assign adequate therapy.Поводом для написания данной статьи явились сложности в дифференциальной диагностике поражения кожи у пациента 40 лет, с предварительным диагнозом Т-клеточной лимфомы. При проведении обследования, включающего гистологический, иммуноморфологический, иммуногистохимический методы, выявлены маркеры различных клеточных линий (Т-, В-, миелоидной). Данная особенность характерна для лимфом из плазмоцитоидных дендритных клеток (ПДК), новой нозологической единицы. В классификации ВОЗ (2001 г.) опухоли с подобным фенотипом входили в раздел лимфом из естественных киллерных клеток (NK-бластных лимфом). Описанный нами клинический случай иллюстрирует необходимость комплексного подхода в диагностике лимфом, что дает возможность своевременного назначения адекватной терапии

    Trajectory and stability of Lagrangian point L2L_2 in the Sun-Earth system

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    This paper describes design of the trajectory and analysis of the stability of collinear point L2L_2 in the Sun-Earth system. The modified restricted three body problem with additional gravitational potential from the belt is used as the model for the Sun-Earth system. The effect of radiation pressure of the Sun and oblate shape of the Earth are considered. The point L2L_2 is asymptotically stable upto a specific value of time tt correspond to each set of values of parameters and initial conditions. The results obtained from this study would be applicable to locate a satellite, a telescope or a space station around the point L2L_2.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Псориазиформный сифилид - наблюдение из практики

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    The current article analyzes a clinical case of general psoriasis-form syphilid in a 28-year patient. Attention is paid to combination of exudative psoriasis and syphilis in in a sex partner. Problems of differential diagnosis for clinical evidence of secondary syphilis and psoriasis were analyzed.Представлен клинический случай распространенного псориазиформного сифилида у 28-летнего пациента. Внимания заслуживает наличие сочетания сифилиса и ранее установленного диагноза экссудативного псориаза у полового партнера наблюдаемого. Рассмотрены вопросы дифференциальной диагностики клинических проявлений вторичного сифилиса и псориаза


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    A case of Norwegian scabies is described in a patient of 19 years with a lesion of the scalp, face, trunk, upper and lower extremities that occurred against the background of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A good effect was obtained from conducting etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy in combination with specific treatment of the underlying disease.Описан случай норвежской чесотки у пациента 19 лет с поражением волосистой части головы, лица, туловища, верхних и нижних конечностей, протекавшей на фоне острого лимфобластного лейкоза. Получен хороший эффект от проведения этиотропной, патогенетической и симптоматической терапии в комплексе со специфическим лечением основного заболевания

    Hair Follicle Reconstruction and Stem Cells

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    De novo hair follicle (HF) formation in embryonic skin and hair growth in postnatal skin are the result of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions between specialized mesenchymal dermal papilla (DP) and epithelial stem cells that give rise to hairs. Adult HF is a valuable source of different lineages of stem cells (SCs) with morphogenetic potential. Epithelial stem cells are residing in the special compartment of HF (the bulge) and can be mobilized to regenerate the new follicle with each hair cycle and to reepithelialize epidermis during wound repair. This review summarizes the current knowledge on key characteristics of HF SC populations in terms of regenerative potential. General biological principles that govern the mesenchymal-epithelial interactions within the HF and the signaling pathways that control HF development are discussed. The main focus is on recent approaches to reconstruct folliculogenesis in vitro and perspectives of the tissue engineering in alopecia therapy


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    A case of Norwegian scabies is described in a patient of 19 years with a lesion of the scalp, face, trunk, upper and lower extremities that occurred against the background of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A good effect was obtained from conducting etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy in combination with specific treatment of the underlying disease

    About nfl uence of windfall to correlation between diameter and hight in long-term secondary horse-tail and reed-grass birch stand

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    Охарактеризовано соотношение диаметра и высоты деревьев, изменившееся после ветровала в длительно-производном березняке хвощово-вейниковом. Степень напряжённости конкурентных отношений, а также его устойчивость к воздействию ветра в древостое может быть определена отношением высоты дерева к площади его сечения (или к квадрату диаметра). Исследования проведены в Висимском государственном природном биосферном заповеднике Свердловской области, расположенном в 25 км к западу от г. Кировграда. Согласно лесорастительному районированию исследования проводились на территории Уральской горно-лесной области Среднеуральской провинции в южно-таёжном лесорастительном округе. В результате проведённых исследований для всех тёмнохвойных видов и берёзы младшего поколения более адекватным из существующих уравнений зависимости высоты от диаметра оказалось степенное уравнение, а у берёзы пушистой старшего поколения – гипербола. Подробный анализ использованных уравнений показал, что они с необходимой точностью отображают закономерную связь высоты с диаметром для компонентов насаждения. Вычисленную высоту можно адекватно использовать для определения запаса древостоя по объёмным таблицам, а также уверенно судить по ней о конкурентных взаимоотношениях в древостое разных видов древесных пород. Высота ели, пихты и кедра была больше у послеветровального ельника хвощово-мелкотравного ранее изученного древостоя этого же типа лесорастительных условий. В результате сильного разрушения (90 %) древостоя снизилась относительная полнота и значительно увеличилась освещённость. Это обусловило больший рост кроны по диаметру и соответствующий больший радиальный прирост ствола, чем прирост в высоту. Сильный распад древостоя обусловил меньшую высоту, чем по существующим региональным объёмным таблицам тонкомерных деревьев берёзы послеветровального происхождения и кедра.The relation between diameter and height of trees changed after windfall in long-term secondary horse-tail and reed-grass birch stand had been characterized. The degree of tension of competitions relations, and also its stability to wind infl uence in stand may be determined with relation tree height to his basal area (or to square of diameter). The investigations had been carried out in Visim state biospherical nature reserve at Sverdlovsk region in 25 km to west from Kirovgrad town. This is Ural mountain-forest region, Middle Ural lowmoutainous province, southern taiga district in correspondly forest grow districting. The most adequate from given equations height diameter relation for all dark coniferous species and birch of young generation was power equation and in trees of old white birch generation hyperbolic equation in results of conducted investigations. The detail analysis of used equation shown, that they with necessary accuracy refl ected regular relation height-diameter for forest components. Estimated height one can adequate for determination of stand yield with volume tables and surely judge about of competition correlations of different species forest species in stand. The spruce, fi r and cedar height was bigger in post wind-throw horse-tail and small herbs spruce earlier investigated stand this forest site type. The relative density decreased and considerably increased lighting with result of intense destruction (90% by volume). This caused bigger crown diameter growth, than height growth. The intense destruction of stand caused smaller height, than in existence regional volume tables of slender measure young birch trees of post wind-throw generations and cedar

    International symposium: "Evolution of permian marine biota," and problems concerning permian sections in the type region

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    The main results of the International Symposium "Evolution of Permian Marine Biota," are presented. The Artinskian to Ufimian part of the section at the Kozhim River (Polar Urals) is briefly described including its paleontological characteristics. Potentials for further study of Permian deposits in the Urals and possibilities of using the Uralian stages as international standards are discussed. Copyright © 1997 by MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    Effects of Methoxyisoflavone, Ecdysterone, and Sulfo-Polysaccharide Supplementation on Training Adaptations in Resistance-Trained Males

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    PURPOSE: Methoxyisoflavone (M), 20-hydroxyecdysone (E), and sulfo-polysaccharide (CSP3) have been marketed to athletes as dietary supplements that can increase strength and muscle mass during resistancetraining. However, little is known about their potential ergogenic value. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these supplements affect training adaptations and/or markers of muscle anabolism/catabolism in resistance-trained athletes. METHODS: Forty-five resistance-trained males (20.5±3 yrs; 179±7 cm, 84±16 kg, 17.3±9 % body fat) were matched according to FFM and randomly assigned to ingest in a double blind manner supplements containing either a placebo (P); 800 mg/day of M; 200 mg of E; or, 1,000 mg/day of CSP3 for 8-weeks during training. At 0, 4, and 8-weeks, subjects donated fasting blood samples and completed comprehensive muscular strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic capacity, and body composition analysis. Data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA. RESULTS: No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed in training adaptations among groups in the variables FFM, percent body fat, bench press 1RM, leg press 1RM or sprint peak power. Anabolic/catabolic analysis revealed no significant differences among groups in active testosterone (AT), free testosterone (FT), cortisol, the AT to cortisol ratio, urea nitrogen, creatinine, the blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio. In addition, no significant differences were seen from pr