7 research outputs found

    The Illocutionary Acts of the Characters in Wonder a Novel by R.J. Palacio

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    This research discusses the use of illocutionary acts uttered by the characters in Wonder a novel by R.J. Palacio. It explores how the acts of illocutionary are conveyed by the characters in the whole novel. The purpose of this study is to find the type of illocutionary acts uttered by the main characters, the intended meaning of utterances, and the character's purposes in using such assertive. This research applies the pragmatics theory about speech acts to analyze the use of illocutionary acts in conversations. This study is qualitative research and it uses document as the source of the data that is Wonder a novel by R.J. Palacio. The result of this study shows that there are four types of illocutionary uttered by the characters. The types of illocutionary acts are assertive, commissive, directive, and expressive. Those utterances have the intended meanings that are influenced by the context of the situation in every phenomenon

    English Reading Texts Model Using the Ecoliteracy Lexicons Approach

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    This article discusses the English reading texts model using the Ecoliteracy Lexicons. The study aims to design and develop an example of English reading text by using the ecological or environment lexicons. This study applied the Educational Research and Development (R & D) method. It was conducted in Sumbawa District, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The instruments of this study were the validation sheet, a questionnaire sheet and a documentation instrument. The result of the study revealed that there are four types of English reading texts based on the ecoliteracy lexicons. The first is the English reading text-based-beaches marine lexicons, which have developed and designed the text using ecological lexicon Jempol Beach and Goa Beach lexicon. The second is the English reading text-based-historical architecture environment lexicons constructed the text by applying two ecological lexicons of Dalam Loka palace and Bala Puti Palace. The third is the English reading text-based-marine archipelagos environment lexicons, which used the Moyo Island and Ngali Island's ecological lexicons in developing and designing the English reading text.  The last one is the English reading text-based- traditional farmland environment lexicons, which was developed and designed using the ecological lexicons of Orong and Uma

    Program Pipanisasi Air Tawar untuk Penduduk Daerah Pesisir Pantai di Desa Batu Nampar

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    Pengelolaan air untuk rumah tangga khusus kebutuhan mandi, cuci, dan kakus  , pada daerah yang krisis air sangat sulit karena sarana dan prasara belum ada. Salah satu program pipanisasi dilaksanakan untuk menyalurkan air bersih di Desa Batu Nampar, pelaksanaan ini bersamaan dengan KKN Tematik Universitas Mataram tahun 2019. Pipanisasi dilaksanaakan untuk penyaluran air dari tendon penanpungan ke tempat mck tersebut. Jarak untuk mengambil air (tempat pengambilan air bersama tidak lebih dari 10 meter jarak antara tiap rumah penduduk. Hasil masyarakat mendapat kemudahan dalam pengambilan air

    Prediksi Kebutuhan Data Mahasiswa Untuk Kuliah Daring Kondisi Covid-19 Di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Mataram: Prediction of Student Data Needs for Online Lectures Covid-19 Conditions in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Mataram

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    In the covid-19 condition, lectures at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mataram University changed from a face-to-face process to via the Internet. T here will be a very sharp increase in demand. The use of data initially provided by the University of Mataram using a free hotspot network turned into a burden on lecturers and students. This research was conducted by sampling, general compulsory subjects, compulsory electrical courses, and compulsory expertise subjects. The distribution of variations of students domiciled in the City of Mataram and the other place coverage Lombok Island, within NTB and outside NTB. The results obtained are as follows: students who still survive in Mataram City are 17% (10.5 GB), Lombok Island 48% (8.1 GB), outside Lonbok Island 27% (4.8 GB), and outside NTB 8% (15 GB). Keyword : covid-19; lectures; onlin

    Disaster Anticipation Program in Support Village Racing Circuit Mandalika-kuta Central Lombok

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    Desa Selong Belanak merupakan bagian dari 9 desa  penyangga Sirkuit Mandalika. Kondisi desa yang diketahui sebagai desa yang sering terkena bencana banjir, tanah longsor dan gempa bumi disetiap tahunnya, maka  membutuhkan  adanya  Program Desa Tanggap Bencana (DESTANA). Pelaksanaan program tertuju pada memiliki kemampuan mandiri untuk memiliki kemampuan untuk mengenali ancaman diwilayahnya dan mampu mengorganisasikan sumber daya masyarakatnya untuk mengurangi kerentanan sekaligus meningkatkan kapasitas demi mengurangi resiko bencana, mencengah dan mengantisipasi terjadinya bencana akibat perbuatan manusia, tanggap bencana terhadap gejala alam, beradaptasi dan menghadapi potensi bencana alam, kalau sesudah bencana agar mampu meminimalis dampak akibat bencana. Cara yang dilakukan dengan dilaksanakan kegiatan berikut : sosialisasi tentang potensi kebencanaan, kegiatan penanaman kembali pohon (reboisasi), bersih pantai dan rumah ibadah, serta  pemasangan plang kebencanaan. Usaha Pengadian Kepada Masyarakat perlu adanya pelatihan yang keberlanjutan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan relawan DESTANA untuk meningkatkan skill dan kemampuan tentang DESTANA ketika dalam menghadapi bencana alam. Kesiapsiagaan dari DESTANA menyadarkan harus terus waspada terhadap bencana

    Analisis Big Data Geomagnetik dengan Metode Diferensiasi sebagai Prekursor Gempa Lombok Tahun 2018

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    Lombok is an area with the highest geomagnetic anomaly in Indonesia (Zubaidah et al., 2014). From the end of July to the end of August 2018, Lombok experienced a series of fairly large earthquakes. Identification of geomagnetic signals, especially in the Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) spectrum, can be used as earthquake precursors (Saroso, 2010). Intermagnet IAGA (International Aeronomy Geomagnetic Association) is a network of International geomagnetic observatory stations that have large world geomagnetic data. Big data analysis is very important because very large information is needed in disaster mitigation. This study uses geomagnetic data per second for 24 hours from 28 August to 30 November 2018 taken from Kakadu (KDU) Australia and Nurul Bayan Station (NRB) Lombok. The analytical method used is Differentiation by calculating the F value (total magnetic field) for KDU and NRB, then look for the difference and analyze the pattern. The results found that there was an anomaly phenomenon of the Earth's magnetic field in Nurul Bayan Lombok which was detected for 17 days during October 2018