45 research outputs found

    Reduction of open membrane moduli

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    We perform a general reduction of the open membrane metric in a worldvolume direction of the M5-brane. Using reduction rules analogous to the bulk, we show that the open membrane metric leads to the standard open string metric and open string coupling constant on the D4-brane only for an ``electric'' reduction in which case the open membrane metric has no off-diagonal components and the Born-Infeld curvature tensor is a matrix of rank 2. Instead, if we perform a general reduction, with nonzero off-diagonal components of the open membrane metric, we obtain a rank 4 Born-Infeld tensor corresponding to a bound state of an open string with an open D2--brane. Next, we identify and reduce a 3-form open membrane ``noncommutativity'' tensor on the M5-brane. This open membrane parameter only reduces to the open string noncommutativity tensor on the D4-brane provided we constrain ourselves to an ``electric'' or a ``magnetic'' reduction.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, uses JHEP.cls and JHEP.bst style file

    On the Euclidean action of de Sitter black holes and constrained instantons

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    We compute the on-shell Euclidean action of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes, and take their contributions in the gravitational path integral into account using the formalism of constrained instantons. Although Euclidean de Sitter black hole geometries have conical singularities for generic masses, their on-shell action is finite and is shown to be independent of the Euclidean time periodicity and equal to minus the sum of the black hole and cosmological horizon entropy. We apply this result to compute the probability for a nonrotating, neutral arbitrary mass black hole to nucleate spontaneously in empty de Sitter space, which separates into a constant and a “non-perturbative” contribution, the latter corresponding to the proper saddle-point instanton in the Nariai limit. We also speculate on some further applications of our results, most notably as potential non-perturbative corrections to correlators in the de Sitter vacuum.</p

    Holographic duals of the <i>N</i> = 1* gauge theory

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    We use the long-wavelength effective theory of black branes (blackfold approach) to perturbatively construct holographic duals of the vacua of the N = 1* supersymmetric gauge theory. Employing the mechanism of Polchinski and Strassler, we consider wrapped black five-brane probes with D3-brane charge moving in the perturbative supergravity back-grounds corresponding to the high- and low-temperature phases of the gauge theory. Our approach recovers the results for the brane potentials and equilibrium configurations known in the literature in the extremal limit, while away from extremality we find metastable black D3-NS5 configurations with horizon topology â„ť3 Ă— S2 Ă— S3 in certain regimes of parameter space, which cloak potential brane singularities. We uncover novel features of the phase diagram of the N = 1* gauge theory in different ensembles and provide further evidence for the appearance of metastable states in holographic backgrounds dual to confining gauge theories.</p

    Domain Walls on the Brane

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    We show that all branes admit worldvolume domain wall solutions. We find one class of solutions for which the tension of the brane changes discontinuously along the domain wall. These solutions are not supersymmetric. We argue that there is another class of domain wall solutions which is supersymmetric. A particular case concerns supersymmetric domain wall solutions on IIB D-5- and NS-5-branes.Comment: 18 pages, Tex, uses phyzz

    Late-time correlators and complex geodesics in de Sitter space

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    We study two-point correlation functions of a massive free scalar field in de Sitter space using the heat kernel formalism. Focusing on two operators in conjugate static patches we derive a geodesic approximation to the two-point correlator valid for large mass and at late times. This expression involves a sum over two complex conjugate geodesics that correctly reproduces the large-mass, late-time limit of the exact two-point function in the Bunch-Davies vacuum. The exponential decay of the late-time correlator is associated to the timelike part of the complex geodesics. We emphasize that the late-time exponential decay is in tension with the finite maximal entropy of empty de Sitter space, and we briefly discuss how non-perturbative corrections might resolve this paradox.</p

    The M5-brane and non-commutative open strings

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    The M-theory origin of non-commutative open-string theory is examined by investigating the M-theory 5-brane at near critical field strength. In particular, it is argued that the open-membrane metric provides the appropriate moduli when calculating the duality relations between M and II non-commutative theories