97 research outputs found

    Ringtest to evaluate four methods of resistance testing in fodder radish against Meloidogyne chitwoodi

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    To measure levels of resistance in fodder radish cultivars a reliable, objective and cost effective testing method is required. In 2006 German and Dutch plant breeder’s organizations (Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter; BDP and Plantum), a number of research institutes (PRI, PPO (WUR) and JKI) and breeding companies started this “Ring test project”.Aim of this project was to compare different methods to quantify the level of resistance in fodder radish varieties against Meloidogyne chitwoodi. The final aim is to find the best method and criteria which can serve as an European standard for evaluation of the level of resistance in fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) against M. chitwoodi. In total four fodder radish genotypes, delivered by various breeding companies, and one reference (susceptible) fodder radish cultivar were investigated with three different lab tests and one field-experimen

    Evaluatie van de voedingsstatus van Nederlandse patiënten met chronische inflammatoire darmziekten : een pilotonderzoek

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    Introductie Het doel van deze pilotstudie was het verkrijgen van inzicht in de voedingsstatus van Nederlandse patiënten met chronische inflammatoire darmziekten (IBD). Methoden De voedingsstatus werd onderzocht op basis van MUST-score, handknijpkracht, micronutriëntstatus in het bloed en voedingsinname. Daarnaast werden leeftijd, geslacht, ziektebeeld, ziekteactiviteit, kwaliteit van leven en medicatiegebruik geïnventariseerd en gecorreleerd aan ziekteactiviteit. Resultaten 41 personen met IBD (17 mannen en 24 vrouwen, 19-74 jaar), onder wie 22 met colitis ulcerosa en 19 met de ziekte van Crohn, namen deel aan het onderzoek. 4 deelnemers hadden volgens de MUST-score een verhoogd risico op ondervoeding. Van 4 deelnemers was de handknijpkracht onder de referentiewaarde. 14 personen hadden een tekort aan vitamine D, 3 aan selenium, 3 aan foliumzuur, 1 aan vitamine B12 en 1 aan magnesium. De micronutriëntconcentraties verschilden niet tussen deelnemers met verschillende ziektebeelden, MUST-scores of handknijpkracht. Serum vitamine B1 verschilde als enige micronutriënt tussen mannen en vrouwen (p=0,047). Foliumzuurconcentraties waren hoger bij hogere ziekteactiviteit (p=0,022) en bij lagere kwaliteit van leven (p=0,030). Serumspiegels van vitamine D en vitamine E waren hoger voor deelnemers boven de leeftijdsmediaan dan voor deelnemers daaronder (50 jaar, respectievelijk:

    Non-imaging optics for LED-lighting

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    In this report, several methods are investigated to rapidly compute the light intensity function, either in the far field or on a finite-distance screen, of light emanating from a light fixture with a given shape. Different shapes are considered, namely polygonal and (piecewise) smooth. In the first case, analytic methods are sought to circumvent the use of Monte Carlo methods and ray-tracing with large sample size. In the second case, refinements of the Monte Carlo method (notably using a bootstrap procedure) are devised to minimize the number of samples needed for a good approximation of the intensity function

    Effects of the DICE Method to Improve Timely Recognition and Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Early Alzheimer's Disease at the Memory Clinic:The BEAT-IT Study

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    BACKGROUND: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are highly prevalent in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and are associated with negative outcomes. However, NPS are currently underrecognized at the memory clinic and non-pharmacological interventions are scarcely implemented.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Describe, Investigate, Create, Evaluate (DICE) method™ to improve the care for NPS in AD at the memory clinic.METHODS: We enrolled sixty community-dwelling people with mild cognitive impairment or AD dementia and NPS across six Dutch memory clinics with their caregivers. The first wave underwent care as usual (n = 36) and the second wave underwent the DICE method (n = 24). Outcomes were quality of life (QoL), caregiver burden, NPS severity, NPS-related distress, competence managing NPS, and psychotropic drug use. Reliable change index was calculated to identify responders to the intervention. A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed and semi-structured interviews with a subsample of the intervention group (n = 12).RESULTS: The DICE method did not improve any outcomes over time compared to care as usual. Half of the participants of the intervention group (52%) were identified as responders and showed more NPS and NPS-related distress at baseline compared to non-responders. Interviews revealed substantial heterogeneity among participants regarding NPS-related distress, caregiver burden, and availability of social support. The intervention did not lead to significant gains in quality-adjusted life years and well-being years nor clear savings in health care and societal costs.CONCLUSION: The DICE method showed no benefits at group-level, but individuals with high levels of NPS and NPS-related distress may benefit from this intervention.</p