163 research outputs found

    Stellar Flares Are Far-Ultraviolet Luminous

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    We identify 182 flares on 158 stars within 100 pc of the Sun in both the near-ultraviolet (NUV: 1750-2750 \r{A}) and far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1350-1750 \r{A}) using high-cadence light curves from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). Ultraviolet (UV) emission from stellar flares plays a crucial role in determining the habitability of exoplanetary systems. However, whether such UV emission promotes or threatens such life depends strongly on the energetics of these flares. Most studies assessing the effect of flares on planetary habitability assume a 9000 K blackbody spectral energy distribution that produces more NUV flux than FUV flux (R≡FFUV/FNUV≈16R \equiv F_{\rm FUV} / F_{\rm NUV} \approx \frac{1}{6}). Instead, we observe the opposite with the excess FUV reaching R≈12−2R \approx \frac{1}{2} - 2, roughly 3−123-12 times the expectation of a 9000 K blackbody. The ratio of FUV to NUV time-integrated flare energies is 3.0 times higher on average than would be predicted by a constant 9000 K blackbody during the flare. Finally, we find that the FUV/NUV ratio at peak tentatively correlates (∼2σ\sim 2 \sigma significance) both with total UV flare energy and with the G - RP color of the host star. On average, we observe higher FUV/NUV ratios at peak in EUV>1032E_{\text{UV}}>10^{32} erg flares and in flares on fully convective stars.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcom

    Stellar Cruise Control: Weakened Magnetic Braking Leads to Sustained Rapid Rotation of Old Stars

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    Despite a growing sample of precisely measured stellar rotation periods and ages, the strength of magnetic braking and the degree of departure from standard (Skumanich-like) spindown have remained persistent questions, particularly for stars more evolved than the Sun. Rotation periods can be measured for stars older than the Sun by leveraging asteroseismology, enabling models to be tested against a larger sample of old field stars. Because asteroseismic measurements of rotation do not depend on starspot modulation, they avoid potential biases introduced by the need for a stellar dynamo to drive starspot production. Using a neural network trained on a grid of stellar evolution models and a hierarchical model-fitting approach, we constrain the onset of weakened magnetic braking. We find that a sample of stars with asteroseismically-measured rotation periods and ages is consistent with models that depart from standard spindown prior to reaching the evolutionary stage of the Sun. We test our approach using neural networks trained on model grids produced by separate stellar evolution codes with differing physical assumptions and find that the choices of grid physics can influence the inferred properties of the braking law. We identify the normalized critical Rossby number Rocrit/Ro⊙=0.91±0.03{\rm Ro}_{\rm crit}/{\rm Ro}_\odot = 0.91\pm0.03 as the threshold for the departure from standard rotational evolution. This suggests that weakened magnetic braking poses challenges to gyrochronology for roughly half of the main sequence lifetime of sun-like stars.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Characterizing two solar-type Kepler subgiants with asteroseismology: KIC10920273 and KIC11395018

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    Determining fundamental properties of stars through stellar modeling has improved substantially due to recent advances in asteroseismology. Thanks to the unprecedented data quality obtained by space missions, particularly CoRoT and Kepler, invaluable information is extracted from the high-precision stellar oscillation frequencies, which provide very strong constraints on possible stellar models for a given set of classical observations. In this work, we have characterized two relatively faint stars, KIC10920273 and KIC11395018, using oscillation data from Kepler photometry and atmospheric constraints from ground-based spectroscopy. Both stars have very similar atmospheric properties; however, using the individual frequencies extracted from the Kepler data, we have determined quite distinct global properties, with increased precision compared to that of earlier results. We found that both stars have left the main sequence and characterized them as follows: KIC10920273 is a one-solar-mass star (M=1.00 +/- 0.04 M_sun), but much older than our Sun (t=7.12 +/- 0.47 Gyr), while KIC11395018 is significantly more massive than the Sun (M=1.27 +/- 0.04 M_sun) with an age close to that of the Sun (t=4.57 +/- 0.23 Gyr). We confirm that the high lithium abundance reported for these stars should not be considered to represent young ages, as we precisely determined them to be evolved subgiants. We discuss the use of surface lithium abundance, rotation and activity relations as potential age diagnostics.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables. Accepted by Ap

    Poster CS20.5 - Weakened magnetic braking supported by asteroseismic rotation

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    Studies using asteroseismic ages and rotation rates from star-spot rotation have indicated that standard age-rotation relations may break down roughly half-way through the main sequence lifetime, a phenomenon referred to as weakened magnetic braking. While rotation rates from spots can be difficult to determine for older, less active stars, rotational splitting of asteroseismic oscillation frequencies can provide rotation rates for both active and quiescent stars, and so can confirm whether this effect really takes place on the main sequence. In this talk, I’ll show how we obtained asteroseismic rotation rates of 91 main sequence stars showing high signal-to-noise modes of oscillation. Using these new rotation rates, along with effective temperatures, metallicities and seismic masses and ages, we built a hierarchical Bayesian mixture model that showed that our new ensemble more closely agreed with weakened magnetic braking, over a standard rotational evolution scenario

    Weakened magnetic braking as the origin of anomalously rapid rotation in old field stars

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    A knowledge of stellar ages is crucial for our understanding of many astrophysical phenomena, and yet ages can be difficult to determine. As they become older, stars lose mass and angular momentum, resulting in an observed slowdown in surface rotation. The technique of 'gyrochronology' uses the rotation period of a star to calculate its age. However, stars of known age must be used for calibration, and, until recently, the approach was untested for old stars (older than 1 gigayear, Gyr). Rotation periods are now known for stars in an open cluster of intermediate age (NGC 6819; 2.5 Gyr old), and for old field stars whose ages have been determined with asteroseismology. The data for the cluster agree with previous period-age relations, but these relations fail to describe the asteroseismic sample. Here we report stellar evolutionary modelling, and confirm the presence of unexpectedly rapid rotation in stars that are more evolved than the Sun. We demonstrate that models that incorporate dramatically weakened magnetic braking for old stars can---unlike existing models---reproduce both the asteroseismic and the cluster data. Our findings might suggest a fundamental change in the nature of ageing stellar dynamos, with the Sun being close to the critical transition to much weaker magnetized winds. This weakened braking limits the diagnostic power of gyrochronology for those stars that are more than halfway through their main-sequence lifetimes.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures in main paper, 6 extended data figures, 1 table. Published in Nature, January 2016. Please see https://youtu.be/O6HzYgP5uyc for a video description of the resul
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