3 research outputs found

    The breakage of the Fund?o Dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais three years later : considerations on a ?crime that renews itself?.

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    Este artigo aborda o contexto da luta de classes ap?s 03 anos do rompimento/crime da barragem de Fund?o em Mariana-MG, ocorrido no dia 05 de novembro de 2015. Tal fato se inscreve na l?gica produtivista em contexto de capitalismo dependente. O processo de extra??o e comercializa??o do min?rio de ferro, uma das commodities mais produzidas/ extra?das do territ?rio brasileiro neste in?cio de s?culo XXI, ? conformado pela queda e retomada das taxas de lucro, o que contribui para a perpetua??o da depend?ncia e subordina??o econ?mica, pol?tica e social deste continente e do Brasil em rela??o aos pa?ses de capitalismo central. Ap?s o rompimento/crime duas posi??es antag?nicas se explicitaram no processo de ressarcimento e repara??o dos danos/perdas: a atua??o da Funda??o Renova, institui??o fortemente vinculada ?s mineradoras que causaram o rompimento/crime, e a perspectiva de luta e reivindica??o por parte dos atingidos. Conclui-se que o contexto de luta e resist?ncia ? ?rduo, atravessado por interesses de classes sociais antag?nicas que s?o materializados em tr?mites burocr?tico-institucionais e legal-normativos, o que reafirma a hist?rica domina??o do capital sobre a classe trabalhadora no contexto da minera??o extrativista.This article addresses the context of class struggle three years after the breakage/crime of the Fund?o Dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais, which occurred on November 5, 2015. This event is inscribed in the productivist logic of the context of dependent capitalism. The process of extraction and sale of iron ore, one of the most important commodities in Brazil at the outset of the XXIst century, is shaped by the fall and resurgence of profit rates, which contributes to the perpetuation of dependence and the subordination of the continent and Brazil to the core capitalist countries. After the breakage/crime two antagonistic positions emerged in the process of compensation and reparation of damage/losses: that of the Renewal Foundation, an institution closely tied to the mining companies that caused the breakage/crime, and that of the struggle and demands of the victims. It is concluded that the context of struggle and resistance is arduous, characterized by antagonistic social class interests that are materialized in bureaucratic-institutional and legal-normative actions, which reaffirms the historical domination of capital over the working class in the context of mineral extraction

    Mining work relations : analysis of collective agreements signed between the Metabase Inconfidentes Union and Vale S.A. valid from 2009 to 2018.

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    Este artigo analisa e discute os acordos coletivos firmados entre o Sindicato Metabase Inconfidentes e a Vale S.A. com validade no per?odo de 2009 a 2018. Assume a teoria social cr?tica, especialmente a Teoria Marxista da Depend?ncia, para fundamentar a cr?tica ao modo de produ??o capitalista e a sua configura??o a partir da depend?ncia e da superexplora??o da for?a de trabalho neste territ?rio e explicitar que a luta de classes est? presente nos acordos coletivos firmados. Os dados foram agrupados em quatro cl?usulas e foram organizados em tabelas, sendo: 1) Cl?usulas trabalhistas; 2) Cl?usulas sociais; 3) Acordos e Benef?cios referentes ? ?rea da sa?de e 4) Acordos e Benef?cios referentes ? ?rea da fam?lia. Como resultado da an?lise, demonstra-se a conquista e a manuten??o de direitos, bem como a perda de benef?cios ao longo dos anos analisados. Demarca-se a import?ncia e a necessidade da organiza??o coletiva dos trabalhadores para fazer frente ? necessidade de o capital retomar as taxas de lucro neste contexto produtivo. Ressalta-se a atua??o do Sindicato Metabase Inconfidentes enquanto uma entidade combativa e alinhada aos interesses da categoria profissional que representa e da classe trabalhadora como um todo. Por fim, esta discuss?o intenta contribuir com a luta sindical dos trabalhadores da minera??o na regi?o Inconfidentes de Minas Gerais.This article analyzes and discusses the collective agreements signed between the Metabase Inconfidentes Union and Vale SA with validity from 2009 to 2018. It assumes the critical social theory, especially the Marxist Theory of Dependency to support the criticism of the capitalist mode of production and its configuration based on the dependence and overexploitation of the labor force in this territory and to explain that the class struggle is present in the collective agreements signed. The data were grouped into four clauses and were organized in tables, as follows: 1) Labor clauses; 2) Social clauses; 3) Agreements and Benefits referring to the health area and 4) Agreements and Benefits referring to the family area. As a result of the analysis, it demonstrates the conquest and maintenance of rights, as well as the loss of benefits over the years analyzed. It highlights the importance and the need for the collective organization of workers to face the need for capital to resume profit rates in this productive context. The performance of the Metabase Inconfidentes Trade Union is highlighted as a combative entity and aligned with the interests of the professional category it represents and the working class as a whole. Finally, this discussion intends to contribute to the union struggle of mining workers in the Inconfidentes region of Minas Gerais

    University extension and extension curricularization : considerations on social work training.

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    Este artigo problematiza a extens?o universit?ria enquanto um desafio ? forma??o em Servi?o Social na atualidade dando ?nfase ? obrigatoriedade do cumprimento da Meta 12.7 da Lei n? 13.005/2014 - Plano Nacional de Educa??o 2014-2024. Este processo tem sido denominado de ?curriculariza??o da extens?o? e determina que o/a discente cumpra ao longo da sua gradua??o 10% do total da carga hor?ria em a??es extensionistas. Tal a??o assume um car?ter contradit?rio ao que se refere ? extens?o universit?ria enquanto um dos ?mbitos da forma??o acad?mico-profissional. De um lado, a compulsoriedade de cumprimento desta meta sem maiores condi??es objetivas pelas Institui??es de Ensino e pelos/as discentes, e por outro, a luta e defesa da extens?o enquanto um momento importante do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A linha que separa e une estas quest?es ? t?nue. Aponta-se a import?ncia de que a gradua??o ocorra a partir da efetiva articula??o entre as dimens?es do ensino, da pesquisa e da extens?o, e socialmente referenciada e alinhada aos leg?timos interesses da classe trabalhadora materializando no ?mbito da forma??o acad?mica o exposto e defendido no Projeto ?tico-pol?tico profissional das assistentes sociais. Reitera-se a import?ncia de que a extens?o universit?ria assuma e se oriente pelo car?ter popular e classista.This article problematizes university extension as a challenge to training in Social Work today, emphasizing the mandatory compliance with Goal 12.7 of Law No. 13,005 / 2014 - National Education Plan 2014-2024. This process has been called ?extension curricularisation? and determines that the student fulfills 10% of the total workload in extension actions throughout their graduation. Such an action assumes a contradictory character with regard to university extension as one of the areas of academic and professional training. On the one hand, the compulsory fulfillment of this goal without greater objective conditions by the Teaching Institutions and by the students, and on the other hand, the struggle and defense of extension as an important moment in the teaching-learning process. The line between these issues is tenuous. It points out the importance of the graduation taking place from the effective articulation between the dimensions of teaching, research and extension, and socially referenced and aligned with the legitimate interests of the working class materializing in the scope of academic training the exposed and defended in the Project ethical-political professional role of social workers. It is reiterated the importance of the university extension assuming and being guided by the popular and class character