285 research outputs found

    Outcomes of surgical treatment of non-metastatic gastric cancer in patients aged 70 and older:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The optimal surgical treatment strategy for gastric cancer in older patients needs to be carefully evaluated due to increased vulnerability of older patients. We performed a database search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies that included patients ≄70 years with potentially resectable stage I-III gastric cancer. Postoperative and survival outcomes were compared between groups undergoing 1) gastrectomy vs conservative treatment (best supportive care or non-operative treatment), 2) minimally invasive (MIG) vs open gastrectomy (OG), or 3) extended vs limited lymphadenectomy. When possible, results were pooled using risk ratios (RR). Thirty-one studies were included. Six retrospective studies compared overall survival (OS) between gastrectomy (N = 2332) and conservative treatment (N = 246). Longer OS was reported in the gastrectomy group in all studies, but study quality was low and meta-analysis was not feasible. Eighteen cohort studies compared MIG (N = 3626) and OG (N = 5193). MIG was associated with fewer complications (pooled RR 0.68, 95% confidence interval 0.54–0.84). OS was not different between the groups. Two RCTs and five cohort studies compared outcomes between extended (N = 709) and limited lymphadenectomy (N = 1323). Complication rates were comparable between the groups. Two cohort studies found longer OS or cancer-specific survival after extended lymphadenectomy. No quality of life (QoL) or functional outcomes were reported. In older patients with gastric cancer, there is low-quality evidence for better OS after gastrectomy vs conservative treatment. Compared to OG, MIG was associated with less postoperative morbidity. The evidence to support extended lymphadenectomy is limited. QoL and functional outcomes should be addressed in future studies

    Using a priori knowledge to align sequencing reads to their exact genomic position

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    The use of a priori knowledge in the alignment of targeted sequencing data is investigated using computational experiments. Adapting a Needleman–Wunsch algorithm to incorporate the genomic position information from the targeted capture, we demonstrate that alignment can be done to just the target region of interest. When in addition use is made of direct string comparison, an improvement of up to a factor of 8 in alignment speed compared to the fastest conventional aligner (Bowtie) is obtained. This results in a total alignment time in targeted sequencing of around 7 min for aligning approximately 56 million captured reads. For conventional aligners such as Bowtie, BWA or MAQ, alignment to just the target region is not feasible as experiments show that this leads to an additional 88% SNP calls, the vast majority of which are false positives (∌92%)

    Implementing the millennium development food security goals – Challenges of the southern African context

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    The Millennium Development Goals’ target to halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger is extremely important in southern Africa, where food security has become increasingly problematic over the last 20 years. One “quick-win” proposal is replenishment of soil nutrients for smallholder farmers, through free or subsidised chemical fertilisers. Other proposals include appropriate irrigation technology, improved inputs and interventions targeted at women. Analysis of over 10 years of agro-hydrological and agro-economic studies from southern African show that a different approach is required to interventions proposed. There are sustainability problems with free chemical fertiliser due to transport costs and ancillary costs. Furthermore, recent studies in Zimbabwe and Mozambique show that significant increases in yield can only be obtained when soil fertility management is combined with good crop husbandry, e.g. timely planting and weeding. Ongoing replenishment of fertility would be dependent on a continued free or subsidised fertiliser supply, and transport system. Increasing access to irrigation will help, but is not the only solution and cannot reach even a majority of farmers. It has been determined that short dryspells are often the major cause of low yields in sub-Saharan Africa. Soil–water conservation approaches, e.g. winter weeding and conservation tillage, can reduce risk and increase yield..

    Maxillofacial Fractures in Electric and Conventional Bicycle-Related Accidents

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    PURPOSE: With the increased use of both e-bike and conventional bicycle, the number of bicycle-related accidents has increased accordingly. To determine whether there are differences in maxillofacial injuries between these 2 types of bicycle accidents, e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents were compared.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted for all the consecutive patients with maxillofacial injury due to e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents attending the emergency department of 4 hospitals in the Netherlands between May 2018 and October 2019. Primary outcomes are maxillofacial fractures present or absent and the severity of maxillofacial injury using the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale and Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) after e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents. A binary logistic regression analysis was used to assess differences in risk between an e-bike and conventional bicycle accident, where age, alcohol use, and comorbidities were added as covariates, for maxillofacial fractures, dental injury, and severe maxillofacial fractures.RESULTS: In total, 311 patients were included (73 e-bikers and 238 conventional cyclists). Sex distribution was equal in both groups (45% male vs 55% female). The e-bike group was older (66 vs 53 median age in years, P &lt; .001) and had more comorbidities (0 vs 1, P &lt; .001), while alcohol use was higher in the conventional bicycle group (32% vs 16%, P = .008). e-Bikers sustained midfacial fractures more frequently (47% vs 34%, P = .04), whereas conventional cyclists more often had mandibular fractures (1% vs 11%, P = .01). Although median Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale and FISS scores did not differ between e-bike and conventional bicycle accidents, severe maxillofacial fractures (FISS score ≄ 2) were observed more often in the conventional cyclists (45% vs 25%, P = .04). No significant differences in risk of midfacial, mandibular, and severe maxillofacial fractures were found between e-bikers and conventional cyclists irrespective of their age, alcohol use, and comorbidities.CONCLUSION: Both the distribution and the severe maxillofacial fractures differed between the e-bike and conventional bicycle accident patients. Patient-specific characteristics, such as age, alcohol use, and comorbidities, may have a greater influence on sustaining maxillofacial fractures than the type of bicycle ridden.</p

    Waveguide structures for efficient evanescent field coupling to zero mode waveguides

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    The use of waveguide structures is examined to improve the efficiency of evanescent field coupling into zero-mode waveguides. Model calculations show that waveguide excitation using diffractive structures, increases the magnitude of the evanescent electric field by an order of magnitude compared to far field excitation of the evanescent field. A more efficient excitation of fluorescent markers used in e.g. sequencing instrumentation ultimately enables real-time single molecule detection using laser systems with moderate output power

    Interaction between geriatric syndromes in predicting three months mortality risk

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    Objectives: Capturing frailty using a quick tool has proven to be challenging. We hypothesise that this is due to the complex interactions between frailty domains. We aimed to identify these interactions and assess whether adding interactions between domains improves mortality predictability. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we selected all patients aged 70 or older who were admitted to one Dutch hospital between April 2015 and April 2016. Patient characteristics, frailty screening (using VMS (Safety Management System), a screening tool used in Dutch hospital care), length of stay, and mortality within three months were retrospectively collected from electronic medical records. To identify predictive interactions between the frailty domains, we constructed a classification tree with mortality as the outcome using five variables: the four VMS-domains (delirium risk, fall risk, malnutrition, physical impairment) and their sum. To determine if any domain interactions were predictive for three-month mortality, we performed a multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results: We included 4,478 patients. (median age: 79 years; maximum age: 101 years; 44.8% male) The highest risk for three-month mortality included patients that were physically impaired and malnourished (23% (95%-CI 19.0–27.4%)). Subgroups had comparable three-month mortality risks based on different domains: malnutrition without physical impairment (15.2% (96%-CI 12.4–18.6%)) and physical impairment and delirium risk without malnutrition (16.3% (95%-CI 13.7–19.2%)). Discussion: We showed that taking interactions between domains into account improves the predictability of three-month mortality risk. Therefore, when screening for frailty, simply adding up domains with a cut-off score results in loss of valuable information

    Building trust in agribusiness supply chains: A conceptual model of buyer-seller relationships in the seed potato industry in Asia

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    In the absence of a certified seed system, potato farmers in Asia must purchase replacement seed tubers from an informal seed system. With no third party assurance that the seed tubers purchased are of good quality, the farmer's decision to purchase seeds may be influenced by the long-standing relationships that have been established between buyers and sellers. Trust is the critical determinant of a good buyer-seller relationship. Through maintaining communication and the making of various relationship specific investments, a conceptual model is proposed which suggests that seed suppliers may engage in trust building behavior which should result in the preferred seed supplier enjoying a greater share of the farmer's patronage
