22 research outputs found

    Total VOC reactivity in the planetary boundary layer: 2. A new indicator for determining the sensitivity of the ozone production to VOC and NO

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    A new indicator is proposed for determining if tropospheric ozone production in a specifiacr eai s limitedb yV OC or NOx.T he indicato1r 9= r•ø•C/•oød•Xes cribeths e ratio of the lifetimes of OH against the losses by reacting with VOC and NOx. Whereas •oøx• c anb e obtainebdy c onventionmale asurementthse, n ewp umpa ndp robeO H approach which is described in part one of this publication makes it now possible to obtain also ß_ov •o c ßI ndicator values above a thresholdv alue of 0.2 __+50 % are representativeo f NOx-saturatedc onditionsw here an increaseo f NOx emissionsc auses lower ozone production.F or valuesb elow 0.01 the ozone productioni s very insensitivet o changeso f VOC emissionsT. he robustnesso f this indicator againsts everalp arameters sucha s temperature,h umidity,p hotolysisa, nd initial ozone concentrationsis tested in a box model and comparedt o the robustnesso f other earlier proposedi ndicators.I n contrast to earlier proposed indicators, this new one is not based on photochemically producedl ong-liveds peciesb ut describest he instantaneousr egime of an air parcel. Three-dimensionasl imulations howst hat this indicator is quite successfuiln estimatingt he impact of increasedo r reducede missionso n the ozone concentrationsfo r each location in the modeling area. This will make it a very helpful tool for developing ozone abatement strategies

    Total VOC reactivity in the planetary boundary layer: 1. Estimation by a pump and probe OH experiment

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    The reactivityo f hydroxyrl adical (OH) with total volatile organicc ompounds (VOC), Z kvoc[VOC ], is directly obtained in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The method is basedo n a perturbationt echniquew here high initial OH concentrationsa re createdb yf lashp hotolysoisf ozonea nds ubsequerneta ctiono f O(•D) withH 20. Laserinduced fluorescence is used to measure the residual OH concentration at different time delays after the perturbation (<100 ms) and obtain a direct estimate of the OH lifetime rOH for different atmospheric conditions. For specific experimental conditions the transportb y the wind may be neglected,a nd the chemicalp rocessesg overningt he OH decaym ay be expressedb y a detailed box model. With a simple chemicale quation derived in this paper using roll and complementarym easurementso f CO, 03, and NOx, an in situ estimate of Z kvoc[VOC ] in the PBL is retrieved with an uncertainty of less than 20% in comparisont o the detailed box model calculationsT. his analysisi s applied to laboratory measurementsw ith three syntheticN Ox/VOC/O 3 gas mixtures,a nd the retrieved OH lifetimes and total VOC reactivitya re discusseda gainstm odel predictions

    Vascular regrowth following photodynamic therapy in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) induces damage to the endothelium, which can lead to increased vascular permeability and, under intensive PDT conditions, even to platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and blood flow stasis. Eventually, ischemia, hypoxia, and inflammation can occur, resulting in angiogenesis. We studied the sequence of the vascular events after Visudyne®-PDT in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) at day 11 of development. Using epi-fluorescence microscopy, we monitored the regrowth of capillaries in the PDT treated area. Immediately after irradiation, the treatment resulted in blood flow arrest. And 24 h post PDT, sprouting of new blood vessels was observed at the edge of the PDT zone. Neovessels looping out from the edge of the PDT zone gave rise to specialized endothelial tip structures guiding the vessels towards the center of the treated area. At 48 h almost all of the treated area was repopulated with functional but morphologically altered vasculature. These observations also showed reperfusion of some of the vessels that had been closed by the PDT treatment. CAM samples were immunohistochemically stained for Ki-67 showing proliferation of endothelial cells in the PDT area. Also, several markers of immature and angiogenic blood vessels, such as αVβ3-integrin, vimentin and galectin-1, were found to be enhanced in the PDT area, while the endothelial maturation marker intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 was found to be suppressed. These results demonstrate that the new vascular bed is formed by both neo-angiogenesis and reperfusion of existing vessels. Both the quantitative real-time RT–PCR profile and the response to pharmacological treatment with Avastin®, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, suggest that angiogenesis occurs after PDT. The observed molecular profiling results and the kinetics of gene regulation may enable optimizing combination therapies involving PDT for treatment of cancer and other diseases

    Measuring the Economic Value of Two Habitat Defragmentation Policy Scenarios for the Veluwe, The Netherlands

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    This paper offers an economic value assessment of a nature protection programme in the Veluwe. This programme involves two defragmentation scenarios: the first scenario connects the central part of the Veluwe with the IJssel river forelands in a north-eastern direction, while the second scenario is focused on defragmentation in a south-western direction, where the Rhine river forelands are located. The valuation is based on a questionnaire that was administered during face-to-face interviews in the Veluwe area and through the Internet. We employ a contingent valuation approach to assess the respondents willingness to pay for the realisation of the defragmentation scenarios. It appears that the mean willingness to pay for the two defragmentation scenarios are € 59.7 and € 162.2 per respondent. These two willingness-to-pay estimates, which refer to a lump sum payment (or once-and-for-all payment ), are based on a lognormal and Weibull distribution respectively. In addition to the willingness to pay, we also estimate recreation benefits of the Veluwe. To that end, we use the travel cost technique, the purpose of which is to arrive at an estimate of the site s consumer surplus. According to this technique, the yearly recreational benefits are estimated between € 0.06 and € 0.45 per visitor. Whereas the former estimate is based on the fuel costs only, the latter covers also insurance and maintenance costs, and capital depreciation. Finally, we performed an aggregation of individual WTP estimates over Dutch households. With the resulting aggregate estimates we are able to compare the total costs and benefits of the two scenarios for habitat fragmentation in the Veluwe. The result of such a simple comparison turns out to critically depend on whether the mean or median estimate is used for aggregation. If aggregation of individual WTP estimates is based on mean values, then the benefits far exceed the estimated costs of defragmentation. In other words, based on an integrated economic-ecological analysis it makes sense to execute the defragmentation measures described in the scenarios. However, aggregate estimates obtained by using median values result in higher costs than aggregate estimates that are based on mean values. Even stronger, median-based estimates show that the costs of implementing scenario 2 are higher than the total benefits of this scenario

    Selectivity in low pressure chemical vapor deposition of copper from hexafluoroacetylacetonate-copper(I)-trimethylvinylsilane in the presence of water

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    Electronic device-quality Cu was deposited on Pt-patterned oxidized Si wafers from hexafluoroacetylacetonate-copper(I)-trimethylvinylsilane by using low-pressure chem. vapor deposition at 150-250 Deg in He carrier gas. Smooth Cu films ?0.8 mm thick have been deposited with an elec. resistivity close to that of bulk Cu. From the temp. dependence of the mean deposition rate, an apparent activation energy of 53-62 kJ/mol was detd. for the overall deposition process. Monitoring of the deposition process by reflection of diode laser beams allowed an early detection of nucleation and film growth on both metal-seeded and unseeded surface sites. By the addn. of water to the reaction mixt., the nucleation on Pt-seeded SiO2 was accelerated, whereas the nucleation on unseeded SiO2 was delayed. Compared to deposition without water, the overall deposition rate on Pt-seeded SiO2 was slightly increased. However, the deposits showed a rough surface structure, and the film resistivity increased to >=20 mW-cm

    Photodynamic therapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

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    The first effective therapy for exudative macular degeneration (AMD) was Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). Diagnosis of the disease was to a large extent by fluorescein angiography (FA). Distinguishing between the leaky choroidal neovessels (CNV) associated with exudative AMD, and the polypoidal structures associated with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV) is not always easy using FA alone. The switch to Indocyanine Green angiography helped to pinpoint PCV, and thus to study the efficacy of photodynamic therapy of this particular form of retinal disease, which is more frequently encountered among pigmented individuals. The results appear to be quite promising, and in the year following treatment only a small fraction of the patients had to be retreated. Alternatively, treating PCV with repeated intravitreal VEGF blocking agents was not as successful as it was in the treatment of wet AMD. However, combining PDT-induced angio-occlusion of the polypoidal lesions with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy was shown to be quite effective, and the combination of PDT with an anti-angiogenic agent as well as a steroid, in a triple therapy, was recently also shown to be a quite promising option. In the present article we review the data on PDT of PCV, including combination therapies and alternative treatments. We also report on similarities and differences between AMD and PCV. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A streamlined search technology for identification of synergistic drug combinations

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    A major key to improvement of cancer therapy is the combination of drugs. Mixing drugs that already exist on the market may offer an attractive alternative. Here we report on a new model-based streamlined feedback system control (s-FSC) method, based on a design of experiment approach, for rapidly finding optimal drug mixtures with minimal experimental effort. We tested combinations in an in vitro assay for the viability of a renal cell adenocarcinoma (RCC) cell line, 786-O. An iterative cycle of in vitro testing and s-FSC analysis was repeated a few times until an optimal low dose combination was reached. Starting with ten drugs that target parallel pathways known to play a role in the development and progression of RCC, we identified the best overall drug combination, being a mixture of four drugs (axitinib, erlotinib, dasatinib and AZD4547) at low doses, inhibiting 90% of cell viability. The removal of AZD4547 from the optimized drug combination resulted in 80% of cell viability inhibition, while still maintaining the synergistic interaction. These optimized drug combinations were significantly more potent than monotherapies of all individual drugs (p < 0.001, CI < 0.3)