263 research outputs found

    Perverse sheaves on affine flags and nilpotent cone of the Langlands dual group

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    In math.RT/0201073 we constructed an equivalence between the derived category of equivariant coherent sheaves on the cotangent bundle to the flag variety of a simple algebraic group and a (quotient of) the category of constructible sheaves on the affine flag variety of the Langlands dual group. Below we prove certain properties of this equivalence; provide a similar ``Langlands dual'' description for the category of equivariant coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone; and deduce some conjectures by Lusztig and Ostrik.Comment: This is a continuation of math.RT/0201073. 13 pages; some correction

    On semi-infinite cohomology of finite dimensional algebras

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    We show that semi-infinite cohomology of a finite dimensional graded algebra (satisfying some additional requirements) are a particular case of a general categorical construction. The motivating example is provided by small quantum groups at a root of unity.Comment: 8 pages. Some expositional changes made; few remarks added, one of them concerning semi-infinite cohomology of small quantum group

    On tensor categories attached to cells in affine Weyl groups

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    We prove a conjecture by Lusztig, which describes the tensor categories of perverse sheaves on affine flag manifolds, with tensor structure provided by truncated convolution, in terms of the Langlands dual group. We also give a geometric (categorical) description of Lusztig's bijection between two-sided cells in an affine Weyl group, and unipotent conjugacy classes in the Langlands dual group. The main tool is the sheaf-theoretic construction of the center of the affine Hecke algebra due to Gaitsgory (based on ideas of Beilinson and Kottwitz), see math.AG/9912074.Comment: The published version of this paper misquoted a result of Lusztig, this version corrects this mistake (thanks to Xinwen Zhu for pointing it out

    Quasi-exceptional sets and equivariant coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone

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    In math.AG/0005152 a certain tt-structure on the derived category of equivariant coherent sheaves on the nil-cone of a simple complex algebraic group was introduced (the so-called perverse tt-structure corresponding to the middle perversity). In the present note we show that the same tt-structure can be obtained from a natural quasi-exceptional set generating this derived category. As a consequence we obtain a bijection between the sets of dominant weights and pairs consisting of a nilpotent orbit, and an irreducible representation of the centralizer of this element, conjectured by Lusztig and Vogan (and obtained by other means in math.RT/0010089).Comment: 17 page

    On two geometric realizations of an affine Hecke algebra

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    The article is a contribution to the local theory of geometric Langlands correspondence. The main result is a categorification of the isomorphism between the (extended) affine Hecke algebra, thought of as an algebra of Iwahori bi-invariant functions on a semi-simple group over a local non-Archimedian field, and Grothendieck group of equivariant coherent sheaves on Steinberg variety of the Langlands dual group; this isomorphism due to Kazhdan--Lusztig and Ginzburg is a key step in the proof of tamely ramified local Langlands conjectures. The paper is a continuation of an earlier joint work with S. Arkhipov, it relies on technical material developed in a paper with Z. Yun.Comment: Further corrections in auxiliary statements, last section expanded. 58p

    Noncommutative Counterparts of the Springer Resolution

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    Springer resolution of the set of nilpotent elements in a semisimple Lie algebra plays a central role in geometric representation theory. A new structure on this variety has arisen in several representation theoretic constructions, such as the (local) geometric Langlands duality and modular representation theory. It is also related to some algebro-geometric problems, such as the derived equivalence conjecture and description of T. Bridgeland's space of stability conditions. The structure can be described as a noncommutative counterpart of the resolution, or as a tt-structure on the derived category of the resolution. The intriguing fact that the same tt-structure appears in these seemingly disparate subjects has strong technical consequences for modular representation theory.Comment: ICM talk; 23 page

    Homological properties of representations of p-adic groups related to geometry of the group at infinity

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    Geometry of buildings is used to prove some homological properties of the category of smooth representations of a reductive p-adic group (Kazhdan's "pairing conjecture", Bernstein's description of homological duality in terms of Deligne-Lusztig duality). A different proof had been obtained a little earlier by Schneider and Stuhler.Comment: This is my PhD thesis (written in 1998, unchanged since 1999

    Geometric Langlands correspondence for D-modules in prime characteristic: the GL(n) case

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    Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p>0. In this paper we explore the relation between algebraic D-modules on the moduli space BunnBun_n of vector bundles of rank n on X and coherent sheaves on the moduli space LocnLoc_n of vector bundles endowed with a connection (in the way predicted by Beilinson and Drinfeld for k of characteristic 0). The main technical tools used in the paper are the geometry of the Hitchin system and the Azumaya property of the algebra of differential operators in characteristic p.Comment: Dedicated to R.MacPherson on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    Cohomology of tilting modules over quantum groups and tt-structures on derived categories of coherent sheaves

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    The paper is concerned with cohomology of the small quantum group at a root of unity, and of its upper triangular subalgebra, with coefficients in a tilting module. We relate it to a certain t-structure on the derived category of equivariant coherent sheaves on the Springer resolution, and to equivariant coherent IC sheaves on the nil-cone. The support of these cohomology is described in terms of cells in affine Weyl groups, and the basis in the Grothendieck group they provide is related to the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis, as predicted by J. Humphreys and V. Ostrik. The proof is based on earlier results of Arkhipov, Ginzburg and the author which allow us to reduce the question to purity of IC sheaves on affine flag varieties.Comment: 26 pages; more lemmas corrected and expande

    Perverse coherent sheaves (after Deligne)

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    This note is mostly an exposition of an unpublished result of Deligne, which introduces an analogue of perverse tt-structure on the derived category of coherent sheaves on a Noetherian scheme with a dualizing complex. Construction extends to the category of coherent sheaves equivariant under an action of an algebraic group; though proof of the general statement in this case does not require new ideas, it provides examples (such as sheaves on the nilpotent cone of a semi-simple group equivariant under the adjoint action) where construction of coherent "intersection cohomology" sheaves works.Comment: This preprint is superseded by arxiv:0902.0349, joint with D. Arinki
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