20 research outputs found
Comment on "Limits of the measurability of the local quantum electromagnetic-field amplitude"
It is argued that the findings of a recent reanalysis by Compagno and Persico
[Phys. Rev. A 57, 1595 (1998)] of the Bohr--Rosenfeld procedure for the
measurement of a single space-time-averaged component of the electromagnetic
field are incorrect when the field measurement time is shorter than that
required for light to traverse the measurement's test body. To this end, the
time-averaged "self-force" on the test body, assumed for simplicity to be of a
spherical shape, is evaluated in terms of a one-dimensional quadrature for the
general trajectory allowed for the test body by Compagno and Persico, and in
closed form for the limiting steplike trajectory used by Bohr and Rosenfeld.Comment: 5 pages, REVTe
Topologically massive gravity as a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator
We give a detailed account of the free field spectrum and the Newtonian limit
of the linearized "massive" (Pauli-Fierz), "topologically massive"
(Einstein-Hilbert-Chern-Simons) gravity in 2+1 dimensions about a Minkowski
spacetime. For a certain ratio of the parameters, the linearized free theory is
Jordan-diagonalizable and reduces to a degenerate "Pais-Uhlenbeck" oscillator
which, despite being a higher derivative theory, is ghost-free.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, RevTEX4; version 2: a new paragraph and a
reference added to the Introduction, a new appendix added to review
Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillators; accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra
Anisotropy in Bianchi-type brane cosmologies
The behavior near the initial singular state of the anisotropy parameter of
the arbitrary type, homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi models is considered in
the framework of the brane world cosmological models. The matter content on the
brane is assumed to be an isotropic perfect cosmological fluid, obeying a
barotropic equation of state. To obtain the value of the anisotropy parameter
at an arbitrary moment an evolution equation is derived, describing the
dynamics of the anisotropy as a function of the volume scale factor of the
Universe. The general solution of this equation can be obtained in an exact
analytical form for the Bianchi I and V types and in a closed form for all
other homogeneous and anisotropic geometries. The study of the values of the
anisotropy in the limit of small times shows that for all Bianchi type
space-times filled with a non-zero pressure cosmological fluid, obeying a
linear barotropic equation of state, the initial singular state on the brane is
isotropic. This result is obtained by assuming that in the limit of small times
the asymptotic behavior of the scale factors is of Kasner-type. For brane
worlds filled with dust, the initial values of the anisotropy coincide in both
brane world and standard four-dimensional general relativistic cosmologies.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra
On Locality in Quantum General Relativity and Quantum Gravity
The physical concept of locality is first analyzed in the special
relativistic quantum regime, and compared with that of microcausality and the
local commutativity of quantum fields. Its extrapolation to quantum general
relativity on quantum bundles over curved spacetime is then described. It is
shown that the resulting formulation of quantum-geometric locality based on the
concept of local quantum frame incorporating a fundamental length embodies the
key geometric and topological aspects of this concept. Taken in conjunction
with the strong equivalence principle and the path-integral formulation of
quantum propagation, quantum-geometric locality leads in a natural manner to
the formulation of quantum-geometric propagation in curved spacetime. Its
extrapolation to geometric quantum gravity formulated over quantum spacetime is
described and analyzed.Comment: Mac-Word file translated to postscript for submission. The author may
be reached at: [email protected] To appear in Found. Phys. vol. 27,