3 research outputs found

    Analisis Persepsi Konsumen Pengguna Jasa Medis Non Kejiwaan Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Jambi Customer Perceptions Analysis Of Medical Services Non Psycho In Jambi Regional Mental Hospital

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    This study aims to look at differences in perceptions of two groups of respondents namely consumers who are ever in comparison with consumers who have never used non-psychiatric medical services at the Regional Mental Hospital Jambi using Anova Differences Test (ANALISYS Of Variance) Samples t Independence, which is at the top 5 (five) variables include: Brand, price, Medical workers, health facility, and location. Study samples were patients who had used non-psychiatric medical services in Regional Mental Hospital Jambi A total of 100 respondents who have not used non-psychiatric medical services in Edinburgh RSJD as many as 100 respondents who are residents around the domicile RSJD Jambi. The results are the average differences are significant between the two groups of respondent perceptions of whether the comparison in total in all variables and partial comparisons between variables

    Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Jasa Perbankan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Studi Kasus pada PT. Btpn Tbk Cabang Jamb

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    Banking Service Quality Dimensions (BSQ) is a dimension which is devoted tobanking to measure the variables or dimensions of service in the banking industry.Dimensions of effectiveness and assurance, access, price, tangible, portfolio,reliability (Banking Service Quality), Bahia and nantel 2002. In this regard, it isnecessary to do research on the influence of service quality dimensions Banking(BSQ) toward customer satisfaction in bank branches BTPN Jambi. Data collectiontechniques used in this study was questionnaires (respondents who captured some 95people who are bank customers BTPN Jambi), interviews with the staff and literaturestudy. This study uses linear regression analysis using analytical tools PASW Statistic18 (Predictive Analytic Software), to see the influence of independent variablesdirectly or through correlation to the dependent variable. Once analyzed, it is knownthat both simultaneously and partially, BSQ significantly influence customersatisfaction

    Visiting Intention: A Perspective of Destination Attractiveness and Image in Indonesia Rural Tourism

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of destination attractiveness and image on visiting intention in Indonesia rural tourism. Data were collected from tourist are visiting rural tourism in Kerinci district, Jambi Province (Indonesia). This study used the three variables important factors to develop tourism destination where one of potential object existed, meanwhile destination image from the tourism influenced their interest to visit. The research finding is the significant impact of destination attractiveness through destination image towards development of visiting intention. A main reason destination attractiveness is one of key factors to attract tourist what they want and need. Secondly, an important to create nature tourism achievement perspective between local people and government. Third, also to increase a public awareness of their effort an environment protecting and preserving it as economic value thru rural tourism