7 research outputs found

    Outcrossing rate of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes under the agro climatic conditions of Northern Germany

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    Safflower oil is considered to be one of the highest quality vegetable oils for human nutrition, containing up to 90% linoleic acid. The cultivation of safflower would enlarge the number of species to increase biodiversity and widen crop rotation. Very little effort on safflower breeding has been done in Germany. The knowledge of the pollination system is a prerequisite of efficiently designing future breeding programmes. The cross pollination rate between and within plots was investigated in Göttingen (Latitude: 51° 32' North and Longitude: 9° 57' East ) in 2004 and 2005. A plot of 10 m2 of non-spiny plants was surrounded by plots of spiny plants. Ten nonspiny plants each of the border rows and of the core were harvested individually. The rate of cross pollination was calculated as the ratio of spiny to non-spiny offsprings. The average cross pollination was 6.5% (core), 9.7% (border no.1) and 18.1% (border no. 2). In a second experiment the rate of cross pollination within plots was estimated from non-spiny plants grown in mixture with spiny plants. The outcrossing rate was about 63% in 2004, but about 30% in 2005. Isolating or covering flowers by bags or cloth should be considered in pedigree breeding

    Potential des Anbaus von Saflor (Carthamus tinctorius L.) unter den Bedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus in Mitteleuropa

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    Under organic farming conditions, twenty safflower genotypes were tested for genotype-by-environment interaction (GxE) and stability across four locations in Germany and Switzerland for seed yield and oil content.. ANOVA showed highly significant differences among the genotypes, locations and GxL interactions for yield and oil content. None of the genotypes had a significant regression coefficient or a mean square deviation from the regression coefficient, thereby all genotypes are considered stable for seed yield, whereas, BS-62929 and PI-5724755 were relatively the most stable for oil content

    Züchtung von Saflor für den ökologischen Landbau

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    Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) yields valuable oil for human consumption be-cause of its high amount of linoleic acid. A large demand exists for this oil, but there is no organic production in Germany. The main objective of this research is to compare different methods of selection, to develop a simple non-destructive method for analyz-ing seed constituents such as oil content, and to develop lines with increased oil content and higher disease resistance

    Relationships among different geographical groups, agro-morphology, fatty acid composition and RAPD marker diversity in Safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius )

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    Patterns of geographical diversity, and the relationship between agro-morphological traits and fatty acid composition were assessed for 193 safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) accessions representing forty countries. Accessions were assigned to eight groups based on geographical proximity. Cluster and Principal Component analyses were performed to assess patterns of diversity among the accessions and to select the most distant accessions from each of eight groups for analysis of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. There was a large amount of diversity for agro-morphological traits, fatty acid composition, and RAPD markers. Most correlations among different traits were rather low. Plant height showed a positive correlation with days to flowering (r=0.63**). Palmitic acid was positively correlated with stearic acid and oleic acid values, and negatively correlated with linoleic acid (P<0.01). Oleic acid and linoleic acid showed a strong negative correlation (r=−0.89**). The first three principal components together explained 59% of the variation, however, neither principal component analysis (PCA) nor marker analysis revealed a clear relationship between diversity pattern and geographical origin. Accessions from some geographical regions tended to group together, such as accessions from South Western Asia, Central Western Europe, and the Mediterranean region. The correlation between the morphological matrix and the genetic matrix based on RAPD markers was not significant (r=0.027). Wide diversity in safflower germplasm indicates a considerable potential for improving this crop for both agronomic and quality trait

    Evaluierung von Saflor-Akzessionen für den Ökologischen Landbau

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    In Deutschland werden im Ökologischen Landbau trotz vorhandener Nachfrage nach Speiseöl nur sehr wenige Ölpflanzen angebaut. Saflor oder Färberdistel ist dabei als eine sinnvolle Alternative zu Raps bzw. Sonnenblumen anzusehen, es liegen jedoch bislang nur wenige Untersuchungen zur Anbauwürdigkeit vor. 741 Saflorherkünfte wurden 2002 auf ihre Anbaueignung unter hiesigen Klimabedingungen zweiortig geprüft. 2003 wurden 65 daraus ausgelesene, überlegene Herkünfte in einer dreiortigen Leistungsprüfung getestet. Es zeigte sich neben einer sehr großen Variabilität des verwendeten Materials, dass sich vorrangig europäische Formen durch eine gute Kornausbildung und höhere Samenerträge auszeichneten. Zwischen beiden Jahren bestand keine Beziehung in den Samenerträgen der 65 Herkünfte