93 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística, para reducir costos de inventario en los almacenes externos de la empresa Tgestiona Logistica SAC

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general el desarrollo de una propuesta de mejora en la gestión de Logística, para reducir costos de inventario en los almacenes externos de la empresa TGESTIONA LOGISTICA SAC. En primer lugar se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual del área de Logística de la empresa; referente a los procesos se diagnosticó que la mayor problemática era la falta de control y monitoreo en los procedimientos, ocasionando altos costos de inventario, el diagnóstico inicial se basó en la recolección de los datos, entrevistas no estructuradas, así como la consulta en diversas fuentes de información. Después de concluir la primera etapa de identificación de problemas, se procedió a redactar el diagnóstico de la empresa, específicamente del área de almacenes externos. Así mismo se determinó el impacto económico que genera en la empresa esta problemática, dichas pérdidas monetarias ascienden a S/. 3, 157,115. Posteriormente se procedió a desarrollar la caracterización del proceso para determinar las fases claves del mismo, mediante diagramas de proceso, diagrama de flujo, diagramas de Ishikawa, diagrama de Pareto, etc. los cuales proporcionaron información detallada; permitiendo detectar las fallas e irregularidades presentes. Seguidamente, se procedió a la realización de la propuesta de mejora mediante la gestión de procesos, implementación de un Cronograma de inventario y un programa de capacitación, estas herramientas proponen reducir los altos costos de inventario. En conclusión, se aplicó satisfactoriamente la metodología seleccionada logrando reducir las pérdidas a S/. 1, 578,557, disminuyendo los altos los costos de inventario y se obtuvo un VAN y un TIR correspondiente a S/. 202,112 y 70 % respectivamente.ABSTRACT The general objective of this work was the development of a proposal for improvement in Logistics management, to reduce inventory costs in the external warehouses of the company TGESTIONA LOGISTICA SAC. First, a diagnosis was made of the current situation of the Logistics area of the company; Regarding the processes, it was diagnosed that the biggest problem was the lack of control and monitoring in the procedures, causing high inventory costs, the initial diagnosis was based on data collection, unstructured interviews, as well as consultation in various sources of information. After completing the first stage of problem identification, the diagnosis of the company was drafted, specifically the area of external warehouses. Likewise, the economic impact that this problem generates in the company was determined, said monetary losses amount to S /. 3,157,115. Subsequently, the characterization of the process to determine the key phases of the process was developed, by means of process diagrams, flow chart, Ishikawa diagrams, Pareto diagram, etc. which provided detailed information; allowing to detect the faults and irregularities present. Then, the improvement proposal was carried out through process management, implementation of an Inventory Schedule and a training program, these tools propose to reduce the high inventory costs. In conclusion, the selected methodology was successfully applied, reducing losses to S /. 1, 578,557, decreasing the high inventory costs and obtaining a NPV and an IRR corresponding to S /. 202,112 and 70% respectively

    Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística, para reducir costos de inventario en los almacenes externos de la empresa Tgestiona Logistica SAC

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general el desarrollo de una propuesta de mejora en la gestión de Logística, para reducir costos de inventario en los almacenes externos de la empresa TGESTIONA LOGISTICA SAC. En primer lugar se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual del área de Logística de la empresa; referente a los procesos se diagnosticó que la mayor problemática era la falta de control y monitoreo en los procedimientos, ocasionando altos costos de inventario, el diagnóstico inicial se basó en la recolección de los datos, entrevistas no estructuradas, así como la consulta en diversas fuentes de información. Después de concluir la primera etapa de identificación de problemas, se procedió a redactar el diagnóstico de la empresa, específicamente del área de almacenes externos. Así mismo se determinó el impacto económico que genera en la empresa esta problemática, dichas pérdidas monetarias ascienden a S/. 3, 157,115. Posteriormente se procedió a desarrollar la caracterización del proceso para determinar las fases claves del mismo, mediante diagramas de proceso, diagrama de flujo, diagramas de Ishikawa, diagrama de Pareto, etc. los cuales proporcionaron información detallada; permitiendo detectar las fallas e irregularidades presentes. Seguidamente, se procedió a la realización de la propuesta de mejora mediante la gestión de procesos, implementación de un Cronograma de inventario y un programa de capacitación, estas herramientas proponen reducir los altos costos de inventario. En conclusión, se aplicó satisfactoriamente la metodología seleccionada logrando reducir las pérdidas a S/. 1, 578,557, disminuyendo los altos los costos de inventario y se obtuvo un VAN y un TIR correspondiente a S/. 202,112 y 70 % respectivamente.ABSTRACT The general objective of this work was the development of a proposal for improvement in Logistics management, to reduce inventory costs in the external warehouses of the company TGESTIONA LOGISTICA SAC. First, a diagnosis was made of the current situation of the Logistics area of the company; Regarding the processes, it was diagnosed that the biggest problem was the lack of control and monitoring in the procedures, causing high inventory costs, the initial diagnosis was based on data collection, unstructured interviews, as well as consultation in various sources of information. After completing the first stage of problem identification, the diagnosis of the company was drafted, specifically the area of external warehouses. Likewise, the economic impact that this problem generates in the company was determined, said monetary losses amount to S /. 3,157,115. Subsequently, the characterization of the process to determine the key phases of the process was developed, by means of process diagrams, flow chart, Ishikawa diagrams, Pareto diagram, etc. which provided detailed information; allowing to detect the faults and irregularities present. Then, the improvement proposal was carried out through process management, implementation of an Inventory Schedule and a training program, these tools propose to reduce the high inventory costs. In conclusion, the selected methodology was successfully applied, reducing losses to S /. 1, 578,557, decreasing the high inventory costs and obtaining a NPV and an IRR corresponding to S /. 202,112 and 70% respectively

    Economic Development Impact of Corridor Improvements

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    In recent years, the Indiana Department of Transportation (DOT) and other state transportation agencies have increasingly implemented non-capacity expansion projects or strategies due to their benefits in improving flow, safety, and reducing delay in the transportation network at low capital, operations, and maintenance costs. The quantification of the benefits of these strategies has also become very important due to increasingly challenging local and regional fiscal conditions. With this in mind, this project developed a framework and a tool for the evaluation of economic development impacts of corridor improvements at the sketch-level of planning. The resulting framework and tool, called “Tool for Operations – Economic Impact Analysis” (TOPS-EIA), is based on a framework and tool from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) called Tool for Operations Benefit Cost Analysis (TOPS-BC). TOPS-EIA takes the expected impacts of each strategy on corridor performance and translates them into business cost savings and economic development impacts through a set of statewide economic multipliers. TOPS-EIA is subdivided into 4 modules: arterial signal coordination (ASC) strategies, traffic incident management (TIM) strategies, work zone management (WZM) strategies, and access management (AM) strategies. Additionally, a qualitative tool for road diet (RD) strategies was developed. To demonstrate TOPS-EIA, two case studies of ASC strategies were conducted. The results showed that this type of strategies could provide not only significant user cost savings, but also economic development impacts, expressed as gross regional product, job-years, and real personal income. The proposed methodology and tool can assist DOTs, Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations (MPOs and RPOs) in assessing the benefits of non-capacity expansion projects at the early and middle stage planning processes and, therefore, contribute to better-informed decisions

    EconWorks Tools for Assessing the Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation Implementation Assistance

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    The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is undertaking efforts to assess the potential economic development benefits associated with highway corridor improvements at the middle-stage planning level. The primary objective of this research is to demonstrate and document the use of the EconWorks W.E.B. (wider economic benefits) tools for assessing the wider economic benefits (reliability, accessibility, and intermodal connectivity) of transportation projects in the State of Indiana. A parallel analysis of selected projects using TREDIS was also conducted in order to compare the relative merit or synergies between the tools. In the short term, the implementation of this study will consist of a set of training sessions for INDOT and MPOs. These sessions will cover the theoretical background as well as demonstrate the use of the EconWorks W.E.B. tools. In the long-term, INDOT plans to use the EconWorks Connectivity tool on projects that provide linkages to multimodal facilities. INDOT has also identified future studies where the economic impacts of recommended strategies can be estimated using the EconWorks W.E.B. tools. Available staff resources and staff training in economic modeling were indicated as key challenges to a wide implementation of these tools

    Incorporating Economic Resilience Metrics into INDOT’s Transportation Decision-Making

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    The 2007 Great Recession is widely considered the worst economic downturn in recent United States History. In Indiana, the unemployment rate reached 10.6%, and took nearly seven years to return to pre-recession levels. However, employment data from this period shows that the change in total employment at the county level ranged from -20% to +5%, indicating that while many counties suffered from high unemployment, other counties experienced gains in total employment. Various research efforts, including this project, have been undertaken to understand the local characteristics that influence the differing degrees to which regional/city economies were able to resist or cope with the effects of the recession. In the literature, this ability is referred to as regional economic resilience (RER). This research project’s primary objective is to develop a framework and tool that could be used by INDOT’s Asset Planning & Management Division and Indiana metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to evaluate the role of transportation accessibility in building RER of Indiana’s regions to economic shocks. The following tasks were undertaken: the development of a resilience index to inform stakeholders of the comparative RERs in Indiana; the estimation of an econometric model to evaluate the association between Indiana counties’ regional characteristics and the resilience index; the development of a framework in which results of previous tasks can be incorporated into transportation decision-making at the sketch level by MPOs, regional development organizations, and other similar agencies; and design of a tool to allow planners to examine the potential changes to RER due to policies or other exogenous shocks

    Precipitation Sensor Network Optimal Design Using Time-Space Varying Correlation Structure

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    Design of optimal precipitation sensor networks is a common topic in hydrological literature, however this is still an open problem due to lack of understanding of some spatially variable processes, and assumptions that often cannot be verified. Among these assumptions lies the homoscedasticity of precipitation fields, common in hydrological practice. To overcome this, it is proposed a local intensity-variant covariance structure, which in the broad extent, provides a fully updated correlation structure as long as new data are coming into the system. These considerations of intensity-variant correlation structure will be tested in the design of a precipitation sensor network for a case study, improving the estimation of precipitation fields, and thus, reducing the input uncertainty in hydrological models, especially in the scope of rainfall-runoff models

    War in the darkness: Association of semiochemicals and entomopathogens to control wireworms

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    Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are generalist insect pests attacking a wide range of plants, causing significant damages in agriculture. They feed on seeds, roots or crown and are particularly impactful on young seedlings. Wireworms locate their hosts using different cues including Volatiles Organic Compounds (VOCs) released in the rhizosphere and guiding the larvae to an appropriate host. In this study, we aimed at developing an Attract-and-kill strategy by setting up two distinct objectives : (1) comparing the attraction potential of different semiochemicals and (2) identify strains of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes that are efficient in killing wireworms. Plant natural extracts were encapsulated in alginate beads and were shown to attract up to 76% of the tested wireworms, during behavioral assays performed in two-way olfactometers. We then performed volatile collection on these alginate beads and revealed that beads released a blend of eight VOCs, of which acetoin was the one released in higher quantity. Finally, the virulence of twelve strains of entomopathogenic fungi and eleven strains of entomopathogenic nematodes was evaluated. Two species of Metarhizium and one species of Ophiocordyceps were the most virulent against wireworms, leading to mortality levels of 39%, 50% and 57%, respectively. Three entomopathogenic nematodes strains of species Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were highly effective in killing wireworms (88 %, 53 %, and 53 % of mortality). The encapsulation of natural extracts in alginate beads appears to be a promising lure to manipulate wireworms behavior, while the co-encapsulation with entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes remains the major challenge for the development of a new Attract-and-kill strategyNEMACO

    Surveillance for Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Children, US–Mexico Border, 2005–20081

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    We reviewed confirmed cases of pediatric invasive meningococcal disease in Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego County, California, USA, during 2005–2008. The overall incidence and fatality rate observed in Tijuana were similar to those found in the US, and serogroup distribution suggests that most cases in Tijuana are vaccine preventable