1,017 research outputs found

    Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution

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    Consensual exploitation : the moral wrong in exploitation and legal restrictions on consensual exploitative transactions

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    This thesis is about so-­‐called consensual exploitative transactions: transactions to which all parties agree voluntarily, and which are beneficial for all parties, but which are still widely considered exploitative, and for that reason legally restricted in many countries. The thesis asks two main questions: 1. What is wrong with consensual exploitation? 2.What implications does the answer to this question have for the legal restriction of consensual transactions that are regarded exploitative in modern liberal societies? In answer to the first research question, the thesis starts by distinguishing and analysing five competing views of the wrong in consensual exploitation that exist in the present-­‐day philosophical debate on exploitation; and rejects all five answers. Next, the thesis offers an alternative answer, which is that the wrong in consensual exploitation can best be understood as a matter of greediness—a failure of the virtue of generosity. The thesis then turns to the second research question: what understanding exploitation as greediness implies for the legal restriction of exploitative transactions. It discusses and rejects the view that law ought only to be used to regulate ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ behaviour, and not to promote virtues or discourage vices, such as generosity and greediness. The thesis argues that legal restrictions on consensual exploitative transactions can be justified as a means to prevent greediness, and to promote a certain other-­‐regardingness, and illustrates this argument with two examples of laws that regulate consensual transactions which are widely regarded exploitative: minimum wage laws and payday loan laws

    Pure Gamification:An Energy Case

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    Target-oriented least-squares reverse-time migration using Marchenko double-focusing: reducing the artifacts caused by overburden multiples

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    Geophysicists have widely used Least-squares reverse-time migration (LSRTM) to obtain high-resolution images of the subsurface. However, LSRTM needs an accurate velocity model similar to other migration methods. Otherwise, it suffers from depth estimation errors and out of focus images. Moreover, LSRTM is computationally expensive and it can suffer from multiple reflections. Recently, a target-oriented approach to LSRTM has been proposed, which focuses the wavefield above the target of interest. Remarkably, this approach can be helpful for imaging below complex overburdens and subsalt domains. Moreover, this approach can significantly reduce the computational burden of the problem by limiting the computational domain to a smaller area. Nevertheless, target-oriented LSRTM still needs an accurate velocity model of the overburden to focus the wavefield accurately and predict internal multiple reflections correctly. In recent years, Marchenko redatuming has emerged as a novel data-driven method that can predict Green's functions at any arbitrary depth, including all orders of multiples. The only requirement for this method is a smooth background velocity model of the overburden. Moreover, with Marchenko double-focusing, one can make virtual sources and receivers at a boundary above the target and bypass the overburden. This paper proposes a new algorithm for target-oriented LSRTM, which fits the double-focused data with modeled data at a boundary above the target of interest. Consequently, our target-oriented LSRTM algorithm correctly accounts for all orders of overburden-related multiples, resulting in a significant reduction of the artifacts caused by overburden internal multiple reflections in the target image compared to conventional LSRTM.Comment: This preprint is submitted to Geophysical Journal International and is under review as of this momen

    Target-Enclosed Least-Squares Seismic Imaging

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    Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration (LSRTM) is a method that seismologists utilize to compute a high-resolution subsurface image. Nevertheless, LSRTM is a computationally demanding problem. One way to reduce the computational costs of the LSRTM is to choose a small region of interest and compute the image of that region. However, finding representations that account for the wavefields entering the target region from the surrounding boundaries is necessary. This paper confines the region of interest between two boundaries above and below this region. The acoustic reciprocity theorem is employed to derive representations for the wavefields at the upper and lower boundaries of the target region. With the help of these representations, a target-enclosed LSRTM algorithm is developed to compute a high-resolution image of the region of interest. Moreover, the possibility of using virtual receivers created by Marchenko redatuming is investigated

    Target-oriented least-squares reverse-time migration with Marchenko redatuming and double-focusing: Field data application

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    Recently, the focus of reflection seismologists has shifted to applications where a high-resolution image of the subsurface is required. Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration (LSRTM) is a common tool used to compute such images. Still, its high computational costs have led seismologists to use target-oriented LSRTM for imaging only a small target of interest within a larger subsurface block. Redatuming the data to the upper boundary of the target of interest is one approach to target-oriented LSRTM. Still, many redatuming methods cannot account for multiple scatterings within the overburden. This paper presents a target-oriented least-squares reverse time migration algorithm which integrates Marchenko redatuming and double-focusing. This special redatuming method accounts for all orders of multiple scattering in the overburden for target-oriented LSRTM. Additionally, the paper demonstrates that a double-focusing algorithm can further reduce the size of the data by reducing both spatial and temporal dimensions. This algorithm is applied to field data acquired in the Norwegian Sea.Comment: This preprint has been submitted to Geophysics journal for peer-revie

    De verbintenisrechtelijke bescherming van de kleine opdrachtnemer

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    Dit boek gaat over het verbintenisrechtelijke beschermingsniveau van de kleine opdrachtnemer ten aanzien van de thema’s loon, aansprakelijkheid en opzegging. Op de verhouding tussen deze zelfstandig ondernemer en een niet-particuliere opdrachtgever zijn in principe geen beschermende rechtsregels van toepassing. Dit uitgangspunt wordt ten aanzien van een aantal opdrachtnemers als een steeds urgenter maatschappelijk probleem gezien, terwijl er ook een heel arsenaal is aan opdrachtnemers die niet of minder in een kwetsbare positie (lijken te) verkeren. Hierdoor is het vinden van regels voor opdrachtnemers ten aanzien van zowel het huidige als toekomstige recht uiterst complex. In dit kader analyseert de auteur per thema: de regeling inzake de opdracht, de bijzondere rechtsregels die van toepassing zijn verklaard op de overeenkomst van opdracht, de (open) normen die uit het algemene verbintenissenrecht voortvloeien en (ter inspiratie) de bepalingen die gelden voor de werknemer, aannemer, handelsagent en huurder. De resultaten van dit onderzoek bieden niet alleen een inkijk in het verbintenisrechtelijke beschermingsniveau van de kleine opdrachtnemer, maar maken ook een gefundeerde afweging mogelijk ten aanzien van de vraag of dit beschermingsniveau wenselijk en gerechtvaardigd is
