36 research outputs found

    Characterisation of cylindrical curves

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    We employ moving frames along pairs of curves at constant separation to derive various conditions for a curve to belong to the surface of a circular cylinder

    Equilibrium shapes with stress localisation for inextensible elastic möbius and other strips

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    © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015. We formulate the problem of finding equilibrium shapes of a thin inextensible elastic strip, developing further our previous work on the Möbius strip. By using the isometric nature of the deformation we reduce the variational problem to a second-order onedimensional problem posed on the centreline of the strip. We derive Euler-Lagrange equations for this problem in Euler-Poincaré form and formulate boundary-value problems for closed symmetric one-and two-sided strips. Numerical solutions for the Möbius strip show a singular point of stress localisation on the edge of the strip, a generic response of inextensible elastic sheets under torsional strain. By cutting and pasting operations on the Möbius strip solution, followed by parameter continuation, we construct equilibrium solutions for strips with different linking numbers and with multiple points of stress localisation. Solutions reveal how strips fold into planar or self-contacting shapes as the length-to-width ratio of the strip is decreased. Our results may be relevant for curvature effects on physical properties of extremely thin two-dimensional structures as for instance produced in nanostructured origami

    Equilibrium Shapes with Stress Localisation for Inextensible Elastic Mobius and Other Strips

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    We formulate the problem of finding equilibrium shapes of a thin inextensible elastic strip, developing further our previous work on the Möbius strip. By using the isometric nature of the deformation we reduce the variational problem to a second-order one-dimensional problem posed on the centreline of the strip. We derive Euler–Lagrange equations for this problem in Euler–Poincaré form and formulate boundary-value problems for closed symmetric one- and two-sided strips. Numerical solutions for the Möbius strip show a singular point of stress localisation on the edge of the strip, a generic response of inextensible elastic sheets under torsional strain. By cutting and pasting operations on the Möbius strip solution, followed by parameter continuation, we construct equilibrium solutions for strips with different linking numbers and with multiple points of stress localisation. Solutions reveal how strips fold into planar or self-contacting shapes as the length-to-width ratio of the strip is decreased. Our results may be relevant for curvature effects on physical properties of extremely thin two-dimensional structures as for instance produced in nanostructured origami

    Forceless Sadowsky strips are spherical

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    © 2018 American Physical Society. We show that thin rectangular ribbons, defined as energy-minimizing configurations of the Sadowsky functional for narrow developable elastic strips, have a propensity to form spherical shapes in the sense that forceless solutions lie on a sphere. This has implications for ribbonlike objects in (bio)polymer physics and nanoscience that cannot be described by the classical wormlike chain model. A wider class of functionals with this property is identified

    Buckling and lift-off of a heavy rod compressed into a cylinder

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    We develop a comprehensive, geometrically-exact theory for an end-loaded heavy rod constrained to deform on a cylindrical surface. The cylinder can have arbitrary orientation relative to the direction of gravity. By viewing the rod-cylinder system as a special case of an elastic braid, we are able to obtain all forces and moments imparted by the deforming rod to the cylinder as well as all contact reactions. This framework allows for the monitoring of stresses to ascertain whether the cylinder, along with its end supports, is able to sustain the rod deformations. As an application of the theory we study buckling of the constrained rod under compressive and torsional loads, as well as the tendency of the rod to lift off the cylinder under further loading. The cases of a horizontal and vertical cylinder, with gravity having only a lateral or axial component, are amenable to exact analysis, while numerical results map out the transition in buckling mechanism between the two extremes. Weight has a stabilising effect for near-horizontal cylinders, while for near-vertical cylinders it introduces the possibility of buckling purely due to self-weight. Our results are relevant for many engineering and medical applications in which a slender structure is inserted into a cylindrical cavity

    Mode jumping in the lateral buckling of subsea pipelines

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    Unburied subsea pipelines under high-temperature conditions tend to relieve their axial compressive stress by forming localised lateral buckles. This phenomenon is traditionally studied under the assumption of a specific lateral deflection profile (mode) consisting of a fixed number of lobes. We study lateral thermal buckling as a genuinely localised buckling phenomenon by applying homoclinic (‘flat’) boundary conditions. By not having to assume a particular buckling mode we are in a position to study transitions between these traditional modes in typical loading sequences. For the lateral resistance we take a realistic nonlinear pipe-soil interaction model for partially embedded pipelines. We find that for soils with appreciable breakout resistance, i.e., nonmonotonicity of the lateral resistance characteristic, sudden jumps between modes may occur. We consider both symmetric and antisymmetric solutions. The latter turn out to require much higher temperature differences between pipe and environment for the jumps to be induced. We carry out a parameter study on the effect of various pipe-soil interaction parameters on this mode jumping. Away from the jumps post-buckling solutions are reasonably well described by the traditional modes whose analytical expressions may be used during preliminary design

    Forceless folding of thin annular strips

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    Thin strips or sheets with in-plane curvature have a natural tendency to adopt highly symmetric shapes when forced into closed structures and to spontaneously fold into compact multi-covered configurations under feed-in of more length or change of intrinsic curvature. This disposition is exploited in nature as well as in the design of everyday items such as foldable containers. We formulate boundary-value problems (for an ODE) for symmetric equilibrium solutions of unstretchable circular annular strips and present sequences of numerical solutions that mimic different folding modes. Because of the high-order symmetry, closed solutions cannot have an internal force, i.e., the strips are forceless. We consider both wide and narrow (strictly zero-width) strips. Narrow strips cannot have inflections, but wide strips can be either inflectional or non-inflectional. Inflectional solutions are found to feature stress localisations, with divergent strain energy density, on the edge of the strip at inflections of the surface. ‘Regular’ folding gives these singularities on the inside of the annulus, while ‘inverted’ folding gives them predominantly on the outside of the annulus. No new inflections are created in the folding process as more length is inserted. We end with a discussion of an intriguing apparent connection with a deep result on the topology of curves on surfaces

    Shock sensitivity in the localised buckling of a beam on a nonlinear foundation: The case of a trenched subsea pipeline

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    We study jump instability phenomena due to external disturbances to an axially loaded beam resting on a nonlinear foundation that provides both lateral and axial resistance. The lateral resistance is of destiffening-restiffening type known to lead to complex localisation phenomena governed by a Maxwell critical load that marks a phase transition to a periodic buckling pattern. For the benefit of having a concrete and realistic example we consider the case of a partially embedded trenched subsea pipeline under thermal loading but our results hold qualitatively for a wide class of problems with non-monotonic lateral resistance. In the absence of axial resistance the pipeline is effectively under a dead compressive load and experiences shock-sensitivity for loads immediately past the Maxwell load, i.e., extreme sensitivity to perturbations as may for instance be caused by irregular fluid flow inside the pipe or landslides. Nonzero axial resistance leads to a coupling of axial and lateral deformation under thermal loading. We define a ‘Maxwell temperature’ beyond which the straight pipeline may snap into a localised buckling mode. Under increasing axial resistance this Maxwell temperature is pushed to higher (safer) values. Shock sensitivity gradually diminishes and becomes less chaotic: jumps become more predictable. We compute minimum energy barriers for escape from pre-buckled to post-buckled states, which, depending on the magnitude of the axial resistance, may be induced by either symmetric, or anti-symmetric or non-symmetric perturbations