298 research outputs found

    Quintessence dynamics with two scalar fields and mixed kinetic terms

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    The dynamical properties of a model of dark energy in which two scalar fields are coupled by a non-canonical kinetic term are studied. We show that overall the addition of the coupling has only minor effects on the dynamics of the two-field system for both potentials studied, even preserving many of the features of the assisted quintessence scenario. The coupling of the kinetic terms enlarges the regions of stability of the critical points. When the potential is of an additive form, we find the kinetic coupling has an interesting effect on the dynamics of the fields as they approach the inflationary attractor, with the result that the combined equation of state of the scalar fields can approach -1 during the transition from a matter dominated universe to the recent period of acceleration.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Includes a extra section describing the case of a field-dependent coupling with two additional figures and minor changes to match published versio

    Dark D-Brane Cosmology: from background evolution to cosmological perturbations

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    We study the cosmological predictions of the dark D-brane model, in which dark matter resides on a D-brane moving in a higher-dimensional space. By construction, dark matter interacts only gravitationally with the standard model sector in this framework. The dark energy scalar field is associated with the position of the D-brane, and its dynamics is encoded in a Dirac-Born-Infeld action. On the other hand, dark matter is identified with matter on the D-brane, that naturally couples to dark energy \textit{via} a disformal coupling. We analyse the numerical evolution of the cosmological background, highlighting the fact that there are two regimes of interest: one, in which the coupling is positive throughout; and another, in which the coupling is negative at the present. In the latter, there is the enticing possibility of having scenarios in which the coupling is positive for a significant part of the evolution, before decreasing towards negative values. In both cases, the coupling is very small at early times, and only starts to grow during the late matter dominated era. We also derive the equations for the linear cosmological perturbations, an expression for the effective time-dependent gravitational coupling between dark matter particles and present the numerical results for the CMB anisotropy and matter power spectra. This allows for a direct comparison of the predictions for the growth of large scale structure with other disformal quintessence models.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. V2: Matches published versio

    Racetrack inflation with matter fields and cosmic strings

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    We consider the coupling of racetrack inflation to matter fields as realized in the D3/D7 brane system. In particular, we investigate the possibility of cosmic string formation in this system. We find that strings can form before or at the onset of racetrack inflation is possible, but they are then inflated away. Furthermore, string formation at the end of inflation is prevented by the presence of the moduli sector. As a consequence, no strings survive racetrack inflation

    New interactions in the dark sector mediated by dark energy

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    Cosmological observations have revealed the existence of a dark matter sector, which is commonly assumed to be made up of one particle species only. However, this sector might be more complicated than we currently believe: there might be more than one dark matter species (for example, two components of cold dark matter or a mixture of hot and cold dark matter) and there may be new interactions between these particles. In this paper we study the possibility of multiple dark matter species and interactions mediated by a dark energy field. We study both the background and the perturbation evolution in these scenarios. We find that the background evolution of a system of multiple dark matter particles (with constant couplings) mimics a single fluid with a time-varying coupling parameter. However, this is no longer true on the perturbative level. We study the case of attractive and repulsive forces as well as a mixture of cold and hot dark matter particles

    A hybrid model for the dark sector

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    Diverse cosmological and astrophysical observations strongly hint at the presence of dark matter and dark energy in the Universe. One of the main goals of Cosmology is to explain the nature of these two components. It may well be that both dark matter and dark energy have a common origin. In this paper, we develop a model in which the dark sector arises due to an interplay between two interacting scalar fields. Employing a hybrid inflation potential, we show that the model can be described as a system of a pressureless fluid coupled to a light scalar field. We discuss this setup's cosmological consequences and the observational signatures in the cosmic microwave background radiation and the large-scale structures.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Probing the imprints of generalized interacting dark energy on the growth of perturbations

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    We extensively study the evolution and distinct signatures of cosmological models, in which dark energy interacts directly with dark matter. We first focus on the imprints of these coupled models on the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum, in which we discuss the multipole peak separation together with the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. We also address the growth of matter perturbations, and disentangle the interacting dark energy models using the expansion history together with the growth history. We find that a disformal coupling between dark matter and dark energy induces intermediate-scales and time-dependent damped oscillatory features in the matter growth rate function, a unique characteristic of this coupling. Apart from the disformal coupling, we also consider conformally coupled models, together with models which simultaneously make use of both couplings
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