31 research outputs found

    Black Hole Deconstruction

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    A D4-D0 black hole can be deconstructed into a bound state of D0 branes with a D6-anti-D6 pair containing worldvolume fluxes. The exact spacetime solution is known and resembles a D0 accretion disk surrounding a D6-anti-D6 core. We find a scaling limit in which the disk and core drop inside an AdS_2 throat. Crossing this AdS_2 throat and the D0 accretion disk into the core, we find a second scaling region describing the D6-anti-D6 pair. It is shown that the M-theory lift of this region is AdS_3 x S^2. Surprisingly, time translations in the far asymptotic region reduce to global, rather than Poincare, time translations in this core AdS_3. We further find that the quantum mechanical ground state degeneracy reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy-area law.Comment: 11 page

    Black Holes as Effective Geometries

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    Gravitational entropy arises in string theory via coarse graining over an underlying space of microstates. In this review we would like to address the question of how the classical black hole geometry itself arises as an effective or approximate description of a pure state, in a closed string theory, which semiclassical observers are unable to distinguish from the "naive" geometry. In cases with enough supersymmetry it has been possible to explicitly construct these microstates in spacetime, and understand how coarse-graining of non-singular, horizon-free objects can lead to an effective description as an extremal black hole. We discuss how these results arise for examples in Type II string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 and on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 that preserve 16 and 8 supercharges respectively. For such a picture of black holes as effective geometries to extend to cases with finite horizon area the scale of quantum effects in gravity would have to extend well beyond the vicinity of the singularities in the effective theory. By studying examples in M-theory on AdS_3 x S^2 x CY that preserve 4 supersymmetries we show how this can happen.Comment: Review based on lectures of JdB at CERN RTN Winter School and of VB at PIMS Summer School. 68 pages. Added reference

    Homogeneous nonrelativistic geometries as coset spaces

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    We generalize the coset procedure of homogeneous spacetimes in (pseudo-) Riemannian geometry to non-Lorentzian geometries. These are manifolds endowed with nowhere vanishing invertible vielbeins that transform under local non-Lorentzian tangent space transformations. In particular we focus on nonrelativistic symmetry algebras that give rise to (torsional) Newton-Cartan geometries, for which we demonstrate how the Newton-Cartan metric complex is determined by degenerate co- and contravariant symmetric bilinear forms on the coset. In specific cases we also show the connection of the resulting nonrelativistic coset spacetimes to pseudo-Riemannian cosets via Inonu-Wigner contraction of relativistic algebras as well as null reduction. Our construction is of use for example when considering limits of the AdS/CFT correspondence in which nonrelativistic spacetimes appear as gravitational backgrounds for nonrelativistic string or gravity theories

    BPS dyons and Hesse flow

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    We revisit BPS solutions to classical N=2 low energy effective gauge theories. It is shown that the BPS equations can be solved in full generality by the introduction of a Hesse potential, a symplectic analog of the holomorphic prepotential. We explain how for non-spherically symmetric, non-mutually local solutions, the notion of attractor flow generalizes to gradient flow with respect to the Hesse potential. Furthermore we show that in general there is a non-trivial magnetic complement to this flow equation that is sourced by the momentum current in the solution.Comment: 25 pages, references adde

    BPS Spectrum, Indices and Wall Crossing in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories

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    BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions can be represented as planar string networks with ends lying on D3-branes. We introduce several protected indices which capture information on the spectrum and various quantum numbers of these states, give their wall crossing formula and describe how using the wall crossing formula we can compute all the indices at all points in the moduli space.Comment: LaTeX file, 33 pages, 15 figure

    A bound on the entropy of supergravity?

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    We determine, in two independent ways, the number of BPS quantum states arising from supergravity degrees of freedom in a system with fixed total D4D0 charge. First, we count states generated by quantizing the spacetime degrees of freedom of 'entropyless' multicentered solutions consisting of anti-D0-branes bound to a D6-anti-D6 pair. Second, we determine the number of free supergravity excitations of the corresponding AdS_3 geometry with the same total charge. We find that, although these two approaches yield a priori different sets of states, the leading degeneracies in a large charge expansion are equal to each other and that, furthermore, the number of such states is parametrically smaller than that arising from the D4D0 black hole's entropy. This strongly suggests that supergravity alone is not sufficient to capture all degrees of freedom of large supersymmetric black holes. Comparing the free supergravity calculation to that of the D6-anti-D6-D0 system we find that the bound on the free spectrum imposed by the stringy exclusion principle (a unitarity bound in the dual CFT) seems to be captured in the dynamics of the fully interacting but classcial supergravity equations of motion.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Quantizing N=2 Multicenter Solutions

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    N=2 supergravity in four dimensions, or equivalently N=1 supergravity in five dimensions, has an interesting set of BPS solutions that each correspond to a number of charged centers. This set contains black holes, black rings and their bound states, as well as many smooth solutions. Moduli spaces of such solutions carry a natural symplectic form which we determine, and which allows us to study their quantization. By counting the resulting wavefunctions we come to an independent derivation of some of the wall-crossing formulae. Knowledge of the explicit form of these wavefunctions allows us to find quantum resolutions to some apparent classical paradoxes such as solutions with barely bound centers and those with an infinitely deep throat. We show that quantum effects seem to cap off the throat at a finite depth and we give an estimate for the corresponding mass gap in the dual CFT. This is an interesting example of a system where quantum effects cannot be neglected at macroscopic scales even though the curvature is everywhere small.Comment: 49 pages + appendice

    The Hesse potential, the c-map and black hole solutions

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    We present a new formulation of the local c-map, which makes use of the real formulation of special Kahler geometry and the associated Hesse potential. As an application we use the temporal version of the c-map to derive the black hole attractor equations from geometric properties of the scalar manifold, and we construct various stationary solutions for four-dimensional vector multiplets by lifting instanton solutions of the time-reduced theory.Comment: 76 pages. Second revised version: substantial extension. Further references added and discussion extended. Construction of axion-free non-BPS extremal solutions for a class of non-homogeneous target spaces added. Accepted for publication in JHE