9 research outputs found

    Architectuur van de stadsrand

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    Deze publicatie is verschenen in het kader van de tentoonstelling 'Architectuur van de stadsrand; Frankfurt am Main, 1925 - 1930' in het gebouw van de faculteit der Bouwkunde, TU-Delft (herfst 1987). Publicatie en tentoonstelling maken deel uit van het VF-onderzoek 'Verbetering van ontwerpmethoden, cluster architectuur van de massa-woningbouw' en zijn tot stand gekomen met financiele steun van de faculteit der Bouwkunde, TU-Delft.ArchitectureArchitectur

    De dijk van de toekomst ?: Quick scan doorbraakvrije dijken

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    Het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat presenteert eind dit jaar in het ontwerp Nationaal Waterplan de hoofdlijnen van het waterveiligheidsbeleid voor de 21e eeuw. Een van de vragen die voorligt is of de veiligheidsnormen aanpassing behoeven. Een andere vraag is hoe de gevolgen van een ramp te beperken zijn. Als onderdeel van deze discussie hebben verschillende partijen de vraag gesteld of het mogelijk is een dijk te maken die praktisch niet kan doorbreken, zodat een catastrofale overstroming is uitgesloten. Zo'n doorbraakvrije dijk neemt weliswaar meer ruimte in beslag en kost meer geld, maar daartegenover staat een groot voordeel: de dreiging van een overstromingsramp met enorme schade, slachtoffers en maatschappelijke ontwrichting valt weg. Het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat heeft gevraagd inzichtelijk te maken of het concept van doorbraakvrije dijken realistisch is: welke aanpassingen vereist het doorbraakvrij maken van onze dijken, hoeveel ruimte is daarvoor nodig en hoe hoog zijn de kosten? Deze vragen zijn op hoofdlijnen beantwoord via deze quick scan

    Renewing City Renewal: A call for strong design

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    Between 1970 and 1990 the prewar districts of Dutch cities underwent an unparalleled process of renewal. What began as ‘building for the neighbourhood’ in protest against extensive demolition has now come to be known as ‘city renewal’. Large numbers of affordable dwellings and social facilities were created. However, businesses often disappeared, the quality of public space did not always improve and districts sometimes became isolated from the rest of the city. Since 1990 some of the old city renewal districts have taken off again and become popular (and expensive) housing districts. But others still have problems despite the renewal. The design studies in this book show how economic activity, infrastructure and public space can be the keys to new strategies for improving city districts. Four ‘problem districts’ have been chosen as testing grounds: Leiden’s Havenkwartier, The Hague’s Schilderswijk, Rotterdam’s Feijenoord and Amsterdam’s Indische Buurt. Three essays describe the history of city renewal, the future of urban renewal and the role of spatial design in changing the existing city. The book ends with a call for meaningful new roles and instruments for architects and urban designers at a time when large-scale urban development has come to a standstill.Architecture and The Built Environmen

    Leveraging existing infrastructure for central automatic control of multiple sewer systems

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    In this paper we discuss a project in which water quality improvements of surface waters are gained by upgrading locally controlled sewer systems. The paper focuses on the reuse and extension of existing sewer systems and hardware and software infrastructure in an experimental integrated automatic control system for a rural region in the Netherlands. The region contains five municipalities and one regional water authority (water board). The goal of the project is to improve the water quality through increased, technology-driven, cooperation between the authorities. The largest threat for water quality of open waters in the project area is the presence of combined sewer spills (CSOs). In this project we focus on reducing the number and volume of spills and changing the distribution of the spills to protect sensitive locations. The methods best suited require an extensive sensor network and central real-time control (RTC). Such a network is an expensive proposition and the same holds true for RTC. At the other hand, by re-using parts of the existing hardware and software infrastructure a non-viable project is made viable. For the project the controller software was adapted to reuse fixed rate pumps, existing telephone lines to pumping stations were converted to high-speed ADSL connections and municipal and water board SCADA systems were online connected to an automatic central control system. This system itself was originally developed as a flood forecasting system (Delft-FEWS) but proved to be very suitable as an automatic central control system (Control NEXT). Preliminary results indicate that the number and volume of spills already have decreased significantly.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    The future of Bocagrande

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    Most hotels in the touristic city of Cartagena, Colombia are in Bocagrande. Bocagrande is coping with several issues which affect the social economic value of the peninsula. Flooding, coastal erosion, overtopping waves and lack of accessibility are the general issues mentioned by the stakeholders. They all seem to be interrelated and therefore all these issues are taken into account in this project. In order to capture the overall problem that will be investigated in this study the following research question is formulated: What is the best integral solution for Bocagrande, concerning the problems of coastal erosion, flooding, overtopping waves and lack of accessibility, in order to secure the social and economic value that the peninsula has for the city of Cartagena? One of the major issues is the poor accessibility of Bocagrande. Since the increase of hotels and apartment buildings, nothing as been done to the infrastructure. There is one road that connects the peninsula to the city, of which the capacity is too low for the amount of traffic, resulting in congestion. This gets even worse when the streets are flooded. There are two types of floods, small scale and large scale. Small scale flooding happens every month on a part of Bocagrande, the bayside, due to high tide. This small scale flooding decreases the velocity and the capacity of the roads. There is no protection and no drainage system so the sea water can only be discharged with low tide. The sea water also causes damage to cars and property, since the basements of the hotels and apartments get flooded. Heavy precipitation also causes small scale flooding and decreases the road capacity and velocity. When high tide and heavy precipitation coincide with storm conditions, large scale flooding occur, which means that the whole of Bocagrande is flooded. The peninsula is then completely cut off from the city and nobody can leave or enter the peninsula without a boat. This integral solution consists of the following parts: 1) Construction of a berm and a raise of the seawall near Punta Santo Domingo to reduce overtopping. This will reduce damage to the road and increase accessibility by making both of the two lanes available. 2) A wall with vegetated dunes along the seaside coast of Bocagrande will reduce future erosion and prevent flooding. The resulting availability of a beach during the tourist season will add value for the hotels, restaurants and the small vendors. 3) Construction of T groynes and nourishment near El Laguito create a beach, preventing flooding and reducing erosion. The beach restores the old situation where restaurants are located. lt also protects the buildings from damage due to erosion. 4) Filling the lake on El Laguito economically solves the degrading water quality problem and adds valuable land to Bocagrande. 5) A wall along the bayside of Bocagrande prevents flooding which reduces the amount of damage to property behind the wall and increases the road capacity. 6) The accessibility of Bocagrande increases by the previous solutions. However constructing a tunnel from Bocagrande to Manga increases the accessibility even more. The increase of accessibility of Bocagrande, decreases the total travel time. The integral solution covers all the problem areas indicated by the system analyses and secures the social and economic value of Bocagrande by limiting the effects and adding value where possible.Hydraulic Engineering, Construction Management and Engineering, Transport and PlanningCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Technisch Rapport Ontwerpbelastingen voor het rivierengebied

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    Het Technisch Rapport Ontwerpbelastingen voor het rivierengebied is een hulpmiddel bij het vaststellen van de belastingen waarmee rekening dient te worden gehouden in een technisch ontwerp van een waterkering of rivierverruiming. De kern wordt gevormd door de hydraulische belastingen maar er is ook aandacht voor belastingen die niet direct door water worden veroorzaakt, bijvoorbeeld belastingen ten gevolge van verkeer. Van al deze belastingen wordt beschreven hoe met deze belastingen in het ontwerpen van rivierdijken moet worden omgegaan. Een deel van de hydraulische belastingen kan ook gebruikt worden voor het ontwerpen van een rivierverruimingsmaatregel.TAW/EN

    Acoustic Biotopes, Listeners and Sound-Induced Action: A Case Study of Operating Rooms

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    As socio-technological environments shape and direct listener behaviour, an ecologicalaccount is needed that encompasses listening in complexity (i.e., multiple listeners, multiple sounds and their sources, and multiple sound-induced actions that ensure the success of a mission). In this study, we explored sound-induced action under the framework of “acoustic biotopes” (a notionof ecological acoustics by Smolders, Aertsen, and Johanessma, 1979 and 1982) in a specific socio- technological environment, i.e., the context of an orthopaedic operating room. Our approach is based on literature research into the topics of environmental psychology and auditory perception andaction and in situ observations in healthcare with field recordings, participatory observations, and interviews on the spot. The results suggest a human-centered definition of sound-induced action in acoustic biotopes: Acoustic biotope is an active and shared sound environment with entangled interactions and sound-induced actions taking place in a specific space that has a critical function.Listening in highly functional environments is an individual experience and is influenced by hearing function, physical position and role in an environment, and the task at hand. There is a range of active and passive sound listeners as a function of their attentive state and listeners as sound sources within the acoustic biotope. There are many different sound sources and sound locals in socio-technological environments and sounds have great potential to serve critical information to operators. Overall, our study provides a holistic, multi-layered and yet a listener-centric view on the organisation of complex spaces and the results can immediately be applicable for rethinking the acoustic environment for ORs for better listening and sound-induced action.Design AestheticsDesign Conceptualization and Communicatio

    Deltaprogramma Zoetwater: Synthese van de landelijke en de regionale knelpuntenanalyses

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    De knelpuntenanalyse heeft betrekking op discrepanties tussen waterbeschikbaarheid en watervraag. Deze zijn gedentificeerd voor de huidige situatie en de toekomst. Daarbij is uitgegaan van de huidige inrichting van de waterhuishouding, autonome ontwikkeling van klimaat en maatschappij (zonder adaptatie aan klimaatverandering), en continuering van het huidige - of vastgestelde - beleid. De knelpuntenanalyse kan als basis dienen voor het zoeken naar oplossingen en beleidstrategien, als we de oorzaken van de problemen voldoende in beeld hebben.Deltaprogramm