247 research outputs found

    Developments in local public safety policy: a comparison between Antwerp and Rotterdam

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    This chapter discusses two cities that both have set trends in their respective countries in terms of local public safety policy: Antwerp and Rotterdam. Each city has developed new methods for confronting old and new safety problems, since traditional methods are long out of date. Both cities are (i) working on improving the level of cooperation between separate authorities and organisations and the cooperation with civilians, (ii) creating a structural approach to tackle the lack of safety rather than on tackling separate incidents, (iii) increasing the level of performance orientation and (iv) a more integrated approach to safety problems. However, besides these similarities, there are also differences between the two cities

    Laat vertrokken en toch op tijd?

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    In Nederland wordt sinds 1993 actief gewerkt aan integraal veiligheidsbeleid. In België is dit onderwerp pas sinds een paar jaar op de agenda. De schijnbare achterstand wordt in korte tijd ingelopen, zo lijkt het. Antwerpen heeft binnen België een voortrekkersrol als het gaat om lokaal veiligheidsbeleid. Antwerpen is bezig een inhaalslag te maken als het gaat om de aanpak van onveiligheid. Dit artikel gaat in op de ontwikkeling, vormgeving en inhoud van het Antwerps veiligheidsbeleid. Geanalyseerd wordt hoe de voorlopige stand van zaken van het Antwerps integrale veiligheidsbeleid is, ook in het licht van Nederlandse ontwikkelingen en wat verschillen en overeenkomsten zijn

    Comparative Analysis of Public Safety Policy of Antwerp and Rotterdam

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    _Contesting crime and ensuring safety_ have been on the national and local political agendas in many European countries for quite some time. Public attention shifted more and more to this topic the last years because of rising crimes rates, but also because people felt more unsafe, especially in larger cities. The evolution of local safety policy can be seen as a collective effort to stand up to new challenges in tackling crime and safety issues, restoring public confidence in the process. In our paper we present a framework for the comparative analysis of local safety policy. In this framework not only policy learning and policy transfer are important, but also the interplay between policy development and political and societal dynamics. We illustrate our approach by comparing the development of local safety policy in two cities: Antwerp (Belgium) and Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

    Consolideren en doorzetten: Tien jaar Rotterdams veiligheidsbeleid

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    Rotterdam is in tien jaar tijd een maatgevend voorbeeld geworden van een stad die creatief en gericht werkt aan veiligheid. Peter Marks en Arie van Sluis brachten de Rotterdamse zoektocht naar meer doeltreffende veiligheidsoplossingen in beeld. Op basis van hun onderzoek Tussen richting en rekenschap, belichten zij de ontwikkeling die het Rotterdamse lokale veiligheidsbeleid het afgelopen decennium heeft doorgemaakt en de uitdagingen voor de toekomst

    Redundancy tests on glass fins

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    Since 2010, Octatube has adopted glass fins as structural components in at least 20 different projects, both in facades and roofs (the van Gogh Museum, the Tottenham Experience, Canal House Amsterdam are some relevant examples). Glass is widely known as a fragile material and it usually breaks in a brittle fashion, whereas a metal like steel typically fails plastically. The post-breakage behavior of glass beams is not easy to predict, therefore Octatube performed a range of tests on different glass fins varying the test setup. All tests were performed in house, at Octatube’s factory/test area in Delft, the Netherlands. In this paper two case studies are discussed. For the brand-new Spartherm Headquarters in Melle (Germany) laminated glass fins are adopted to support large insulated glazing units. Due to the round shape of the building the glass fins spanning for a maximum of 5,3 meters, are also curved on one side. The glass fins were tested both in un-cracked and cracked conditions to assess the overall safety of the design. For the refurbishment of the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin, a new glass roof, over the old Sculpture Courtyard, was designed by Heneghan Peng Architects. With glass beams up to 8,3 m, and 3x10mm fully tempered PVB laminated panes were adopted. In cooperation with T/E/S/S engineering, the second support system was designed for post breakage behavior. In case of total failure of a glass fin, the safety was is ensured by catenary action in combination with a stiff frame of glass beam. This was tested in a true size, 6,0 meter, mock up. The residual capacity in the glass beam is ensured provided that the global structural system and detailing are carefully designed

    Nodal policing in the Netherlands

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    This article focuses the nodal orientation of the police, which is an innovative and controversial target of Dutch policing. This target states that the police should focus on flows, and on places where the various flows coincide. The success factors for implementation nodal policing are discussed as well as its (strategic) implications for Dutch policing. We focus on the key features of Dutch nodal policing; the strategies that have been followed to implement nodal policing, the current state of affairs of nodal policing in The Netherlands, and what the future prospects for nodal policing in The Netherlands are
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