14 research outputs found

    Microbiota Induced Changes in the Immune Response in Pregnant Mice

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    Pregnancy is associated with adaptations of the immune response and with changes in the gutmicrobiota. We hypothesized the gut microbiota are involved in inducing (part of) the immunological adaptations during pregnancy. To test this hypothesis, we collected feces from pregnant conventional mice before and during pregnancy (days 7, 14, and 18) and microbiota were measured using 16S RNA sequencing. At day 18, mice were sacrificed and splenic (various Th cell populations) and blood immune cells (monocyte subsets) were measured by flow cytometry. The data were compared with splenic and blood immune cell populations from pregnant (day 18) germfree mice and non-pregnant conventional and germfree mice. Finally, the abundances of the individual gut bacteria in the microbiota of each conventional pregnant mouse were correlated to the parameters of the immune response of the same mouse. The microbiota of conventional mice were significantly different at the end of pregnancy (day 18) as compared with pre-pregnancy (Permanova, p <0.05). The Shannon index was decreased and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio was increased (Friedman followed by Dunn's test, p <0.05), while abundances of various species (such as Allobaculum stercoricanis, Barnesiella intestihominis, and Roseburia faecis) were significantly different at day 18 compared with pre-pregnancy. In pregnant conventional mice, the percentage of Th1 cells was decreased, while the percentages of Treg cells and Th2 cells were or tended to be increased vs. non-pregnant mice. In germfree mice, only the percentage of Th1 cells was decreased in pregnant vs. non-pregnant mice, with no effect of pregnancy on Treg and Th2 cells. The percentages of monocyte subsets were affected by pregnancy similarly in conventional and germfree mice. However, the activation status of monocytes (expression of CD80 and MHCII) was affected by pregnancy mainly in conventional mice, and not in germfree mice. Correlation (Spearman's coefficient) of pregnancy affected microbiota with pregnancy affected immune cells, i.e., immune cells that were only affected differently in conventional mice and germfree mice, showed 4 clusters of bacteria and 4 clusters of immune cells, some of these clusters were correlated with each other. For instance, the microbiota in cluster 1 and 2 (in which there were various short chain fatty acid producing microbiota) are positively correlated with immune cells in cluster B, containing Treg cells and Th2 cells. Microbiota and immune cells are affected by pregnancy in mice. The different immunological adaptations to pregnancy between conventional and germfree mice, such as the increase in Treg and tendency to an increase in Th2 cells in conventional pregnant mice only, may suggest that the microbiota may play a role in adapting the maternal immune response to pregnancy

    Is there evidence for bacterial transfer via the placenta and any role in the colonization of the infant gut? - a systematic review.

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    With the important role of the gut microbiome in health and disease, it is crucial to understand key factors that establish the microbial community, including gut colonization during infancy. It has been suggested that the first bacterial exposure is via a placental microbiome. However, despite many publications, the robustness of the evidence for the placental microbiome and transfer of bacteria from the placenta to the infant gut is unclear and hence the concept disputed. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of the evidence for the role of the placental, amniotic fluid and cord blood microbiome in healthy mothers in the colonization of the infant gut. Most of the papers which were fully assessed considered placental tissue, but some studied amniotic fluid or cord blood. Great variability in methodology was observed especially regarding sample storage conditions, DNA/RNA extraction, and microbiome characterization. No study clearly considered transfer of the normal placental microbiome to the infant gut. Moreover, some studies in the review and others published subsequently reported little evidence for a placental microbiome in comparison to negative controls. In conclusion, current data are limited and provide no conclusive evidence that there is a normal placental microbiome which has any role in colonization of infant gut

    Dietary Diversity and Food Variety in Chinese Children Aged 3–17 Years: Are They Negatively Associated with Dietary Micronutrient Inadequacy?

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    Micronutrient inadequacy remains a nutritional problem in Chinese children. However, the associations between dietary diversity and inadequate micronutrient intake have not been extensively studied. A total of 2012 children aged 3&#8315;17 years from the China Health and Nutrition Survey were included for analysis. Dietary diversity score (DDS) and food variety scores (FVS) were assessed based on three 24-h recall periods. The nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) was used to determine the micronutrient adequacy of the diet. The mean adequacy ratio (MAR, %) was defined as the sum of each NAR divided by the number of involved micronutrients. Overall micronutrient inadequacy (OMI) was defined as having a MAR below 0.75. Micronutrient inadequacy was defined as the proportion of individuals whose nutrient intake was less than the estimated average requirement. After adjustment confounders, DDS and FVSs were positively associated with MAR and NAR of most nutrients except sodium (p &lt; 0.05). A higher DDS was negatively associated with the prevalence of inadequate intake of vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin C, iron, zinc, selenium, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium and OMI. Similar results were found for FVSs. In conclusion, this study indicates that poor dietary diversity and food variety in Chinese children are directly associated with inadequate micronutrient intake

    The Effect of Antibiotics Treatment on the Maternal Immune Response and Gut Microbiome in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice

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    The gut microbiota are involved in adaptations of the maternal immune response to pregnancy. We therefore hypothesized that inducing gut dysbiosis during pregnancy alters the maternal immune response. Thus, pregnant mice received antibiotics from day 9 to day 16 to disturb the maternal gut microbiome. Feces were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment, and microbiota were measured using 16S RNA sequencing. Mice were sacrificed at day 18 of pregnancy and intestinal (Peyer’s patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)) and peripheral immune responses (blood and spleen) were measured using flow cytometry. Antibiotic treatment decreased fetal and placental weight. The bacterial count and the Shannon index were significantly decreased (Friedman, followed by Dunn’s test, p p < 0.05) following antibiotics treatment as compared with before treatment. Splenic Th1 cells and activated blood monocytes were increased, while Th2, Th17 and FoxP3/RoRgT double-positive cells in the PP and MLNs were decreased in pregnant antibiotics-treated mice as compared with untreated pregnant mice. In addition, intestinal dendritic cell subsets were affected by antibiotics. Correlation of immune cells with bacterial genera showed various correlations between immune cells in the PP, MLN and peripheral circulation (blood and spleen). We conclude the disturbed gut microbiota after antibiotics treatment disturbed the maternal immune response. This disturbed maternal immune response may affect fetal and placental weight

    Is there evidence for bacterial transfer via the placenta and any role in the colonization of the infant gut?: a systematic review

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    With the important role of the gut microbiome in health and disease, it is crucial to understand key factors that establish the microbial community, including gut colonization during infancy. It has been suggested that the first bacterial exposure is via a placental microbiome. However, despite many publications, the robustness of the evidence for the placental microbiome and transfer of bacteria from the placenta to the infant gut is unclear and hence the concept disputed. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of the evidence for the role of the placental, amniotic fluid and cord blood microbiome in healthy mothers in the colonization of the infant gut. Most of the papers which were fully assessed considered placental tissue, but some studied amniotic fluid or cord blood. Great variability in methodology was observed especially regarding sample storage conditions, DNA/RNA extraction, and microbiome characterization. No study clearly considered transfer of the normal placental microbiome to the infant gut. Moreover, some studies in the review and others published subsequently reported little evidence for a placental microbiome in comparison to negative controls. In conclusion, current data are limited and provide no conclusive evidence that there is a normal placental microbiome which has any role in colonization of infant gut