26 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pemrosesan Paralel untuk Menguji Waktu Rendering Design Web dengan Framework terhadap Processor melalui Lan, Router dan Ekstranet

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    Designing a website is the first step to build website that gives the appearance of an interface to the website visitor. the appearence web design that interesting can be gived conveniences for visitors to browse the contents of any website content. designing of the website, skill are required several to be master multiple web programming languages, the programming language are HTML, CSS and Javascript. In the overall control of the programming language takes time to be master and understand each other codes. Therefore, to built application that allows users to create a website design. This application is called WebEditor is built using CodeIgniter and Twitter Bootstrap framework. In the rendering process design needed parallel processing techniques to the process. so, the impact in terms of rendering time speed to website design. Throughout this system, users can design a website easily and quickly, and in the process of rendering design does not require for long time. the results of study case have done that it can be seen that influences of the implementation of rendering speed transmission media based on the number of processors and computers server. The percentage of the speed to rendering of design does not using a grid server on the LAN network are 33.7 %, 33.3 % and internet routers 33 %. While using a part of grid servers on the LAN network are 33.6 %, 33.4 % and internet routers 33 % and the final grid using 2 servers on the LAN network are 44 %, 33 % and internet routers 26 %. So the highest rendering speed on the LAN router network for further 44 % and 30 % at the latest on the Internet 26 % by using 2 part of grid servers. Thus rendering the best in the website design is using LAN with 2 part of grid servers

    Layanan Cloud Computing Berbasis Infrastructure as a Service Menggunakan Android

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    Cloud computing, one form of information technologies are widely used in the field of computer networks or the Internet. Cloud computing consists of computer hardware, computer networking devices, and computer software, the cloud computing there are three services provided include (SaaS) Software as a Service (PaaS) Platform as a Service, and (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service. Application cloud computing services in the wake of this system is a service-based data storage infrastructure as a service by using android smartphone as a storage medium, which utilizes FTP Server which is already available on the smartphone. This certainly supports the easy storage of data that utilize various types of internal and external storage on smartphones that serves as a storage server. In addition to the functions of storage available, this service can accommodate streaming function .mp3 file type. Implementation result of the system can be implemented on a local network using a wireless LAN. In addition, the results of user testing using Likert method shows the application can run and function properl

    Penerapan Sistem Keamanan dengan Kriptografi Advanced Encryption Standard (Aes) dan Key Administrator pada Sinkronisasi File

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    File synchronization is the process of homogenization or adjustment between one file at a location with other files in the event that a change to be used up and running in a system. File synchronization is generally a process of data exchange in order to have the same amount of data. To maintain the confidentiality of the data necessary to maintain services for data security. The use of cryptographic AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to encrypt the file and combined with the administrator as an authentication key in making additions or changes to the file is a security system that can be applied to synchronize the files so that data confidentiality will be maintained. The results of the implementation of file synchronization application by applying the AES cryptography and key administrators who carried on the local network and the Internet as a service application data synchronization between the user and the service back-up data as manual handling if storage was damaged and can avoid the theft of data from a file synchronized

    Otomatisasi Penerimaan dan Pengiriman Pesan dengan Sistem Terdistribusi untuk Mendukung Penyebaran Informasi Akademik

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    Advances in technology are increasing rapidly, especially in the field of information and communication technology provides convenience in exchanging information. One widely used communication tool today is the mobile phones which have facilities sending messages or SMS (Short Message Service). With the mobile phone application development, application technology of short message or SMS widely used for more general purposes, one of which is in the academic field. To facilitate the exchange of academic information, including financial data, grades, and exam schedules, distributed systems into tools that are able to provide and process information dynamically.To facilitate the exchange of academic information between the school and students, they invented a system that is distributed for the dissemination of academic information that can be accessed via SMS.Academic information dissemination system based on short message or SMS can enhance the effectiveness of the dissemination of information between the school and students. With a system of information exchange is expected to be faster and more controlled because the cost for all messages can be recorded

    Kualitas Running Text dalam Pemberian Informasi di Lingkungan Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto YOGYAKARTA

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    Requirement about lectures information quickly, easily, accuratelly, and cheaply. To support lectures activity, such as lectures information scedules, lectures changed scedules, and the other informations based on running text with SMS Gateway in one way. In order to increase labor produktivity, data services, and information and increase computer skills in campus suroundings or college, that needs to be pursued in service enhancement effectively and efficiently, using information technology with running text based.In this application contains four interfaces, such as server application view, client application view, wireless fidelity (login hotspot) view, web view. Database design is a effort to make model of data management is still first draft. This database will be use to store data from the application.The result of whole research that can be analyze the test simulation is about mechanics work process from system over all. On the whole analyze result consist of the basic concept that built to become a system which has been discussed on the previous chapter

    Perancangan dan Penerapan Algoritma Jawa untuk Mencari Jarak antara Dua Buah Komputer dalam Jaringan Wireless Lan/hostpot

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    Wireless networks / hostspot using wave or signal transmission media. Waves or signals emitted from a device called an access point having a particular frequency. Signal beam is formed a circular pattern in which the antenna from the access point to the source signal. In a wireless network signal is captured and used a computer to be able to communicate with each other. PING technique is a method to double check the connection by sending data packets from the sending computer to the destination computer. This process can be seen from the travel time required to transmit data packets. So there is some problems how to convert time obtained from the PING into the distance. Algorithm Jawa can be used to convert units of time-based PING the wireless LAN / hostspot into the distance. Basically, two computers that are in a wireless LAN / hostspot will form a triangular pattern. This pattern will be used algorithm jawa to determine the distance between two computers within the wireless LAN / hostspot by utilizing modifications pythagorean theorem for isosceles triangular pattern and the large angle of 400

    Pemanfaatan Direction Api ( Application Programming Interface ) Pada Layanan Google Map Untuk Pencarian Rumah Ibadah Di Kotamadya YOGYAKARTA Pada Handphone Berbasis Android

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    Since the smartphone android as open technology was found, the Users can take some advantages from Google's map service which is exist in the application to build the applications service. API direction can using HTTP to determine the location of the inter-view destination, mileage and road routes that can be passed either as a text string or as a latitude or longitude that can be implemented through a Google map.By using this direction google map service, API, can be used this service to create a searching application service to search the houses of worship. Besides used for knowing generally the houses of worship that exist around the Yogyakarta city, the determination of the shortest path is needed because in this life people often travel from one place to another by considering the efficiency of time, mileage and expenses.Searching service of the houses of worship is existed in the application, it can be tested in various service providers through the internet and GPS signal strength which is optimal enough to obtain the shortest distance with the direction on the map and with a percentage accuracy of the average distance between Google on the map with the actual distance of 99%

    Penerapan Sistem Terdistribusi Pada Together in a Single Connection (Tsc) Berbasis Web

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    Distributed system is a computer networking technology which can be hardware or software. In hardware distributed system by a collection of computers that are heterogeneous, being in the software system is distributed in the form of software that connects two applications in the form of client and server side. TSC method is a method that already existed before, which can be used increase the ranking o f a blog. Implementation distributed system for TSC using landing page as the intermediary. Landing page serves as a liaison between web applications or blogs are listed as a member to raise the ranking of a database on the application server side. When someone does click on landing page seoindonesia, will open a blog or other web members. Landing page so it can be used as a way to count the number of visitors to a blog or website, which in turn can increase the number o f page visits and 1 with 1 clickbutton seoindonesia for test in histats.com