112 research outputs found

    Photometric calibration in u-band using blue halo stars

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    We develop a method to calibrate u-band photometry based on the observed color of blue galactic halo stars. The galactic halo stars belong to an old stellar population of the Milky Way and have relatively low metallicity. The "blue tip" of the halo population -- the main sequence turn-off (MSTO) stars -- is known to have a relatively uniform intrinsic edge u-g color with only slow spatial variation. In SDSS data, the observed variation is correlated with galactic latitude, which we attribute to contamination by higher-metallicity disk stars and fit with an empirical curve. This curve can then be used to calibrate u-band imaging if g-band imaging of matching depth is available. Our approach can be applied to single-field observations at ∣b∣>30∘|b| > 30^\circ, and removes the need for standard star observations or overlap with calibrated u-band imaging. We include in our method the calibration of g-band data with ATLAS-Refcat2. We test our approach on stars in KiDS DR 4, ATLAS DR 4, and DECam imaging from the NOIRLab Source Catalog (NSC DR2), and compare our calibration with SDSS. For this process, we use synthetic magnitudes to derive the color equations between these datasets, in order to improve zero-point accuracy. We find an improvement for all datasets, reaching a zero-point precision of 0.016 mag for KiDS (compared to the original 0.033 mag), 0.020 mag for ATLAS (originally 0.027 mag), and 0.016 mag for DECam (originally 0.041 mag). Thus, this method alone reaches the goal of 0.02 mag photometric precision in u-band for the Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).Comment: Published in MNRAS. Code available at https://github.com/shuang92/blue_tip_calibratio

    Galaxy Evolution from the SDSS and EDisCS Surveys

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    The UV-optical colours of brightest cluster galaxies in optically and X-ray selected clusters

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    Many brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at the centers of X-ray selected clusters exhibit clear evidence for recent star formation. However, studies of BCGs in optically-selected clusters show that star formation is not enhanced when compared to control samples of non-BCGs of similar stellar mass. Here we analyze a sample of 113 BCGs in low redshift (z<0.1), optically-selected clusters, a matched control sample of non-BCGs, and a smaller sample of BCGs in X-ray selected clusters. We convolve the SDSS images of the BCGs to match the resolution of the GALEX data and we measure UV-optical colours in their inner and outer regions. We find that optically-selected BCGs exhibit smaller scatter in optical colours and redder inner NUV-r colours than the control galaxies, indicating that they are a homogenous population with very little ongoing star formation. The BCGs in the X-ray selected cluster sample span a similar range in optical colours, but have bluer NUV-r colours. Among X-ray selected BCGs, those located in clusters with central cooling times of less than 1 Gyr are significantly bluer than those located in clusters where the central gas cooling times are long. Our main conclusion is that the location of a galaxy at the centre of its halo is not sufficient to determine whether or not it is currently forming stars. One must also have information about the thermodynamic state of the gas in the core of the halo.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Cosmology and Astrophysics from Relaxed Galaxy Clusters I: Sample Selection

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    This is the first in a series of papers studying the astrophysics and cosmology of massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. Here we present a new, automated method for identifying relaxed clusters based on their morphologies in X-ray imaging data. While broadly similar to others in the literature, the morphological quantities that we measure are specifically designed to provide a fair basis for comparison across a range of data quality and cluster redshifts, to be robust against missing data due to point-source masks and gaps between detectors, and to avoid strong assumptions about the cosmological background and cluster masses. Based on three morphological indicators - Symmetry, Peakiness and Alignment - we develop the SPA criterion for relaxation. This analysis was applied to a large sample of cluster observations from the Chandra and ROSAT archives. Of the 361 clusters which received the SPA treatment, 57 (16 per cent) were subsequently found to be relaxed according to our criterion. We compare our measurements to similar estimators in the literature, as well as projected ellipticity and other image measures, and comment on trends in the relaxed cluster fraction with redshift, temperature, and survey selection method. Code implementing our morphological analysis will be made available on the web.Comment: MNRAS, in press. 43 pages in total, of which 17 are tables (please think twice before printing). 18 figures, 4 tables. Machine-readable tables will be available from the journal and at the url below; code will be posted at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~amantz/work/morph14

    Angular momenta, dynamical masses, and mergers of brightest cluster galaxies

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    Using the VIMOS integral field unit (IFU) spectrograph on the Very Large Telescope, we have spatially mapped the kinematic properties of 10 nearby brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and 4 BCG companion galaxies located within a redshift of z = 0.1. In th

    Cosmology and Astrophysics from Relaxed Galaxy Clusters II: Cosmological Constraints

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    We present cosmological constraints from measurements of the gas mass fraction, fgasf_{gas}, for massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. Our data set consists of Chandra observations of 40 such clusters, identified in a comprehensive search of the Chandra archive, as well as high-quality weak gravitational lensing data for a subset of these clusters. Incorporating a robust gravitational lensing calibration of the X-ray mass estimates, and restricting our measurements to the most self-similar and accurately measured regions of clusters, significantly reduces systematic uncertainties compared to previous work. Our data for the first time constrain the intrinsic scatter in fgasf_{gas}, (7.4±2.3)(7.4\pm2.3)% in a spherical shell at radii 0.8-1.2 r2500r_{2500}, consistent with the expected variation in gas depletion and non-thermal pressure for relaxed clusters. From the lowest-redshift data in our sample we obtain a constraint on a combination of the Hubble parameter and cosmic baryon fraction, h3/2Ωb/Ωm=0.089±0.012h^{3/2}\Omega_b/\Omega_m=0.089\pm0.012, that is insensitive to the nature of dark energy. Combined with standard priors on hh and Ωbh2\Omega_b h^2, this provides a tight constraint on the cosmic matter density, Ωm=0.27±0.04\Omega_m=0.27\pm0.04, which is similarly insensitive to dark energy. Using the entire cluster sample, extending to z>1z>1, we obtain consistent results for Ωm\Omega_m and interesting constraints on dark energy: ΩΛ=0.65−0.22+0.17\Omega_\Lambda=0.65^{+0.17}_{-0.22} for non-flat Λ\LambdaCDM models, and w=−0.98±0.26w=-0.98\pm0.26 for flat constant-ww models. Our results are both competitive and consistent with those from recent CMB, SNIa and BAO data. We present constraints on models of evolving dark energy from the combination of fgasf_{gas} data with these external data sets, and comment on the possibilities for improved fgasf_{gas} constraints using current and next-generation X-ray observatories and lensing data. (Abridged)Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables. Accepted by MNRAS. Code and data can be downloaded from http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~amantz/work/fgas14/ . v2: minor fix to table 1, updated bibliograph
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