26 research outputs found

    Environmental Flow Regimes for Dysidea avara Sponges

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    The aim of our research is to design tank systems to culture Dysidea avara for the production of avarol. Flow information was needed to design culture tanks suitable for effective production. Water flow regimes were characterized over a 1-year period for a shallow rocky sublittoral environment in the Northwestern Mediterranean where D. avara sponges are particularly abundant. Three-dimensional Doppler current velocities at 8¿10-m depths ranged from 5 to 15 cm/s over most seasons, occasionally spiking to 30¿66 cm/s. A thermistor flow sensor was used to map flow fields in close proximity (¿2 cm) to individual sponges at 4.5-, 8.8-, and 14.3-m depths. These ¿proximal flows¿ averaged 1.6 cm/s in calm seas and 5.9 cm/s during a storm, when the highest proximal flow (32.9 cm/s) was recorded next to a sponge at the shallowest station. Proximal flows diminished exponentially with depth, averaging 2.6 cm/s¿±¿0.15 SE over the entire study. Flow visualization studies showed that oscillatory flow (0.20¿0.33 Hz) was the most common regime around individual sponges. Sponges at the 4.5-m site maintained a compact morphology with large oscula year-around despite only seasonally high flows. Sponges at 8.8 m were more erect with large oscula on tall protuberances. At the lowest-flow 14.3-m site, sponges were more branched and heavily conulated, with small oscula. The relationship between sponge morphology and ambient flow regime is discussed

    Configuration of bioreactors

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    Lab-scale stirred-tank bioreactors (0.2–20 l) are used for fundamental research on animal cells and in process development and troubleshooting for large-scale production. In this chapter, different configurations of bioreactor systems are shortly discussed and setting up these different configurations is described. In addition, online measurement and control of bioreactor parameters is described, with special attention to controller settings (PID) and online measurement of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Finally, methods for determining the oxygen transfer coefficient are described

    Configuration of bioreactors

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    Lab-scale stirred-tank bioreactors (0.2–20 l) are used for fundamental research on animal cells and in process development and troubleshooting for large-scale production. In this chapter, different configurations of bioreactor systems are shortly discussed and setting up these different configurations is described. In addition, online measurement and control of bioreactor parameters is described, with special attention to controller settings (PID) and online measurement of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Finally, methods for determining the oxygen transfer coefficient are described

    Luminostat operation: A tool to maximize microalgae photosynthetic efficiency in photobioreactors during the daily light cycle?

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    The luminostat regime has been proposed as a way to maximize light absorption and thus to increase the microalgae photosynthetic efficiency within photobioreactors. In this study, simulated outdoor light conditions were applied to a lab-scale photobioreactor in order to evaluate the luminostat control under varying light conditions. The photon flux density leaving the reactor (PFDout) was varied from 4 to 20 mol photons m-2 s-1and the productivity and photosynthetic efficiency of Chlorella sorokiniana were assessed. Maximal volumetric productivity (1.22 g Kg-1 d-1) and biomass yield on PARphotons(400700 nm) absorbed (1.27 g mol-1) were found when PFDout was maintained between 4 and 6 mol photons m-2 s-1.The resultant photosynthetic efficiency was comparable to thatalready reported in a chemostat-controlled reactor.A strict luminostat regime could not be maintained under varying light conditions.Further modifications to the luminostat control arerequired before application under outdoor conditions

    Light respiration in Chlorella sorokiniana

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    Respiration and photosynthesis are two important processes in microalgal growth that occur simultaneously in the light. To know the rates of both processes, at least one of them has to be measured. To be able to measure the rate of light respiration of Chlorella sorokiniana, the measurement of oxygen uptake must be fast, preferably in the order of minutes. We measured the immediate post-illumination respiratory O2 uptake rate (OUR) in situ, using fiber-optic oxygen microsensors, and a small and simple extension of the cultivation system. This method enables rapid and frequent measurements without disturbing the cultivation and growth of the microalgae. Two batch experiments were performed with C. sorokiniana in a short light-path photobioreactor, and the OUR was measured at different time points. The net oxygen production rate (net OPR) was measured online. Adding the OUR and net OPR gives the gross oxygen production rate (gross OPR), which is a measure for the oxygen evolution by photosynthesis. The gross OPR was 35–40% higher than the net OPR for both experiments. The respiration rate is known to be related to the growth rate, and it is suggested that faster algal growth leads to a higher energy (ATP) requirement, and as such, respiratory activity increases. This hypothesis is supported by our results, as the specific OUR is highest in the beginning of the batch culture when the specific growth rate is highest. In addition, the specific OUR decreases toward the end of the experiments until it reaches a stable value of around 0.3 mmol O2 h-1 g-1. This value for the specific OUR is equal to the maintenance requirement of C. sorokiniana as determined in an independent study of (Zijffers et al. 2010 (in press)). This suggests that respiration could fulfill the maintenance requirements of the microalgal cells

    Luminostat operation: A tool to maximize microalgae photosynthetic efficiency in photobioreactors during the daily light cycle?

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    The luminostat regime has been proposed as a way to maximize light absorption and thus to increase the microalgae photosynthetic efficiency within photobioreactors. In this study, simulated outdoor light conditions were applied to a lab-scale photobioreactor in order to evaluate the luminostat control under varying light conditions. The photon flux density leaving the reactor (PFDout) was varied from 4 to 20 mol photons m-2 s-1and the productivity and photosynthetic efficiency of Chlorella sorokiniana were assessed. Maximal volumetric productivity (1.22 g Kg-1 d-1) and biomass yield on PARphotons(400700 nm) absorbed (1.27 g mol-1) were found when PFDout was maintained between 4 and 6 mol photons m-2 s-1.The resultant photosynthetic efficiency was comparable to thatalready reported in a chemostat-controlled reactor.A strict luminostat regime could not be maintained under varying light conditions.Further modifications to the luminostat control arerequired before application under outdoor conditions