140 research outputs found

    Online urban heritage: The societal value of participatory heritage websites

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    Online urban heritage: The societal value of participatory heritage websites

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    Joop van den Bremen, Streektaalmuziek in Nederland

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    In 1996, folk music fan Joop van den Bremen started his website Streektaalmuziek in Nederland (“Regional language music in the Netherlands”).1 On this website he collects information on Dutch musicians singing in dialect.2 As of September 2014, his still expanding database contains 6,164 artists that have performed in the past or are still active. This website highlights musical developments that often remain under the radar of established media and heritage organizations, particularly those operating on a national level. As such, Streektaalzang contributes to a wider recognition of dialect artists

    Het levend erfgoed van Rotterdam

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    Rotterdam staat terecht bekend om haar bijzondere architectuur. Maar er is meer dan gebouwen. Arno van der Hoeven verkent het immateriële erfgoed van 75 jaar culturele wederopbouw

    Popular Music Memories

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    __Abstract __ Ever since the late 1950s, people have grown up with popular music as an important element of their daily lives. This dissertation explores the connections between popular music memories, cultural identity and cultural heritage, looking at the different ways in which popular music is remembered and evokes memories. In so doing, the dissertation examines the various memory practices of the cultural and heritage industries, ranging from the bottom-up activities of music preservation by fans to institutional forms of popular music heritage in museums. The studies presented in this work draw on interviews with heritage practitioners, cultural industry workers and music audiences. The research reveals the meanings of popular music memories for the cultural identities of individuals and communities. It also demonstrates how these memories enable a sense of self and identity and time and place

    Remembering the 1960s: popular music and memory in Europe

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    Following the increasing attention paid to popular music in heritage discourses, this article explores how the popular music culture from the 1960s is remembered in Europe. I discuss the role of heritage organizations, media and the cultural policy of the EU in the construction of a popular music heritage of this period. Furthermore, I examine the ways in which attachments to local, national and European identities are negotiated. To this end, I draw upon interviews with representatives of museums, websites and archives. The article reveals a recurring tension between transnational and local experiences of the 1960s. It is found that media and heritage institutions like museums and archives predominantly have a national and local orientation, although narratives with a European vantage point are now emerging on the internet

    Etherpiraterij: knokken voor het levenslied

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    In het Oosten en Noorden van het land heeft het Agentschap Telecom de handen vol aan de zogenaamde etherpiraten. Met hun op de regionale volkscultuur gerichte uitzendingen hebben deze illegale radiomakers een bijzondere plek in het Nederlandse medialandschap. Over de voortdurende strijd om aandacht voor het Nederlandstalige lied

    Remembering the popular music of the 1990s: dance music and the cultural meanings of decade-based nostalgia

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    Following the popularisation of dance music in the 1990s, and the consolidation of disc jockeys (DJs) as global stars, this article examines the attachment of music audiences to this decade by examining the popular flashback dance parties held in the Netherlands. By drawing on theories of cultural heritage, memory and nostalgia, this article explores 1990s-themed parties as spaces where music audiences construct cultural identities and engage with their musical memories. Based on in-depth interviews with audience members, DJs and organisers of dance events, this study examines the meaning of cultural memories and the manner in which nostalgia arises in specific sociocultural settings.