57 research outputs found

    Preferred Product Attributes for Sustainable Outdoor Clothes

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    This study investigated consumers\u27 preferred product attributes in their purchase of sutainable outdoor down jackets

    A Social Network Analysis of Consumers’ Perceived Brand Positions in the Running Shoes Market

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    Despite the slightly downturn in the footwear market due to weak economic performance in the US, the sales of running shoes gains steadily to $2.46 billion in 2011(Running USA, 2012) . However, increased intensity of competition in this section leads to more homogeneous products. Products targeting the same needs or competing on the same attributes decrease the profitability of the market as well as of each player (Porter, 1979). Therefore, branding strategies aiming at establishing a unique brand position in the market is crucial for all the brands in the running shoes market

    Consumer Behavior toward Luxury Fashion Rental: A Hierarchical Motivations Approach

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    With the emerging New Luxury Comers and new consumerism after the recession, luxury fashion rental has been showing a great potential for speed growth. However, limited literature is existing on consumer behavior toward luxury fashion rental. Using a hierarchical Confirmatory Factor Analysis, this study conceptualized the multi-dimensional structure of consumers’ motivations toward luxury fashion rentals. Seven motivations were identified and classified as intrinsic vs. extrinsic. The results of this study can provide a great foundation for future studies on consumers’ behavior toward luxury fashion rental services

    The Role of Self-congruity in Chinese Young Consumers’ Brand Evaluation and Brand Loyalty towards Sportswear Brands

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    Chinese market for sportswear is by far the second largest market in the world just after United States (Euromonitor International, 2013). In the Chinese sportswear market, international brands including Nike, Adidas, Kappa, Puma, and FILA dominate the high-end market. Chinese domestic brands like Li-Ning, Anta and Peak occupy the medium and low-end sportswear market (Research and Market, 2012)

    Consumers\u27 Reasoned Behavior Toward American Alligator Leather Products.

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    This study determined consumers\u27 perception of and attitude toward American alligator leather products and evaluated factors affecting consumers\u27 purchase intention of the products. The Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) theory of reasoned behavior served as the theoretical framework for the study. The influence of six variables on purchase intention was measured: attitude toward purchase based on product attributes, subjective norm with respect to purchase, traditional attitude toward fashion products (fashion involvement), personality traits (self-confidence and self-consciousness), price perception (price-quality schema and prestige sensitivity), and demographics. The correlation between consumers\u27 usage of media for fashion information and purchase intention was also explored. Mail surveys were conducted on a total sample of 1800 females from the population with household incomes of $75,000 or more, residing in eight selected metropolitan statistical areas of the United States. Among them, 690 returned their questionnaires for a response rate of 39%. Data were analyzed using GLM analysis, T-tests, ANOVA, and correlation analyses. The GLM analysis showed attitude and subjective norm had the most significant influences on purchase intention. Self-confidence and education also had significant influences. Prospective purchasers were individuals who had a favorable attitude toward the products, felt strong social pressure to buy the products, had some college education, and were self-confident. No other variables were found to have any significant influence on purchase intention. T-tests and correlation analyses did, however, distinguish intended purchasers from non-purchasers based on their fashion involvement, public self-consciousness and price perception. Consumers\u27 media usage for fashion information and purchase intention were significantly positively correlated. Usage of up-scale catalogs had the most significant correlation with purchase intention, followed by movies, celebrities, magazines, TV shows, and the Internet. This study incorporated all proposed variables in one model and evaluated the relative importance of each variable in predicting consumers\u27 purchase intention of the product. The Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) theory seemed to be effective in predicting consumers\u27 purchase intention of American alligator leather products. Results of this study may be useful to the American alligator industry in targeting their prospective market

    Pinterest: Pinning for Inspiration and Aspiration

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    Pinterest is a social network community where users can share, curate, and discover pictures that represent their personal interests such as food, travel and DIY. Founded in 2008, Pinterest is one of the fastest growing online social networks, which currently represents the third-largest entity of its kind with 10 million total users only behind Facebook and Twitter (CCBy). This network provides a visual emphasis community that allows people with similar interests to post and share pictures. Pinterest focuses on the concept of personal lifestyle (Vaughan, 2012)

    Development of a 3D Neck Model for Chinese Male Professionals

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    This study, using 3D measurements, aims to develop a neck model for a particular market segment in China- male professionals age 25-30, whose work and lifestyles make them vulnerable to neck morphological tensions and changes (Fox news., 2014). Therefore, there are two objectives for this study: 1) to investigate the characterization of Chinese male professionals’ neck by using 3D neck measurements; and 2) to build a 3D neck model that can provide a theoretical reference for an optimal neckline design from an ergonomic point of view

    Exploring the Personality of Luxury Fashion Brands

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    Despite the economic downturn in many parts of the world, the luxury fashion industry is steadily growing. However, at the same time, the competition is getting more intense. Many brands which were traditionally mainly serving the western developed markets are entering the developing countries. Therefore, a challenge facing the luxury fashion brands today is to maintain current loyal customers while expanding to welcome those new customers in the developing countries. As a key concept in relational marketing, brand personality was found having very important impact on consumer behavior toward brands, including brand commitment/loyalty, brand trust, and brand attachment (Louis & Lombart, 2010)

    Exploring College Students’ Shopping Motivation for Secondhand Clothing

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    Trade and use of secondhand clothing has been a norm of the western society since antiquity. Today, popularity of vintage fashion, desire for uniqueness and conspicuously low prices of branded luxury used clothes has given rise to a range of consignment stores, boutiques, and high-street concessions that resell previously worn garments (Hansen 2010). Although trade of secondhand clothing is on increase, there is lack of research done on motives that drive consumers to purchase secondhand clothing
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