242 research outputs found

    Поэтонимология: из заметок о метаязыке науки

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    Представлены сведения о развитии метаязыка поэтонимологии как науки о собственных именах в литературных произведениях, определены его термино-логические составляющие. Сформулирована позиция автора, относительно характера терминосистемы ономастики. Основное внимание уделено некоторым аспектам развития собственно ономастической части понятий и терминов поэтонимологии. Показан базовый характер термина "поэтоним" и возможности его использования для формирования специальной поэтонимологической терминологии. Рассмотрены достоинства и недостатки различных наименований дисциплины, изучающей собственные имена художественных произведений.У статі йдеться про розвиток метамови поетонімології як науки про власні імена у літературних творах. Висвітлена позиція автора щодо характеру терміносистеми ономастики. Приділено увагу деяким аспектам розвитку власне ономастичної складової терміносистеми поетонімології. Показаний базовий характер терміна "поетонім" і можливості його використання.The article is devoted to the development of meta-language of poetonymology as a sciences about the proper names in literary works. Author's position is lighted up in relation to the system of onomastic terms. Attention is spared to some aspects of development actually onomastic constituent of poetonymologic term system. Base character of "poetonym" as a term and possibilities of its use are showed

    Сучасний розподіл радіонуклідів у лісових екосистемах Полісся України

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    Подано матеріали стосовно розподілу 137Cs у компонентах лісових екосистем на прикладі соснових насаджень у різних типах лісорослинних умов – свіжих і вологих борах, вологих суборах. Отримані дані можна використовувати при реабілітації лісів, що зазнали радіоактивного забруднення.В статье представлены материалы относительно распределения 137Cs в компонентах лесных экосистем на примере сосновых насаждений в разных типах лесорастительных условий – свежих и влажных борах, влажных суборах. Полученные данные можно использовать при реабилитации лесов после радиоактивного загрязнения.Data on 137Cs distribution in the components of forest ecosystems on the example of pine stands in different forest site conditions – fresh and wet bors and wet subors – are presented. Obtained data can be used for forest rehabilitation after radioactive contamination

    Application of different cell populations in hydrogel bioinks for zonal Cartilage biofabrication

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    Functional regeneration of articular cartilage is still a major challenge in human. Bioprinting permits to mimic the complex architecture of articular cartilage, by coordinating the deposition of multiple cell types and materials, termed bioinks. For this purpose, cells with high potential for zonal differentiation need to be encapsulated in bioinks that provide an instructive niche for extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis. The recent identification of multipotent articular cartilage chondroprogenitor cells (ACPCs) represents a new opportunity to generate bioinks with defined zonal affinity. The aim of this work was to print zonal constructs using hydrogel bioinks encapsulating ACPCs, alone or in combination with other cell types, obtained from equine donors. Gelatin methacryloyl (gelMA)-based inks were used to culture ACPCs, bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and chondrocytes (CHs) in casted gels. The expression of zonal markers and ECM molecules by each cell type was studied. Constructs composed of two adjacent regions, each containing a single cell type were also fabricated, as models for zonal co-culture of the possible MSCs, CHs, and ACPCs pairings. Finally, zonal constructs were printed using ACPC-laden gelMA as superficial zone-competent bioink, and a MSC-laden ink for the deeper zones, via bioink extrusion in a sacrificial poloxamer frame. The effect of printing on long-term cell performance was evaluated during 56 days of culture. GAG/DNA quantification, histological and qPCR analysis revealed that all cell types underwent chondrogenic differentiation in gelMA bioinks. Additionally, a differential expression of zonal markers was detected between MSCs and ACPCs, the latter significantly upregulating the superficial zone marker PRG4. Conversely, MSCs had higher expression of collagen type X, a marker for the calcified zone. Differential distribution of ECM molecules was preserved also in zonal co-cultures. These results pave the way to the biofabrication of multicellular, functional constructs with zone-mimicking composition to be used for cartilage regeneration or as in vitro tissue models

    Convergence of printing technologies to engineer an interface between bone and cartilage

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    The combination of multiple three dimensional printing technologies can aid the generation of osteochondral grafts that display a strong interface between the cartilage and the bone compartment. In this study, the integration between bone biomimetic a three-dimensional (3D) printed calcium phosphate paste (PCP) and a gelatin methacryloyl (gelMA) hydrogel substrate for cartilage, was reinforced with a PCL mesh produced by melt electrospinning writing (MEW). Please download the file below for full content

    Validation of vertical ground reaction forces on individual limbs calculated from kinematics of horse locomotion

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether individual limb forces could be calculated accurately from kinematics of trotting and walking horses. We collected kinematic data and measured vertical ground reaction forces on the individual limbs of seven Warmblood dressage horses, trotting at 3.4 m s(-1) and walking at 1.6 m s(-1) on a treadmill. First, using a segmental model, we calculated from kinematics the total ground reaction force vector and its moment arm relative to each of the hoofs. Second, for phases in which the body was supported by only two limbs, we calculated the individual reaction forces on these limbs. Third, we assumed that the distal limbs operated as linear springs, and determined their force-length relationships using calculated individual limb forces at trot. Finally, we calculated individual limb force-time histories from distal limb lengths. A good correspondence was obtained between calculated and measured individual limb forces. At trot, the average peak vertical reaction force on the forelimb was calculated to be 11.5+/-0.9 N kg(-1) and measured to be 11.7+/-0.9 N kg(-1), and for the hindlimb these values were 9.8+/-0.7 N kg(-1) and 10.0+/-0.6 N kg(-1), respectively. At walk, the average peak vertical reaction force on the forelimb was calculated to be 6.9+/-0.5 N kg(-1) and measured to be 7.1+/-0.3 N kg(-1), and for the hindlimb these values were 4.8+/-0.5 N kg(-1) and 4.7+/-0.3 N kg(-1), respectively. It was concluded that the proposed method of calculating individual limb reaction forces is sufficiently accurate to detect changes in loading reported in the literature for mild to moderate lameness at trot

    Збереження шахтного фонду і проблеми реструктуризації вугільної галузі: ретроспектива та перспективи

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    Розглянуто стан шахтного фонду вугільної галузі в цілому та вугільного району Донбасу в ретроспективі та окреслено перспективи його збереження та відтворення. Ключові слова: шахтний фонд, реструктуризація, технічний рівень, відтворення, інновації.Рассмотрено состояние шахтного фонда угольной отрасли в целом и угольного района Донбасса в ретроспективе и очерчены перспективы его сохранения и воссоздания. Ключевые слова: шахтный фонд, реструктуризация, технический уровень, воссоздание, инновации.The state of mine fund of coal industry is considered on the whole and coal district of Donbassa in a retrospective view and the prospects of his maintainance and recreation are outlined. Key words: mine fund, restructurisation, technical level, re-creation, innovations

    Survey-based investigation of sports and leisure horse owners' approaches to, and expectations of, equine veterinary care

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    BACKGROUND: Client satisfaction depends on the balance between expectations and service experience. Previous research identified seven aspects of equine veterinary professional conduct that are important for client satisfaction: quality of care, quality of service, horsemanship, transfer of knowledge, financial aspects, interpersonal skills and professionalism. METHODS: By employing a cross-sectional study design through a survey-based investigation, horse owners' initial contact preferences and their perceptions of the importance of various aspects of veterinary care in different scenarios were explored. Categories included professional versus amateur and competitive versus non-competitive horse owners. Quantitative data analysis was performed. RESULTS: Data from 1153 participants revealed that horse owners promptly contacted veterinarians for colic (92.7%) but delayed for lameness (51.8%) and pre-purchase examinations (63.0%). Overall, quality of care emerged as the most important aspect of veterinary care for horse owners, with financial aspects considered least important. Competitive and professional horse owners prioritised financial aspects and professionalism, whereas non-professional and non-competitive horse owners prioritised quality of care and interpersonal skills (p < 0.005). LIMITATIONS: Survey distribution relied on a snowball effect, internet access was necessary and the study exclusively represents the Western equine community. Potential bias should be acknowledged. CONCLUSION: The perceived importance of various aspects of veterinary care varies depending on the nature of the consultation and the horse owner type. Tailoring veterinary services can improve client satisfaction by aligning with diverse expectations

    A first exploration of perceived pros and cons of quantitative gait analysis in equine clinical practice

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    Background: Quantitative gait analysis is rapidly gaining ground in equine practice, and pros and cons are regularly discussed within the scientific literature. However, no data exist on the appreciation of the technique by equine clinicians, their motivation to use it or not, and their perception of its value in daily practice. Objectives: To make a first inventory of opinions, expectances and experiences of equine veterinarians concerning the use of quantitative gait analysis in their daily general practice. Study design: Survey. Methods: A questionnaire was sent out to a group of equine orthopaedic clinicians working in an equine clinic or practice. Respondents were classified as users (having clinical experience with quantitative gait analysis) or not (nonusers). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: Within the sample population, users were more positive about the usefulness of quantitative gait analysis than nonusers. Veterinarians who purchased a system were motivated by better objectivity, transparency, documentation and client service. Main reasons not to purchase a system were costs and complexity of data interpretation. A minority of both users and nonusers deemed quantitative gait analysis also suitable for equine professionals other than veterinarians. Main limitations: Users (n = 40) outnumbered nonusers (n = 32), sample size was limited (n = 72) and insufficient to allow for generalisation of results. Conclusions: Users of quantitative gait analysis were more positive about the technology than nonusers. More data are needed to allow for generalisation of the results. Regularly repeating this survey may help in monitoring, and eventually guiding the process of integration of gait analysis technology within equine clinical practice by providing valuable information for individual clinics, educational institutions and the industry producing this technology