842 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Swine Farm Sales Data under a De Facto Moratorium

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    Agribusiness, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Determinants of Swine Farm Sale Prices Under a de facto Moratorium

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    farm sale prices, constrained supply, premiums, appraised value, determinants of premium, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Trading-off payments and accuracy in online classification with paid stochastic experts

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    We investigate online classification with paid stochastic experts. Here, before making their prediction, each expert must be paid. The amount that we pay each expert directly influences the accuracy of their prediction through some unknown Lipschitz “productivity” function. In each round, the learner must decide how much to pay each expert and then make a prediction. They incur a cost equal to a weighted sum of the prediction error and upfront payments for all experts. We introduce an online learning algorithm whose total cost after T rounds exceeds that of a predictor which knows the productivity of all experts in advance by at most O(K2(lnT)T−−√) where K is the number of experts. In order to achieve this result, we combine Lipschitz bandits and online classification with surrogate losses. These tools allow us to improve upon the bound of order T2/3 one would obtain in the standard Lipschitz bandit setting. Our algorithm is empirically evaluated on synthetic data

    The occurrence of adverse events in low-risk non-survivors in pediatric intensive care patients: an exploratory study

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    We studied the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) in low-risk non-survivors (LNs), compared to low-risk survivors (LSs), high-risk non-survivors (HNs), and high-risk survivors (HSs) in two pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). The study was performed as a retrospective patient record review study, using a PICU-trigger tool. A random sample of 48 PICU patients (0–18 years) was chosen, stratified into four subgroups of 12 patients: LNs, LSs, HNs, and HSs. Primary outcome was the occurrence of AEs. The severity, preventability, and nature of the indentified AEs were determined. In total, 45 AEs were found in 20 patients. The occurrence of AEs in the LN group was significantly higher compared to that in the LS group and HN group (AE occurrence: LN 10/12 patients, LS 1/12 patients; HN 2/12 patients; HS 7/12 patients; LN-LS difference, p < 0.001; LN-HN difference, p < 0.01). The AE rate in the LN group was significantly higher compared to that in the LS and HN groups (median [IQR]: LN 0.12 [0.07–0.29], LS 0 [0–0], HN 0 [0–0], and HS 0.03 [0.0–0.17] AE/PICU day; LN-LS difference, p < 0.001; LN-HN difference, p < 0.01). The distribution of the AEs among the four groups was as follows: 25 AEs (LN), 2 AEs (LS), 8 AEs (HN), and 10 AEs (HS). Fifteen of forty-five AEs were preventable. In 2/12 LN patients, death occurred after a preventable AE. Conclusion: The occurrence of AEs in LNs was higher compared to that in LSs and HNs. Some AEs were severe and preventable and contributed to mortality.(Table presented.

    Notitie Denktank Overlijdensschade. Nieuwe richting benadering en berekening overlijdensschade

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    In 2009 is een werkgroep onder de naam Denktank Overlijdensschade gestart met het bestuderen van een ander, aan de huidige tijd aangepast model voor de berekening van overlijdensschade. Doelstelling was te komen tot een, ook voor nabestaanden, transparantie systematiek welke recht doet aan de vorderingsgerechtigdheid van de nabestaanden. In 2014 heeft de Denktank Overlijdensschade haar werkzaamheden voltooid met het opleveren van een nieuwe rekenmethodiek. In deze Notitie wordt beschreven hoe de Denktank tot deze nieuwe benadering van het berekenen van overlijdensschade is gekomen, welke onderzoeken daaraan ten grondslag liggen en wat de uiteindelijke rekenregel is, die nu voorgesteld wordt. Kern van de nieuwe methodiek is het uitgangspunt dat het gezin als economische eenheid wordt beschouwd, voor én na het overlijden

    Open problem: Fast and optimal online portfolio selection

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    Online portfolio selection has received much attention in the COLT community since its introduction by Cover, but all state-of-the-art methods fall short in at least one of the following ways: they are either i) computationally infeasible; or ii) they do not guarantee optimal regret; or iii) they assume the gradients are bounded, which is unnecessary and cannot be guaranteed. We are interested in a natural follow-the-regularized-leader (FTRL) approach based on the log barrier regularizer, which is computationally feasible. The open problem we put before the community is to formally prove whether this approach achieves the optimal regret. Resolving this question will likely lead to new techniques to analyse FTRL algorithms. There are also interesting technical connections to self-concordance, which has previously been used in the context of bandit convex optimization

    Bridging the Gap: 3D Real-Space Characterization of Colloidal Assemblies via FIB-SEM Tomography

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    Insight in the structure of nanoparticle assemblies up to a single particle level is key to understand the collective properties of these assemblies, which critically depend on the individual particle positions and orientations. However, the characterization of large, micron sized assemblies containing small, 10-500 nanometer, sized colloids is highly challenging and cannot easily be done with the conventional light, electron or X-ray microscopy techniques. Here, we demonstrate that focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) tomography in combination with image processing enables quantitative real-space studies of ordered and disordered particle assemblies too large for conventional transmission electron tomography, containing particles too small for confocal microscopy. First, we demonstrate the high resolution structural analysis of spherical nanoparticle assemblies, containing small anisotropic gold nanoparticles. Herein, FIB-SEM tomography allows the characterization of assembly dimensions which are inaccessible to conventional transmission electron microscopy. Next, we show that FIB-SEM tomography is capable of characterizing much larger ordered and disordered assemblies containing silica colloids with a diameter close to the resolution limit of confocal microscopes. We determined both the position and the orientation of each individual (nano)particle in the assemblies by using recently developed particle tracking routines. Such high precision structural information is essential in the understanding and design of the collective properties of new nanoparticle based materials and processes.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental Information at articles webpage: https://doi.org/10.1039/C8NR09753