59 research outputs found

    On 22-cycles of graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a finite undirected graph. Orient the edges of GG in an arbitrary way. A 22-cycle on GG is a function d:E2→Zd : E^2\to \mathbb{Z} such for each edge ee, d(e,⋅)d(e, \cdot) and d(⋅,e)d(\cdot, e) are circulations on GG, and d(e,f)=0d(e, f) = 0 whenever ee and ff have a common vertex. We show that each 22-cycle is a sum of three special types of 22-cycles: cycle-pair 22-cycles, Kuratowski 22-cycles, and quad 22-cycles. In case that the graph is Kuratowski connected, we show that each 22-cycle is a sum of cycle-pair 22-cycles and at most one Kuratowski 22-cycle. Furthermore, if GG is Kuratowski connected, we characterize when every Kuratowski 22-cycle is a sum of cycle-pair 22-cycles. A 22-cycles dd on GG is skew-symmetric if d(e,f)=−d(f,e)d(e,f) = -d(f,e) for all edges e,f∈Ee,f\in E. We show that each 22-cycle is a sum of two special types of skew-symmetric 22-cycles: skew-symmetric cycle-pair 22-cycles and skew-symmetric quad 22-cycles. In case that the graph is Kuratowski connected, we show that each skew-symmetric 22-cycle is a sum of skew-symmetric cycle-pair 22-cycles. Similar results like this had previously been obtained by one of the authors for symmetric 22-cycles. Symmetric 22-cycles are 22-cycles dd such that d(e,f)=d(f,e)d(e,f)=d(f,e) for all edges e,f∈Ee,f\in E

    Interlace polynomials

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    AbstractIn a recent paper Arratia, Bollobás and Sorkin discuss a graph polynomial defined recursively, which they call the interlace polynomial q(G,x). They present several interesting results with applications to the Alexander polynomial and state the conjecture that |q(G,−1)| is always a power of 2. In this paper we use a matrix approach to study q(G,x). We derive evaluations of q(G,x) for various x, which are difficult to obtain (if at all) by the defining recursion. Among other results we prove the conjecture for x=−1. A related interlace polynomial Q(G,x) is introduced. Finally, we show how these polynomials arise as the Martin polynomials of a certain isotropic system as introduced by Bouchet

    A Colin de Verdiere-Type Invariant and Odd-K_4- and Odd-K^2_3-Free Signed Graphs

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    Proceedings of Graph Theory@Georgia Tech, a conference honoring the 50th Birthday of Robin Thomas, May 7-11, 2012 in the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons.We introduced a new Colin de Verdiere-type invariant \nu(G,\Sigma) for signed graphs. This invariant is closed under taking minors, and characterizes bipartite signed graphs as those signed graphs (G,\Sigma) with \nu(G,\Sigma)\leq 1, and signed graphs with no odd-K_4- and no odd-K^2_3-minor as those signed graphs (G,\Sigma) with \nu(G,\Sigma)\leq 2. In this talk we will discuss this invariant and these results. Joint work with Marina Arav, Frank Hall, and Zhongshan Li.NSF, NSA, ONR, IMA, Colleges of Sciences, Computing and Engineerin

    Parameters Related to Tree-Width, Zero Forcing, and Maximum Nullity of a Graph

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    Tree-width, and variants that restrict the allowable tree decompositions, play an important role in the study of graph algorithms and have application to computer science. The zero forcing number is used to study the maximum nullity/minimum rank of the family of symmetric matrices described by a graph. We establish relationships between these parameters, including several Colin de Verdière type parameters, and introduce numerous variations, including the minor monotone floors and ceilings of some of these parameters. This leads to new graph parameters and to new characterizations of existing graph parameters. In particular, tree-width, largeur d\u27arborescence, path-width, and proper path-width are each characterized in terms of a minor monotone floor of a certain zero forcing parameter defined by a color change rule
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