272 research outputs found

    Active labour market policy effects for women in Europe - a survey

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    We survey the recent literature on the effects of active labor market policies on individual labor market outcomes like employment and income, for adult female individuals without work in European countries. We consider skilltraining programs, monitoring and sanctions, job search assistance, and employment subsidies. The results are remarkably uniform across studies. We relate the results to the relevant level of female labor force participation.Job search, female labor supply, wages, unemployment, schooling, training,

    Active labor market policy effects for women in Europe - a survey

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    We survey the recent literature on the effects of active labor market policies on individual labor market outcomes like employment and income, for adult female individuals without work in European countries. We consider skill-training programs, monitoring and sanctions, job search assistance, and employment subsidies. The results are remarkably uniform across studies. We relate the results to the relevant level of female labor force participation.Job search; female labor supply; wages; unemployment; schooling; training; monitoring; participation

    From Giving Birth to Paid Labor: The Effects of Adult Education for Prime-Aged Mothers

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    Women without work after childbirth are at risk of losing their connection to the labor market. However, they may participate in adult education programs. We analyze the effect of this on the duration to work and on the wage rate, by applying conditional difference-in-differences approaches. We use Swedish matched longitudinal register data sets covering the full population. The Swedish adult education program is unprecedented in its size, and enrollment is universally available at virtually no cost. We focus on low-skilled women who have recently given birth. We take account of program accessibility, selection issues, course heterogeneity, the income received during adult education, parental leave, and child care fees. To understand the enrollment decision from the mothers' point of view, we use the estimates to calibrate a job search model.evaluation of adult education, job search model, female labor supply, wages, participation, unemployment, schooling, conditional difference-in-differences

    The impact of Dutch works councils according to managers

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    Although works councils have, by and large, equally extensive legal rights in Germany and the Netherlands, this is the first econometric analysis that investigates the influence of Dutch works councils on firm performance. We use a nation-wide Dutch dataset with information on management’s perceptions of the works council’s impact on their firms’ efficiency and innovation. Inspired by the German study of Jirjahn and Smith (2006), we analyze which determinants influence management’s attitude toward employee participation in the Netherlands. We establish a preponderant influence emanating from the works council’s role attitude and management’s leadership style.works councils, managerial response, effectiveness, efficiency, innovation

    The Effect of Active Labor Market Programs on Not-Yet Treated Unemployed Individuals

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    Labor market programs may affect unemployed individuals' behavior before they enroll. Such ex ante effects are hard to identify without model assumptions. We develop a novel method that relates self-reported perceived treatment rates and job-search behavioral outcomes, like the reservation wage, to each other, among newly unemployed workers. Job search theory is used to derive theoretical predictions. To deal with effect heterogeneity and selectivity, the effects of interest are estimated by propensity score matching. We apply the method to the German ALMP system, using a novel data set including self-reported assessments of the variables of interest as well as an unusually detailed amount of information on behavior, attitudes, and past outcomes. We find that the system generates a negative ex ante effect on the reservation wage and a positive effect on search effort.program evaluation, unemployment duration, expectations, search effort, reservation wage, policy evaluation, active labor market policy, identification

    The Threat Effect of Participation in Active Labor Market Programs on Job Search Behavior of Migrants in Germany

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    Labor market programs may affect unemployed individuals' behavior before they enroll. Such ex ante effects may differ according to ethnic origin. We apply a novel method that relates self-reported perceived treatment rates and job search behavioral outcomes, such as the reservation wage or search intensity, to each other. We compare German native workers with migrants with a Turkish origin or Central and Eastern European (including Russian) background. Job search theory is used to derive theoretical predictions. We examine the omnibus ex ante effect of the German ALMP system, using the novel IZA Evaluation Data Set, which includes self-reported assessments of the variables of interest as well as an unusually detailed amount of information on behavior, attitudes and past outcomes. We find that the ex ante threat effect on the reservation wage and search effort varies considerably among the groups considered.unemployment duration, immigrants, active labor market policy, policy evaluation, reservation wage, program evaluation, expectations, search effort

    The threat effect of participation in active labor market programs on job search behavior of migrants in Germany

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    Labor market programs may affect unemployed individuals’ behavior before they enroll. Such ex ante effects may differ according to ethnic origin. We apply a novel method that relates self-reported perceived treatment rates and job search behav­ioral outcomes, such as the reservation wage or search intensity, to each other. We compare German native workers with migrants with a Turkish origin or Central and Eastern European (including Russian) background. Job search theory is used to de­rive theoretical predictions. We examine the omnibus ex ante effect of the German ALMP system, using the novel IZA Evaluation Data Set, which includes self-reported assessments of the variables of interest as well as an unusually detailed amount of in­formation on behavior, attitudes and past outcomes. We find that the ex ante threat effect on the reservation wage and search effort varies considerably among the groups considered.Immigrants; policy evaluation; reservation wage; search effort; expectations; unemploy­ment duration; program evaluation; active labor market policy.

    The healing pattern of osteoid osteomas on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging after thermocoagulation

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    Objective To compare the healing pattern of osteoid osteomas on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after successful and unsuccessful thermocoagulation. Materials and methods Eighty-six patients were examined by CT and 18 patients by dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MRI before and after thermocoagulation for osteoid osteoma. Thermocoagulation was successful in 73% (63/86) and unsuccessful in 27% (23/86) of patients followed by CT. Thermocoagulation was successful in 72% (13/18) of patients followed by MRI. After treatment, the healing of the nidus on CT was evaluated using different healing patterns (complete ossification, minimal nidus rest, decreased size, unchanged size or thermonecrosis). On MRI the presence of reactive changes (joint effusion, "oedema-like" changes of bone marrow and soft tissue oedema) and the delay time (between arterial and nidus enhancement) were assessed and compared before and after thermocoagulation. Results Complete ossification or a minimal nidus rest was observed on CT in 58% (16/28) of treatment successes (with > 12 months follow-up), but not in treatment failures. "Oedema-like" changes of bone marrow and/or soft tissue oedema were seen on MR in all patients before thermocoagulation and in all treatment failures. However, residual "oedema-like" changes of bone marrow were also found in 69% (9/13) of treatment successes. An increased delay time was observed in 62% (8/13) of treatment successes and in 1/5 of treatment failures. Conclusion Complete, or almost complete, ossification of the treated nidus on CT correlated with successful treatment. Absence of this ossification pattern, however, did not correlate with treatment failure. CT could not be used to identify the activity of the nidus following treatment. The value of MR parameters to assess residual activity of the nidus was limited in this study

    Offspring sex ratio of a woodland songbird is unrelated to habitat fragmentation

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    We assessed whether the sex ratio of nestling Marsh Tits (Poecile palustris) varied with habitat fragmentation by sampling broods from two British woodland areas with contrasting patch size, and comparing the data with published results from an extensive forest in Poland. We found no evidence for manipulation of offspring sex ratios, supporting findings from Poland, and suggesting that this trait may be typical of the species. The results are important in helping to understand the origin of biased sex ratios observed among adult Marsh Tits in the declining population in Britain

    A chromosome 21-specific cosmid cocktail for the detection of chromosome 21 aberrations in interphase nuclei

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    Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with a 21q11-specific probe (CB21c1) consisting of three non-overlapping cosmids has been applied to interphase amniocytes of pregnancies at increased risk for fetal aneuploidy (N = 78) and to interphase lymphocytes, cultured and uncultured, of patients referred for Down syndrome (N = 19 and 28, respectively). In the uncultured amniocytes, six chromosome aberrations were detected: three cases of trisomy 21, a triploidy, a de novo 46,XX,t(21q21q), and a mosaic 46,XY/47,XY,+dic(21)(q11)/48,XY,+dic(21)(q11), +del(21)(q11). In 15 cultured and 20 uncultured blood samples, FISH correctly diagnosed trisomy 21 (full or mosaic) at the interphase level, which was confirmed in all cases by subsequent karyotyping. Because of specific and strong signals in interphase nuclei, CB21c1 appears to be a useful tool for the rapid detection of chromosome 21 abnormalities
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