469 research outputs found

    Heritage and Firm Survival - An Analysis of German Automobile Spinoffs 1886-1939

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    The theory predicts that spinoffs of successful parents are more successful than others. The success of the parents can be measured in two ways, either in terms of their survival duration or concerning their innovative activity. In this paper, the survival chances of spinoffs in the German automobile industry regarding the success of their parents will be investigated. Therefore it is differentiated between spinoffs of old parents and spinoffs of innovative parents. The results of the Cox regressions show that spinoffs of old parents have better survival chances than those of innovative parents.firm survival

    Feature-Aware Verification

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    A software product line is a set of software products that are distinguished in terms of features (i.e., end-user--visible units of behavior). Feature interactions ---situations in which the combination of features leads to emergent and possibly critical behavior--- are a major source of failures in software product lines. We explore how feature-aware verification can improve the automatic detection of feature interactions in software product lines. Feature-aware verification uses product-line verification techniques and supports the specification of feature properties along with the features in separate and composable units. It integrates the technique of variability encoding to verify a product line without generating and checking a possibly exponential number of feature combinations. We developed the tool suite SPLverifier for feature-aware verification, which is based on standard model-checking technology. We applied it to an e-mail system that incorporates domain knowledge of AT&T. We found that feature interactions can be detected automatically based on specifications that have only feature-local knowledge, and that variability encoding significantly improves the verification performance when proving the absence of interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Macroeconomic Development and the Life Cycle of the German Automobile Industry, 1886 - 1939

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    Empirical work studying the industry life cycle highlights the role of knowledge in various forms on the durations firms survive in the industry. This research leaves open the influence of historical events, which are reflected in macroeconomic factors like income, inflation, exports and interest rates on the industry life cycle. In this paper we investigate the relationship between the macroeconomic conditions and firm survival in the German automobile industry during the period 1886-1939. The results reveal that the macroeconomic conditions influence firm survival in addition to the knowledge variables traditionally considered and substantially contribute to explanatory power

    Die quantitative Steuerung des Arbeitsangebots als Instrument der Arbeitsmarkt- und BeschĂ€ftigungspolitik : die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich

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    "Der Artikel beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage, wie es die Schweiz, Österreich und die Bundesrepublik wĂ€hrend der ökonomischen Krisenperiode von 1973 bis 1983 schafften, trotz ihrer Orientierung auf PreisstabilitĂ€t die Arbeitslosenquote niedrig bzw. - wie im Falle der Bundesrepublik - relativ niedrig zu halten. Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, daß die Nachfrageseite des Arbeitsmarktes keinen Ansatzpunkt fĂŒr eine ErklĂ€rung des arbeitsmakrtpolitischen Erfolges der deutschsprachigen LĂ€nder bietet, wird die Entwicklung des Arbeitsangebotes auf ihre ErklĂ€rungskraft hin untersucht. Anhand von vergleichenden Analysen der Entwicklung der Erwerbsbeteiligung der Bevölkerung in der OECD wird gezeigt, (1) daß die Bundesrepublik, die Schweiz und Österreich in den siebziger und frĂŒhen achtziger Jahren einen im internationalen Vergleich auffĂ€lligen RĂŒckgang des Arbeitsangebotes erlebten; (2) daß dieser RĂŒckgang des Arbeitsangebots von den Bevölkerungsgruppen getragen wurde, die eine 'gesellschaftlich anerkannte Alternative zur Beteiligung am Erwerbsleben besitzen'. d.h. von den Jugendlichen, den Ă€lteren Arbeitnehmern, den Frauen und den AuslĂ€ndern; (3) daß der verstĂ€rkte RĂŒckzug der 'Alternativrollenbesitzer' aus dem Arbeitsmarkt bzw. ihre auffĂ€llige Enthaltsamkeit bezĂŒglich der Beteiligung am Erwerbsleben in nicht unerheblichem Maße das Ergebnis politischer Steuerungen war; und (4) daß er den Arbeitsmarkt deutlich entlastet hat. Ohne den RĂŒckgang des Arbeitsangebots, so wird am Ende geschĂ€tzt, wĂ€re die Arbeitslosenquote in der Schweiz, in Österreich und in der Bundesrepublik in den siebziger und frĂŒhen achtziger Jahren um vier bis fĂŒnf Prozentpunkte höher gewesen." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitsmarktpolitik - internationaler Vergleich, ArbeitskrĂ€fteangebot - Entwicklung, Erwerbsbeteiligung, Jugendliche, Ă€ltere Arbeitnehmer, AuslĂ€nderbeschĂ€ftigung, FrauenerwerbstĂ€tigkeit, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich, OECD

    Neurodevelopmental and functional outcome in hypoplastic left heart syndrome after Hybrid procedure as stage I

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    Background: Patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) undergoing staged palliation until Fontan procedure are at risk for impaired neurodevelopmental (ND) outcome. The Hybrid procedure with bilateral pulmonary artery banding, ductal stenting, and balloon atrioseptostomy may offer a less invasive stage I procedure compared to the Norwood stage I procedure avoiding early neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery. Despite altered fetal cerebral hemodynamics, the type of stage I procedure may be a covariate influencing ND outcome and functional outcome may also be altered due to postponing neonatal CPB surgery. Within this review, we analyzed ND outcome as well as functional outcome after Hybrid procedure as stage I procedure. Methods: The review analyzed original publications (OPs) published before March 15, 2022, identified by Cochrane, EMBASE, OVID, Scopus, and Web of science. An OP was included if short-to-long-term neurodevelopment outcome, brain development, somatic, and cardiac outcome in patients for HLHS and variants treated by Hybrid procedure were analyzed. In addition to database searches, we reviewed all references of the analyzed OP to obtain a comprehensive list of available studies. The author, year of publication, demographic characteristics of study population, study design (prospective or retrospective), study assessment, and main findings were summarized. Results: Twenty-one OPs were included with data of patients with ND outcome and functional cardiac outcome. Overall, there is an impaired mid-term ND outcome in patients with Hybrid procedure as stage I for HLHS. Only slight differences between stage I procedures (Hybrid vs. Norwood) in two comparing studies have been determined affecting right ventricular remodeling, short- and mid-term ND outcome, reduced brain growth until two years of age, sufficient quality of life, and altered hemodynamics influencing brain volumes and cerebral perfusion pattern. Conclusions: Despite some minor differences regarding the mid-term follow-up in patients with HLHS comparing Hybrid vs. Norwood procedure, its impact on ND outcome seems rather low. This may be explained by the large number of covariates as well as the small study populations and the different selection criteria for patients undergoing Hybrid or Norwood procedure as stage I

    Is Your Error My Concern? An Event-Related Potential Study on Own and Observed Error Detection in Cooperation and Competition

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    Electroencephalogram studies have identified an error-related event-related potential (ERP) component known as the error-related negativity or ERN, thought to result from the detection of a loss of reward during performance monitoring. However, as own errors are always associated with a loss of reward, disentangling whether the ERN is error- or reward-dependent has proven to be a difficult endeavor. Recently, an ERN has also been demonstrated following the observation of other’s errors. Importantly, other people’s errors can be associated with loss or gain depending on the cooperative or competitive context in which they are made. The aim of the current ERP study was to disentangle the error- or reward-dependency of performance monitoring. Twelve pairs (N = 24) of participants performed and observed a speeded-choice-reaction task in two contexts. Own errors were always associated with a loss of reward. Observed errors in the cooperative context also yielded a loss of reward, but observed errors in the competitive context resulted in a gain. The results showed that the ERN was present following all types of errors independent of who made the error and the outcome of the action. Consequently, the current study demonstrates that performance monitoring as reflected by the ERN is error-specific and not directly dependent on reward

    Das Reichskammergericht in Wetzlar

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    Neurodevelopmental and functional outcome in hypoplastic left heart syndrome after Hybrid procedure as stage I

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    BackgroundPatients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) undergoing staged palliation until Fontan procedure are at risk for impaired neurodevelopmental (ND) outcome. The Hybrid procedure with bilateral pulmonary artery banding, ductal stenting, and balloon atrioseptostomy may offer a less invasive stage I procedure compared to the Norwood stage I procedure avoiding early neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery. Despite altered fetal cerebral hemodynamics, the type of stage I procedure may be a covariate influencing ND outcome and functional outcome may also be altered due to postponing neonatal CPB surgery. Within this review, we analyzed ND outcome as well as functional outcome after Hybrid procedure as stage I procedure.MethodsThe review analyzed original publications (OPs) published before March 15, 2022, identified by Cochrane, EMBASE, OVID, Scopus, and Web of science. An OP was included if short-to-long-term neurodevelopment outcome, brain development, somatic, and cardiac outcome in patients for HLHS and variants treated by Hybrid procedure were analyzed. In addition to database searches, we reviewed all references of the analyzed OP to obtain a comprehensive list of available studies. The author, year of publication, demographic characteristics of study population, study design (prospective or retrospective), study assessment, and main findings were summarized.ResultsTwenty-one OPs were included with data of patients with ND outcome and functional cardiac outcome. Overall, there is an impaired mid-term ND outcome in patients with Hybrid procedure as stage I for HLHS. Only slight differences between stage I procedures (Hybrid vs. Norwood) in two comparing studies have been determined affecting right ventricular remodeling, short- and mid-term ND outcome, reduced brain growth until two years of age, sufficient quality of life, and altered hemodynamics influencing brain volumes and cerebral perfusion pattern.ConclusionsDespite some minor differences regarding the mid-term follow-up in patients with HLHS comparing Hybrid vs. Norwood procedure, its impact on ND outcome seems rather low. This may be explained by the large number of covariates as well as the small study populations and the different selection criteria for patients undergoing Hybrid or Norwood procedure as stage I
