28 research outputs found

    Peribiliary glands are key in regeneration of the human biliary epithelium after severe bile duct injury

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    Peribiliary glands (PBG) are a source of stem/progenitor cells organized in a cellular network encircling large bile ducts. Severe cholangiopathy with loss of luminal biliary epithelium has been proposed to activate PBG, resulting in cell proliferation and differentiation to restore biliary epithelial integrity. However, formal evidence for this concept in human livers is lacking. We, therefore, developed a novel ex vivo model using precision-cut slices of extrahepatic human bile ducts obtained from discarded donor livers, providing an intact anatomical organization of cell structures, to study spatiotemporal differentiation and migration of PBG cells after severe biliary injury. Post-ischemic bile duct slices were incubated in oxygenated culture medium for up to a week. At baseline, severe tissue injury was evident with loss of luminal epithelial lining and mural stroma necrosis. In contrast, PBG remained relatively well preserved and different reactions of PBG were noted, including PBG dilatation, cell proliferation and maturation. Proliferation of PBG cells increased after 24 h of oxygenated incubation, reaching a peak after 72 h. Proliferation of PBG cells was paralleled by a reduction in PBG apoptosis and differentiation from a primitive and pluripotent (Nanog+/Sox9+) to a mature (CFTR+/secretin receptor+) and activated phenotype (increased expression of HIF-1α, Glut-1, and VEGF-A). Migration of proliferating PBG cells in our ex vivo model was unorganized, but resulted in generation of epithelial monolayers at stromal surfaces. CONCLUSION: Human PBG contain biliary progenitor cells and are able to respond to bile duct epithelial loss with proliferation, differentiation, and maturation to restore epithelial integrity. The ex vivo spatiotemporal behaviour of human PBG cells provides evidence for a pivotal role of PBG in biliary regeneration after severe injury. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Epigenetic changes in inflammatory arthritis monocytes contribute to disease and can be targeted by JAK inhibition

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    OBJECTIVES: How the local inflammatory environment regulates epigenetic changes in the context of inflammatory arthritis remains unclear. Here we assessed the transcriptional and active enhancer profile of monocytes derived from the inflamed joints of JIA patients, a model well-suited for studying inflammatory arthritis. METHODS: RNA sequencing and H3K27me3 chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) were used to analyse the transcriptional and epigenetic profile, respectively, of JIA synovial fluid-derived monocytes. RESULTS: Synovial-derived monocytes display an activated phenotype, which is regulated on the epigenetic level. IFN signalling-associated genes are increased and epigenetically altered in synovial monocytes, indicating a driving role for IFN in establishing the local inflammatory phenotype. Treatment of synovial monocytes with the Janus-associated kinase (JAK) inhibitor ruxolitinib, which inhibits IFN signalling, transformed the activated enhancer landscape and reduced disease-associated gene expression, thereby inhibiting the inflammatory phenotype. CONCLUSION: This study provides novel insights into epigenetic regulation of inflammatory arthritis patient-derived monocytes and highlights the therapeutic potential of epigenetic modulation for the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases

    Final publishable JRP summary for ENV55 MetNH3 - Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air

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    This project developed reference standards and measurement techniques for traceable measurements of NH3 in air. These will enable validated high quality ammonia measurement data which will help monitor and compare NH3 levels and ensure compliance with environmental protection policies and legislation

    Randomised clinical trial: First-line infliximab biosimilar is cost-effective compared to conventional treatment in paediatric Crohn's disease

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    Background: Data on cost-effectiveness of first-line infliximab in paediatric patients with Crohn's disease are limited. Since biologics are increasingly prescribed and accompanied by high costs, this knowledge gap needs to be addressed. Aim: To investigate the cost-effectiveness of first-line infliximab compared to conventional treatment in children with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease. Methods: We included patients from the Top-down Infliximab Study in Kids with Crohn's disease randomised controlled trial. Children with newly diagnosed moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease were treated with azathioprine maintenance and either five induction infliximab (biosimilar) infusions or conventional induction treatment (exclusive enteral nutrition or corticosteroids). Direct healthcare consumption and costs were obtained per patient until week 104. This included data on outpatient hospital visits, hospital admissions, drug costs, endoscopies and surgeries. The primary health outcome was the odds ratio of being in clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn's disease activity index<12.5) during 104 weeks. Results: We included 89 patients (44 in the first-line infliximab group and 45 in the conventional treatment group). Mean direct healthcare costs per patient were €36,784 for first-line infliximab treatment and €36,874 for conventional treatment over 2 years (p = 0.981). The odds ratio of first-line infliximab versus conventional treatment to be in clinical remission over 104 weeks was 1.56 (95%CI 1.03–2.35, p = 0.036). Conclusions: First-line infliximab treatment resulted in higher odds of being in clinical remission without being more expensive, making it the dominant strategy over conventional treatment in the first 2 years after diagnosis in children with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease. Trial registration number: NCT02517684

    First-line treatment with infliximab versus conventional treatment in children with newly diagnosed moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease: An open-label multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: In newly diagnosed paediatric patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (CD), infliximab (IFX) is initiated once exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN), corticosteroid and immunomodulator therapies have failed. We aimed to investigate whether starting first-line IFX (FL-IFX) is more effective to achieve and maintain remission than conventional treatment. Design: In this multicentre open-label randomised controlled trial, untreated patients with a new diagnosis of CD (3-17 years old, weighted Paediatric CD Activity Index score (wPCDAI) >40) were assigned to groups that received five infusions of 5 mg/kg IFX at weeks 0, 2, 6, 14 and 22 (FL-IFX), or EEN or oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg, maximum 40 mg) (conventional). The primary outcome was clinical remission on azathioprine, defined as a wPCDAI <12.5 at week 52, without need for treatment escalation, using intention-to-treat analysis. Results: 100 patients were included, 50 in the FL-IFX group and 50 in the conventional group. Four patients did not receive treatment as per protocol. At week 10, a higher proportion of patients in the FL-IFX group than in the conventional group achieved clinical (59% vs 34%, respectively, p=0.021) and endoscopic remission (59% vs 17%, respectively, p=0.001). At week 52, the proportion of patients in clinical remission was no

    MetNH3: Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air

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    Measuring ammonia in ambient air is a sensitive and priority issue due to its harmful effects on human health and ecosystems. Ammonia is increasingly being globally acknowledged as a key precursor to atmospheric particulate matter. The European Directive 2001/81/EC on “National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants (NEC)” regulates ammonia emissions in the member states. However, due to the chemical characteristics of ambient ammonia traceable on-line measurements still have significant challenges in analytical technology, uncertainty, quality assurance and quality control (QC/QA). Currently the UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network uses an accredited off-line low temporal resolution and on-line denuder–IC methods at the UK Supersites. There is a need for traceable ammonia measurements which will be vitally important for identifying changes in environment policies, climate and agricultural practice. This in turn should lead to improvements emission inventory uncertainties and for providing independent verification of atmospheric model predictions. MetNH3 (EMRP Joint Research Project) has worked with SMEs in testing improved reference gas mixtures by static and dynamic gravimetric generation methods, develop and refine existing laser based optical spectrometric standards and establishing the transfer from high-accuracy standards to field applicable methods. The first results from the metrological characterisation of a commercially available cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) are presented and the results from a new design “Controlled Atmosphere Test Facility (CATFAC)”, which is currently characterising the performance of diffusive samplers. The range and characteristics of instruments are discussed. The plans for a major ammonia field intercomparison in 2016 will be outlined

    Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air. Final publishable JRP report

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    This project developed reference standards and measurement techniques for traceable measurements of NH3 in air. These will enable validated high quality ammonia measurement data which will help monitor and compare NH3 levels and ensure compliance with environmental protection policies and legislation

    Stoppen met roken voor Amsterdam met een minimuminkomen: Eindrapportage

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