30 research outputs found

    Haematological profile of blood of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) fed sunflower and sesame meal based diets

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    The effect of substituting soybean meal with raw sunflower and sesame seed meal was evaluated using haematological indices of Clarias gariepinus fed the diets containing sunflower and sesame seed meal. Seven isonitrogeneous and isocaloric diets containing sunflower and sesame seed meal replacing soybean meal at a rate of 15, 30 and 45% were prepared. A diet without replacement of soybean meal served as control. The result of fish fed test diets showed significant (P0.05) in the fish fed control diet and test diets with respect to MCH, MCHC, ESr, Neutrophil, Monocytes, Eusinophils and Lymphocytes. Hence it can be concluded that the haemotological parameter of Clarias gariepinus is not significantly (P>0.05) changed with increase dietary inclusion of raw sunflower and sesame seed meal

    Changes in physicochemical and sensory characteristics of smoke-dried fish species stored at ambient temperature

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    This study assessed the comparative changes in the physical and chemical  components of five different species of smoked freshwater fish: Bony tongue, Heterotis niloticus, African carp, Labeo coubie, Snake fish, Parachanna obscura, Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and African mud catfish, Clarias gariepinus during storage. The fish were smoke-dried to average moisture content of 10.41 ± 0.02% and stored. Fish were packaged in black polythene bags and kept in  perforated plastic containers. The fish were left in the plastic baskets for 56 days at ambient temperature (25-32oC). Samples of fish were assessed weekly for physical attributes such as colour, fragmentation, odour, taste and texture. Proximate  composition was assessed using changes in moisture content, crude protein, lipid and ash content. Biochemical indexes carried out were: Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN), pH, Peroxide Value (PV) and Free Fatty Acid (FFA) levels. There was a general decline in physical attributes i.e. colour, fragments or cracks, odour, taste and texture of fish during storage. Fluffy woolly mat of moulds were noticed on the Clarias gariepinus from the 5th week of storage. There was a significant (P <0.05) colour change in most species as from the 6th week. During this study, the moisture content increased weekly in the five smoked fish species from the initial average of 10.41±0.02%. This could be attributed to the difference in the moisture of the smoked fish relative to the surroundings. Oreochromis niloticus and Heterotis  niloticus had the best taste value. Apart from Parachanna obscura, the other fatty species, C. gariepinus and L. coubie became less firm as the weeks progressed. There were significant changes (P <0.05) in most of the physical and chemical  characteristics except odour from the 6th week (42 days) of storage. There were also significant differences (P <0.05) between the initial and final values of the  proximate and chemical constituents of the different species of fish. The study showed that keeping quality of smoked fish under ambient conditions decreases with increase in length of storage.Keywords: Freshwater fish, hot smoking, storag

    Comparative effect of alternative feed materials with Artemia in the diet of Clarias gariepinus larvae

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    A 35-day feeding trial was conducted to compare and evaluate nine first feeds for Clarias gariepinus. The nine feedingstuff materials contained more than 40% crude protein. Artemia, coppens and fishmeal were used as single protein sources. Fish egg meal, cattle liver meal and shrimp meal were supplemented with yeast alone or yeast combined with folic acid. Twenty fish larvae were kept in plastic bowls with replicate for each treatment inside the laboratory. Feeding commenced after yolk absorption. Each diet was fed to fry twice daily to apparent satiation. Percentage survival at the end of the experimental period ranged between 0% and 100% for fish on fish egg supplemented with yeast and folic acid and liver meal with yeast respectively. Fish fed artemia had the highest weight while those on shrimp meal supplemented with yeast had the least. Highest specific growth rate was in fish fed fish egg supplemented with both folic acid and yeast. The cost of rearing Clarias gariepinus larvae can be appreciably reduced by using non conventional protein sources, which are locally available, for feed preparation

    Water parameters in Ilaje Local Government Area Ondo State

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    Ilaje Local Government Area of Ondo State is blessed with many rivers, lagoons, tributaries lakes and a very long coastline, of about 180km making the State as a coastal state with the longest coastline in Nigeria. The people are predominantly fishermen. The fish produced from this area could be further boosted through farming of fish especially in cages along the available creeks at not much cost to the inhabitants. This study shows that the waters of the area were found optimal for fish production. This further buttressed by the fact that the area has been an active zone of fish production for ages. This historical perspective is been considered as the baseline in the study for perpetuating the culture of fish and other aquaculture species in the are

    Apparent nutrient digesibility coefficient of sunflower and sesame seed meal in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) fingerlings

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    The apparent digestibility coefficient of raw sunflower (Helianthus annus). and sesame (Sesamum indicum) seedmeal by Clariid catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings was evaluated at 15,30 and 45% levels of replacement respectively using soybean meal based diets as control diet. There was significant difference (p0.05) in apparent lipid and fibre digestibilities of fish fed control diet and test diets RSF15 and RSM1

    A review of essential checklists for fish cage culture

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    Nigeria has potentials for high production of fish from her water bodies. Fishing is the predominant means of fish supply that needs to be increased by fish fanning in different enclosures. Cage aquaculture is possible in several existing water bodies. The essential inputs for a successful fish cage farming therefore need to be considered. This would be an added wealth creation for job seekers/farmers hitherto involved in traditional fishing


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    Five iso-nitrogenous (39.0% crude protein) and iso-caloric diets (510 kJ gross energy) were prepared with fumaric acid added at varying inclusion levels: 0 (D1), 0.5 (D2), 1.0 (D3), 1.5 (D4) or 2.0 (D5) g kg-1 of diet. Diets were fed to triplicate groups of Clarias gariepinus (mean initial weight 68.14±1.5 g) for 84 days in 50 liters glass tanks. At the end of the experiment, fish fed diet D3 gave significantly higher growth indices closely followed by the control diet (D1). There were significant differences in weight gain, specific growth rate, food conversion ratio and percentage survival in fish fed diet D3 when compared with those fed diet D5. The haematological parameters of experimental fish revealed significant variations among treatments. The highest haemoglobin, packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) values were recorded in fish fed diet D2 while the lowest were recorded in those fed diets D3. Challenge test showed that mortality was 100% in the control while it was between 0 and 86.67% in other treatments. Inclusion of 1.0 g kg-1 of fumaric acid in C. gariepinus diets boosted growth. Inclusion of 0.5 g kg-1 of fumaric acid improved fish haematological parameters. In overall, incorporation of fumaric acid in C. gariepinus diets improved fish survival after Aeromonas sobria challenge.Za potrebe istraživanja pripremljeno je pet hranidbenih smjesa izjednačenih prema hranidbenom sastavu (39% sirovih protein, 510 kJ bruto energije) u koje je nadodana fumarna kiselina s različitim udjelima: 0 (D1), 0,5 (D2), 1,0 (D3), 1,5 (D4) ili 2,0 (D5) g kg-1 od ukupne smjese. Afrički somovi su podijeljeni u triplikate te hranjeni 84 dana u 50 litarskim bazenima. Na kraju pokusa, ribe hranjene hranidbenom smjesom D3 imale su značajno više indekse rasta, usporedive sa sličnim rezultatima kontrolne hranidbe (D1). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u masi, specifičnoj stopi rasta, konverziji hrane i postotku preživljavanja kod usporedbe riba hranjenih hranidbenim smjesama D3 i D5. Hematološki parametri ukazuju na značajne varijacije između tretmana. Najviše vrijednosti hemoglobina, PCV, eritrocita i leukocita zabilježene su kod riba hranjenih s D2, a najniže kod riba hranjenih s D3 hranidbenom smjesom. Pri izlaganju riba patogenu, zabilježen je 100% mortalitet u kontrolnoj skupini te između 0 – 86,67% u ostalim tretmanima. Možemo zaključiti da je uključivanje 1,0 g kg-1 fumarne kiseline u hranidbu afričkog soma unaprijedilo rast riba dok je inkluzija od 0,5 g kg-1 poboljšala krvne pokazatelje. Ugradnja fumarne kiseline u hranidbu afričkog soma poboljšala je preživljavanje nakon izloženosti patogenu Aeromonas sobria

    Acute toxicity of industrial effluents from Agbara environs of Ologe Lagoon on early life stages of African catfish Clarias gariepinus

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    The acute toxic effect of industrial effluents from Agbara Industrial environs of Ologe lagoon was investigated in a static renewable lethal bioassay using fingerlings and Juveniles of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Twenty (20) pieces of the fingerlings were stocked per tank and each treatment was in triplicate. Physico-chemical parameters: temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, DO and conductivity in treatment tanks were monitored for 96 hours. Behavioural responses were studied; mortality data recorded, and histopathological analysis was also done. Except for dissolved oxygen, other physico-chemical parameters monitored did not show significant differences (p>0.05). The lethal bioassay showed that as the concentration of effluent increased, more mortality was recorded; but as the time of exposure increased, mortality reduced. The LC50 obtained at all the different time intervals for C. gariepinus fingerlings in 24,48, 72 and 96 hrs were: 69.45,46.39, 40.81 and 34.03(%). While in juveniles, the values were: 64.52,49.21, 32.50, and 19.63(%) respectively. Abnormal behaviour was observed; they showed repeated darting movement within an hour of introduction, darkening in the eye and on the skin, haemorrhage in the gills, spiral swimming and death. Histopathological examination of the gills and liver of the fishes showed lesions which increased progressively with increasing level of toxicants. Observed changes in the gills were mainly: epithelial lifting, swollen lamellae, necrosis and mass degeneration, fatty and vacuolar degeneration, loss of lamellae and marked disorganization in gill structure and arrangement. In the liver, there were vacoulation, portal congestions, pancreatic necrosis, fatty degeneration and severe disruption of the hepatic cord. Fishes in the control treatments showed no visible lesions throughout the experiments. This information confirms that histopathological alterations are good biomarkers for toxic impact assessment of industrial effluent on fish. Therefore, an indiscriminate discharge of this effluent to surrounding water should be discouraged

    Cooked sesame meal in the diet of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822): Effects on haematology, liver and kidney histology

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    Haematological and histological alterations are strong pointers to the health status of farmed fish, farm animals and even humans. These provide dependable information on metabolic disorders and deficiency. The haematological and histological changes in African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) fingerlings fed cooked sesame (Sesamum indicum) seed meal was examined in a 56-day feeding trial. Three batches of sesame seeds were cooked for 10, 20 or 30 min, dried, milled, and mechanically defatted using a screw press. Cooked seed meals (CSM) were substituted for defatted soybean meal in the diets of African catfish at 15, 30, and 45 per cent. The highest haemoglobin content (Hb) was found in catfish fed the control diet (CTR), while the lowest Hb levels were found in catfish fed the CSM345 diet. The haemoglobin content of catfish fed different dietary treatments varied significantly (P<0.05). Hb values of catfish fed CTR diet and test diets CSM115, CSM215, CSM315, and CSM130 were not significantly different (P>0.05). Other haematological parameters of the fish fed various dietary treatments showed a similar trend as RBC. Dietary replacement of soybean meal by differently cooked sesame seed meal in Clarias gariepinus diet did not affect haematology of the fish at lower inclusion levels for the different cooking times employed in the study (15% and 30% inclusion level for 10 min cooked sesame-based diets; 15% inclusion level for 20 and 30 min cooked sesame-based diets). Although, there was marked vacuolation of hepatocytes in catfish subjected to various dietary treatments, however these did not relate to dose-dependent dietary treatments

    Effect of cold and hot smoking of Clarias gariepinus on consumer preference

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    The objective of this study was to determine the best smoking method that will enhance consumer preference for Clarias gariepinus without affecting negatively the nutritive value. Two methods of smoking were used: cold and hot smoking. The fish were smoked with improvised drum smoking kiln and oven. Smoked fish samples obtained were subjected to chemical analyses and sensory evaluation. Chemical analyses showed that the smoked fish were still rich in protein (66.0067.52%) and fat (9.83-12.28%); while the moisture content ranged between 7.82-8.24% and ash, 12.86-14.16%. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the protein, ash and moisture contents. Significant differences (P0.05) in the colour and taste ratings of the smoked fish samples. However, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the odour, texture and overall acceptability. Hot smoke-dried and cold oven-dried Clarias gariepinus had the best overall acceptability in ratings