359 research outputs found

    J_AW,WA functions in Passarino-Veltman reduction

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    In this paper we continue to study a special class of Passarino-Veltman functions J arising at the reduction of infrared divergent box diagrams. We describe a procedure of separation of two types of singularities, infrared and mass singularities, which are absorbed in simple C0 functions. The infrared divergences of C0's can be regularized then by any method: photon mass, dimensionally or by the width of an unstable particle. Functions J, in turn, are represented as certain linear combinations of the standard D0 and C0 Passarino-Veltman functions. The former are free of both types of singularities and are expressed as explicit and compact linear combinations of logarithms and dilogarithm functions. We present extensive comparisons of numerical results with those obtained with the aid of the LoopTools package

    New authority - Response to an invitation for reflection. A response to the article by Noëlle Behringer, ESE 5/2023

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    Im Folgenden findet sich eine intensive schriftliche Auseinandersetzung (per E-Mail) zwischen Arist von Schlippe, Witten, Haim Omer, Tel Aviv und Noelle Behringer, Ludwigshafen. Omer und von Schlippe gelten als die Urheber des Konzeptes der „Neuen Autorität“. Sie fühlten sich von Behringers kritischen Beitrag Neue Autorität – Macht und Beschämung unter dem Deckmantel von Präsenz, Beharrlichkeit und Widerstand? Eine psychoanalytisch-pädagogische Einladung zur Reflexion. aus der ESE V/2023 zu einer erklärenden und ebenso hinterfragenden Entgegnung aufgefordert, woraus sich ein Schriftverkehr entspann. Diese Konversation ereignete sich in verschiedenen E-Mails zwischen dem 26.07.2023 und dem 07.08.2023 und wird hier mit Einverständnis der drei Protagonist:innen wörtlich wiedergegeben. (DIPF/Orig.)The following is an intensive written discussion (by e-mail) between Arist v. Schlippe, Witten, Haim Omer, Tel Aviv and Noelle Behringer, Ludwigshafen. Omer and von Schlippe are regarded as the originators of the concept of “New Authority”. Behringer’s critical article New Authority - Power and Shame under the Guise of Presence, Perseverance and Resistance? A psychoanalytical-pedagogical invitation to reflection. from ESE V/2023 prompted them to respond in an explanatory and equally questioning manner, which led to a correspondence. This conversation took place in various emails between 26 July 2023 and 7 August 2023 and is reproduced here verbatim with the consent of the three protagonists. (DIPF/Orig.
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