37 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Panjang Saluran Transmisi terhadap Tegangan Lebih Transient yang Disebabkan Karena Proses Energized pada Saluran Transmisi 500 Kv

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    Yuniarto, in this paper explain that the utility of high transmission line result in the transient over voltage in transmission-line will also increasingly higher, mainly for lightning and switching surge. Switching surge is a dominant factor to show up much transient over voltage in the transmission-line in the level of 230 kV or higher, if it is compared with lightning surge. Switching surge is caused by single energized process, the process itself to energize a transmission line in no load condition with energy power through switch closure operation. The research was aiming at observing the influence of transmission-line length to transient over voltage that occurred at the energized process in 500 kV transmission line Ungaran-Pedan, which used EMTP (Electromagnetic Transients Program) to simulate it. The result of simulation showed that the transient over voltage occurred along the transmission-line which caused the higher voltage increase, providing that the line is also longer

    Profil Surja Hubung Karena Proses Energized (Pemberian Tenaga) pada Saluran Transmisi 500 Kv

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    Yuniarto, in this paper explain that transient over voltage that happened because switching surge have tobe paid attention to don't cause the damage equipments of insulation coordination system. This research aim toperceive the transient over voltage at the end of 500 kv transmission line caused energized process by using EMTP(Electromagnetic Transients Program) as toll to simulate the energized process. Data for this research was takenfrom 500 kv transmission line Ungaran-Pedan. From this research was expected can become a reference for powercompany in planning insulation coordination at transmission line.Result of research show that transient over voltage at the end of 500 kv transmission line caused energizedprocess reach more or less twice its nominal voltag

    Profil Surja Hubung Karena Proses Energized Pada Saluran Transmisi 500 Kv

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    Transient over voltage that happened because switching surge have to be paid attention to don\u27t cause the damage equipments of insulation coordination system. This research aim to perceive the transient over voltage at the end of 500 kv transmission line caused energized process by using EMTP (Electromagnetic Transients Program) as toll to simulate the energized process. Data for this research was taken from 500 kv transmission line Ungaran-Pedan. From this research was expected can become a reference for power company in planning insulation coordination at transmission line. Result of research show that transient over voltage at the end of 500 kv transmission line caused energized process reach more or less twice its nominal voltag

    Simulasi Sistem Peringatan Dini Ketinggian Air Sungai dengan Menggunakan Alarm dan SMS Gateway Berbasis At-mega 16

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    Muhammad Firdaus, Yuniarto, in this paper explain that river is one of the important and supporting places for human life, some uses of the river include supporting industrial activities, tourism and much more, besides that many in some river function sites are used as dams for use as an area of electricity generation or just for control water content, but from rivers also natural disasters can occur, which is like a flood caused by overflowing river water The alert system will flood from overflowing rivers until now it cannot work automatically to determine the river's water level. This causes the average local population not to know when the river surface will overflow. In this study a flood detection system was designed that works automatically by knowing the level (level) of the river's water level In designing this tool, the system will be made on the basis of the Atmega 16 microcontroller, where as an input electrodes will be used as detection of water level, and the output will be an alarm with a certain type of sound that adjusts the water level. destination number in the form of notification of the condition of the river water level to be detected. Keywords: Monitoring system, water level, electrodeReferencesIonisasi',Available:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionisasi [04, Juni, 2017]Utami Budi,et.al, Kimia Edisi 1, Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2009Utami Budi,wt.al, Edisi 2, Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2009Winoto Ardi, Mikrokontroller AVR ATmega 8/32/16/8535 dan Pemrogamannya dengan Bahasa C pada WinAVR, Bandung : INFORMATIKA (IF)----, 2006, Data Sheet Mikrokontroller AT-Mega16(L), Atmel.Floyd, T., Principles of Electric circuits conventional current vertion 8th Edition, New Jersey, Hal. 486-496Purnama, A, 2012, Elektronika Dasar, Available http://elektronika-dasar.web.id/ [04,Juni, 2017]Cathey, JJ., Schaum's Outlines Electronic Devices and Circuits 2nd Edition, USA, Hal. 70-71, 2002Boylestad, R, and Nashelsky, L, Electronic Device and Circuit Theory 7th Edition, Ohio, Hal. 180-185Buzzer, 2007,Available : http://elektronika-elektronika.blogspot.co.id/2007/04/Buzzer.html, [30, Mei, 2017]Imersa Lab , Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroller, http://www.immersa-lab.com/sistem-minimum-mikrokontroler.html [07, juni, 2017

    Rancang Bangun Antenna Wajanbolic dengan Diameter 46 Centimeter pada Frekuensi 1900 Mhz untuk Memperkuat Penerimaan Sinyal Wcdma

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    Ichsyan Nafik, Yuniarto, in paper a 1900 MHz, 46 cm wajanbolic antenna design to strengthen wcdma signal reception explain that the antenna is a device used to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves electromagnetic waves. Reception using an antenna will amplify the signal acquisition in accordance with the ability of the antenna itself. Signal instability that often occurs in WCDMA networks makes the need for strengthening the acquisition of the signal is very large. Antenna Wajanbolic is one option reinforcement signal acquisition. In WCDMA networks, downlink frequency used at 2100 MHz, while the uplink frequency to 1900MHz. Antenna wajanbolic Must ditune to resonate in the uplink frequency is 1900 MHz. The final project focuses on making wajanbolic antenna for Line of Sight (LoS) who works at a frequency of 1900 MHz for WCDMA (3G). In accordance with the name wajanbolic antenna, this antenna uses a reflector from the pan, with a waveguide of modified pipes are coated with aluminum duct tape, and a signal receiver using a USB 3G modem. From the results of the testing and analysis of the results showed that wajanbolic antenna is directional antenna that has the directivity signal. This wajanbolic got an antenna gain of 16 dB value

    Rancang Bangun Simulasi Display Arus Gangguan Relai Proteksi Sel 551 di Master Station pada Scada Survalent sebagai Upaya Memperbaiki Saidi

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    Dzulfikar Muhammad Azhar, Yuniarto, in this paper explian that disruption of the power distribution network of 20 KV greatly influence the level of reliability of electric power system. Localize interference by means of network down one by one causing a long recovery time. As a result, SAIDI relatively high value. Protection Relays 551 SEL has a feature that can save the nominal fault current value last received. The value stored in the relay memory. Value of fault current can be processed into the distance nuisance. Thus, the fault current value can help officers to track the fault location based on distance. SCADA as a system that monitors and controls the electrical power system equipment remotely in real time on duty to display the current value of disturbance located at 551 SEL protection relays to be sent to the Control Center or the Master Station

    Aplikasi Java Dan Mysql Pada Sistem Informasi Minimarket

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    David Robby Sanjaya, Yuniarto, in paper java and mysql application at minimarket information system explain that an endless human needs combined by their daily activities, made a lot of people reluctant to do shopping at a traditional market. Minimarket or supermarket that finally became a way out for this problem, because it had a good management system for organized the items and the transactions. Regulation of items and money at minimarket or supermarket require a good software. There are a lot of programming language that can be used for create this software, one of that is Java programming language. Java in this information system be used for create an interface to user while Mysql be used to manage a databases. Java programming language, Mysql, Netbeans and iReport are tools that applied to this Minimarket information system