14 research outputs found

    Microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy of ultracold plasmas

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    Microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy of ultracold plasmas

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    Collisional microwave heating and wall interaction of an ultracold plasma in a resonant microwave cavity

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    Recently, we introduced a resonant microwave cavity as a diagnostic tool for the study of ultracold plasmas (UCPs). This diagnostic allows us to study the electron dynamics of UCPs non-destructively, very fast, and with high sensitivity by measuring the shift in the resonance frequency of a cavity, induced by a plasma. However, in an attempt to theoretically predict the frequency shift using a Gaussian self-similar expansion model, a three times faster plasma decay was observed in the experiment than found in the model. For this, we proposed two causes: plasma–wall interactions and collisional microwave heating. In this paper, we investigate the effect of both causes on the lifetime of the plasma. We present a simple analytical model to account for electrons being lost to the cavity walls. We find that the model agrees well with measurements performed on plasmas with different initial electron temperatures and that the earlier discrepancy can be attributed to electrons being lost to the walls. In addition, we perform measurements for different electric field strengths in the cavity and find that the electric field has a small, but noticeable effect on the lifetime of the plasma. By extending the model with the theory of collisional microwave heating, we find that this effect can be predicted quite well by treating the energy transferred from the microwave field to the plasma as additional initial excess energy for the electrons

    Photoionization-cross-section measurement of the 85Rb 5 2P3/2 excited state using microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy

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    We present microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy as a technique to determine excited-state photoionization cross sections of laser-cooled atoms. We demonstrate this technique by measuring the photoionization cross section of the 5 2P3/2(F′ = 4) excited state of 85Rb to continuum by creating an ultracold plasma inside a 5-GHz resonant microwave cavity. We find a photoionization cross section of ∼5 × 10−22 m2 for photon excess energies of 50, 100, 200, and 500 K above the ionization threshold. The measurements yield a cross section which is approximately 2 to 3 times smaller than the value provided by existing theory for the 5p excited state of 85Rb and two earlier measurements performed with other techniques for similar excess energies

    Design and characterization of a resonant microwave cavity as a diagnostic for ultracold plasmas

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    We present the design and commissioning of a resonant microwave cavity as a novel diagnostic for the study of ultracold plasmas. This diagnostic is based on the measurements of the shift in the resonance frequency of the cavity, induced by an ultracold plasma that is created from a laser-cooled gas inside. This method is simultaneously non-destructive, very fast (nanosecond temporal resolution), highly sensitive, and applicable to all ultracold plasmas. To create an ultracold plasma, we implement a compact magneto-optical trap based on a diffraction grating chip inside a 5 GHz resonant microwave cavity. We are able to laser cool and trap (7.25 ± 0.03) × 107 rubidium atoms inside the cavity, which are turned into an ultracold plasma by two-step pulsed (nanosecond or femtosecond) photo-ionization. We present a detailed characterization of the cavity, and we demonstrate how it can be used as a fast and sensitive probe to monitor the evolution of ultracold plasmas non-destructively. The temporal resolution of the diagnostic is determined by measuring the delayed frequency shift following femtosecond photo-ionization. We find a response time of 18 ± 2 ns, which agrees well with the value determined from the cavity quality factor and resonance frequency

    Compact ultracold electron source based on a grating magneto-optical trap

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    \u3cp\u3eThe ultrafast and ultracold electron source, based on near-threshold photoionization of a laser-cooled and trapped atomic gas, offers a unique combination of low transverse beam emittance and high bunch charge. Its use is however still limited because of the required cold-atom laser-cooling techniques. Here we present a compact ultracold electron source based on a grating magneto-optical trap (GMOT), which only requires one trapping laser beam that passes through a transparent accelerator module. This makes the technique more widely accessible and increases its applicability. We show the GMOT can be operated with a hole in the center of the grating and with large electric fields applied across the trapping region, which is required for extracting electron bunches. The calculated values of the applied electric field were found to agree well with measured Stark shifts of the laser cooling transition. The electron beams extracted from the GMOT have been characterized. Beam energies up to 10 keV were measured using a time-of-flight method. The normalized root-mean-squared transverse beam emittance was determined using a waist scan method, resulting in ϵ=1.9 nm rad. The root-mean-squared transverse size of the ionization volume is 30 μm or larger, implying an electron source temperature in the few-10 K range, 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than conventional electron sources, based on photoemission or thermionic emission from solid state surfaces.\u3c/p\u3

    Influence of a magnetic field on an extreme ultraviolet photon-induced plasma afterglow

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    Understanding extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photon-induced plasma dynamics is key to increasing the lifetime of the new generation of lithography machines. The plasma decay times were determined by means of a non-destructive microwave method, microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy, for unmagnetized and magnetized EUV photon-induced plasma afterglows with the argon pressure ranging from 0.002 to 10 Pa. As a result of an external magnet with a magnetic field strength of (57 ± 1) mT, the plasma decay times were extended by two orders of magnitude. Good agreement was found between these measured plasma decay times and four diffusion models, i.e. the ion acoustic, ambipolar, classical-collision, and Bohm's diffusion model

    Addendum: Mapping electron dynamics in highly transient EUV photon-induced plasmas: a novel diagnostic approach using multi-mode microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy (2018 J PHYS D APPL PHYS 52 034004)

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    A new approach for an in-line beam monitor for ionizing radiation was introduced in a recent publication (Beckers, J., et al. "Mapping electron dynamics in highly transient EUV photon-induced plasmas: a novel diagnostic approach using multi-mode microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52.3 (2018): 034004.). Due to the recent detection and investigation of an additional third decay regime of the afterglow of an extreme ultraviolet photon-induced plasma described in a later article (Platier, B., et al. "Transition of ambipolar-to-free diffusion in the decay of an extreme ultraviolet photon-induced low-pressure argon plasma." Applied Physics Letters 116.10 (2020), 103703.) there is an additional reason for a minimum number of photons for this approach to work. Near or below this threshold, we explain that the response time of the diagnostic method is a limiting factor. Further, a second limit for the number of photons within a pulse is formalized related to the trapping of highly energetic free electrons

    Time-of-flight electron energy loss spectroscopy using TM110 deflection cavities

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    We demonstrate the use of two TM110 resonant cavities to generate ultrashort\u3cbr/\u3eelectron pulses and subsequently measure electron energy losses in a time-of-flight type of setup. The method utilizes two synchronized microwave cavities separated by a drift space of 1.45 m. The setup has an energy resolution of 1262 eV FWHM at 30 keV, with an upper limit for the temporal resolution of 2.760.4 ps. Both the time and energy resolution are currently limited by the brightness of the tungsten filament electron gun used. Through simulations, it is shown that an energy resolution of 0.95 eV and a temporal resolution of 110 fs can be achieved using an electron gun with a higher brightness. With this, a new method is provided for time-resolved electron spectroscopy without the need for elaborate laser setups or expensive magnetic spectrometers