886 research outputs found

    Multidrug Resistance Studies in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    In the bone marrow, a continuous, strictly organized process of blood cell production or hematopoiesis takes place. The human hematopoietic system is capable of replacing the normal daily turnover of blood cells and is capable of maintaining a balance between the blood cell formation and increased blood cell demands such as in bleeding or infection. The different types of cells that are normally present in the peripheral blood are all derived from committed progenitor cells. The comparttnent of these committed progenitor cells is maintained by a small number of pluripotent stem cells. The process of proliferation and differentiation is regulated by cellular interaction, the microenvironment of the bone marrow, several regulatory glycoproteins and hematopoietic growth factors. Leukemia is the condition of malignant transfonnation of hematopoietic cells leading to the accumulation of immature abnonnal cells in blood and bone marrow. According to the clinical presentation, the leukemias are divided in acute and chronic leukemias. Depending on the cell1ineage involved, a further distinction can be made in myeloid and lymphoid leukemias. The focus of this thesis is on "acute myeloid leukemia" (AML). AML is a clonal disease, characterized by a maturation arrest during the differentiation of the hematopoietic cells to mature blood cells, leading to accumulation of a population of immature abnormal myeloid cells, ultimately resulting in suppression of normal hematopoeisis. Clinically, the replacement of normal functional blood cells by leukemic blasts in bone marrow and peripheral blood will result in anemia, granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia

    Pediatric Natural Killer Cell Malignancy

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    Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Prevention of cisplatin-induced hearing loss in children: achievements and challenges for evidence-based implementation of sodium Thiosulfate

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    Ototoxicity is a devastating direct, irreversible side effect of platinum use in children with cancer, with its consequent effect on speech, language and social development, quality of life and adult productivity. Cisplatin, an essential chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of solid tumors in children, is a DNA cross-linking agent. Which causes hearing loss in 50-70% of cisplatin treated children. Fortunately, to prevent hearing loss, sodium thiosulfate (STS), which binds to cisplatin, and reduces the superoxides in both tumor and outer hair cells of the cochlea has now been discovered to be an effective and safe otoprotectant if administered correctly. The aim of this perspective paper is to explore the key safety issues and challenges important for pediatric oncologists and pharmacists when considering the clinical use of STS as an otoprotectant for children and adolescents receiving cisplatin. These include: the choice of the formulation; the timing, both that of the STS in relation to cisplatin as well as the timing of the cisplatin infusion itself; the dosing; the challenge left by the definition of localized versus disseminated disease and the difference in indication for STS, between cisplatin treated patients and those receiving another platinum chemotherapeutic agent, carboplatin

    Nutritional Preconditioning in Cancer Treatment in Relation to DNA Damage and Aging

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    Dietary restriction (DR) is the most successful nutritional intervention for extending lifespan and preserving health in numerous species. Reducing food intake triggers a protective response that shifts energy resources from growth to maintenance and resilience mechanisms. This so-called survival response has been shown to particularly increase life- and health span and decrease DNA damage in DNA repair-deficient mice exhibiting accelerated aging. Accumulation of DNA damage is the main cause of aging, but also of cancer. Moreover, radiotherapies and most chemotherapies are based on damaging DNA, consistent with their ability to induce toxicity and accelerate aging. Since fasting and DR decrease DNA damage and its effects, nutritional preconditioning holds promise for improving (cancer) therapy and preventing short- and long-term side effects of anticancer treatments. This review provides an overview of the link between aging and cancer, highlights important preclinical studies applying such nutritional preconditioning, and summarizes the first clinical trials implementing nutritional preconditioning in cancer treatment

    Nutritional Preconditioning in Cancer Treatment in Relation to DNA Damage and Aging

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    Dietary restriction (DR) is the most successful nutritional intervention for extending lifespan and preserving health in numerous species. Reducing food intake triggers a protective response that shifts energy resources from growth to maintenance and resilience mechanisms. This so-called survival response has been shown to particularly increase life- and health span and decrease DNA damage in DNA repair-deficient mice exhibiting accelerated aging. Accumulation of DNA damage is the main cause of aging, but also of cancer. Moreover, radiotherapies and most chemotherapies are based on damaging DNA, consistent with their ability to induce toxicity and accelerate aging. Since fasting and DR decrease DNA damage and its effects, nutritional preconditioning holds promise for improving (cancer) therapy and preventing short- and long-term side effects of anticancer treatments. This review provides an overview of the link between aging and cancer, highlights important preclinical studies applying such nutritional preconditioning, and summarizes the first clinical trials implementing nutritional preconditioning in cancer treatment

    Impaired dexamethasone-related increase of anticoagulants is associated with the development of osteonecrosis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Coagulation alterations may be involved in osteonecrosis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Retrospectively, we evaluated the available coagulation parameters at diagnosis and during induction treatment of 161 acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: 24 with symptomatic osteonecrosis (median age: 13.8 years, range 4.0-17.2) and 137 without osteonecrosis (median age: 4.9 years, range 1.0-16.7). Coagulation parameters of both groups were similar at diagnosis. After four weeks of treatment including dexamethasone, levels of antithrombin and protein S were significantly less in osteonecrosis-positive than in osteonecrosis-negative patients. Subsequently, after four doses of asparaginase and tapering dexamethasone, these coagulation parameters equally decreased in both groups. Consequently, nadirs of antithrombin and protein S were significantly lower in osteonecrosis-positive than in osteonecrosis- negative patients, even reaching levels below lower normal limits in the osteonecrosis-positive group. A reduced dexamethasone related increase of antithrombin and protein S, and subsequent decline below normal levels after introduction of asparaginase, may result in a hypercoagulable state, contributing to development of symptomatic osteonecrosis

    Subtype prediction in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: Classification using differential network rank conservation revisited

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    Background: One of the most important application spectrums of transcriptomic data is cancer phenotype classification. Many characteristics of transcriptomic data, such as redundant features and technical artifacts, make over-fitting commonplace. Promising classification results often fail to generalize across datasets with different sources, platforms, or preprocessing. Recently a novel differential network rank conservation (DIRAC) algorithm to characterize cancer phenotypes using transcriptomic data. DIRAC is a member of a family of algorithms that have shown useful for disease classification based on the relative expression of genes. Combining the robustness of this family's simple decision rules with known biological relationships, this systems approach identifies interpretable, yet highly discriminate networks. While DIRAC has been briefly employed for several classification problems in the original paper, the potentials of DIRAC in cancer phenotype classification, and especially robustness against artifacts in transcriptomic data have not been fully characterized yet. Results: In this study we thoroughly investigate the potentials of DIRAC by applying it to multiple datasets, and examine the variations in classification performances when datasets are (i) treated and untreated for batch effect; (ii) preprocessed with different techniques. We also propose the first DIRAC-based classifier to integrate multiple networks. We show that the DIRAC-based classifier is very robust in the examined scenarios. To our surprise, the trained DIRAC-based classifier even translated well to a dataset with different biological characteristics in the presence of substantial batch effects that, as shown here, plagued the standard expression value based classifier. In addition, the DIRAC-based classifier, because of the integrated biological information, also suggests pathways to target in specific subtypes, which may enhance the establishment of personalized therapy in diseases such as pediatric AML. In order to better comprehend the prediction power of the DIRAC-based classifier in general, we also performed classifications using publicly available datasets from breast and lung cancer. Furthermore, multiple well-known classification algorithms were utilized to create an ideal test bed for comparing the DIRAC-based classifier with the standard gene expression value based classifier. We observed that the DIRAC-based classifier greatly outperforms its rival. Conclusions: Based on our experiments with multiple datasets, we propose that DIRAC is a promising solution to the lack of generalizability in classification efforts that uses transcriptomic data. We believe that superior performances presented in this study may motivate other to initiate a new aline of research to explore the untapped power of DIRAC in a broad range of cancer types
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