16 research outputs found

    Measles virus-specific murine T cell clones: characterization of fine specificity function.

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    Measles virus (MV)-specific murine helper T cell clones (Thy-1.2+, CD4+, CD8-) were generated from mice immunized with MV-infected mouse brain homogenate by limiting dilution and in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with UV-inactivated MV Ag. The protein specificity of 7 out of 37 stable T cell clones, which displayed MHC-restricted MV Ag recognition, could be assessed by using purified MV proteins. Two fusion (F) protein-specific, two hemagglutinin-specific, and three nucleoprotein- or matrix protein-specific clones were shown to be established. The F protein-specific T cell clones together with a pane

    A behavioural intervention increases physical activity in people with subacute spinal cord injury: a randomised trial

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    AbstractQuestions: For people with subacute spinal cord injury, does rehabilitation that is reinforced with the addition of a behavioural intervention to promote physical activity lead to a more active lifestyle than rehabilitation alone? Design: Randomised, controlled trial with concealed allocation, intention-to-treat analysis, and blinded assessors. Participants: Forty-five adults with subacute spinal cord injury who were undergoing inpatient rehabilitation and were dependent on a manual wheelchair. The spinal cord injuries were characterised as: tetraplegia 33%; motor complete 62%; mean time since injury 150 days (SD 74). Intervention: All participants received regular rehabilitation, including handcycle training. Only the experimental group received a behavioural intervention promoting an active lifestyle after discharge. This intervention involved 13 individual sessions delivered by a coach who was trained in motivational interviewing; it began 2 months before and ended 6 months after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was physical activity, which was objectively measured with an accelerometer-based activity monitor 2 months before discharge, at discharge, and 6 and 12 months after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. The accelerometry data were analysed as total wheeled physical activity, sedentary time and motility. Self-reported physical activity was a secondary outcome. Results: The behavioural intervention significantly increased wheeled physical activity (overall between-group difference from generalised estimating equation 21minutes per day, 95% CI 8 to 35). This difference was evident 6 months after discharge (28minutes per day, 95% CI 8 to 48) and maintained at 12 months after discharge (25minutes per day, 95% CI 1 to 50). No significant intervention effect was found for sedentary time or motility. Self-reported physical activity also significantly improved. Conclusion: The behavioural intervention was effective in eliciting a behavioural change toward a more active lifestyle among people with subacute spinal cord injury. Trial registration: NTR2424. [Nooijen CFJ, Stam H, Bergen MP, Bongers-Janssen HMH, Valent L, van Langeveld S, Twisk J, Act-Active Research Group, van den Berg-Emons RJG (2016) A behavioural intervention increases physical activity in people with subacute spinal cord injury: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy 62: 35–41

    Newborn screening for primary carnitine deficiency: who will benefit? - a retrospective cohort study

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    Background Newborn screening (NBS) programmes identify a wide range of disease phenotypes, which raises the question whether early identification and treatment is beneficial for all. This study aims to answer this question for primary carnitine deficiency (PCD) taking into account that NBS for PCD identifies newborns with PCD and also until then undiagnosed mothers. Methods We investigated clinical, genetic (variants in SLC22A5 gene) and functional (carnitine transport activity in fibroblasts) characteristics of all referred individuals through NBS (newborns and mothers) and clinically diagnosed patients with PCD (not through NBS). Disease phenotype in newborns was predicted using data from PCD mothers and cases published in literature with identical SLC22A5 variants. Results PCD was confirmed in 19/131 referred newborns, 37/82 referred mothers and 5 clinically diagnosed patients. Severe symptoms were observed in all clinically diagnosed patients, 1 newborn and none of the mothers identified by NBS. PCD was classified as severe in all 5 clinically diagnosed patients, 3/19 newborns and 1/37 mothers; as benign in 8/19 newborns and 36/37 mothers and as unknown in 8/19 newborns. Carnitine transport activity completely separated severe phenotype from benign phenotype (median (range): 4.0% (3.5-5.0)] vs 26% (9.5-42.5), respectively). Conclusion The majority of mothers and a significant proportion of newborns with PCD identified through NBS are likely to remain asymptomatic without early treatment. Conversely, a small proportion of newborns with predicted severe PCD could greatly benefit from early treatment. Genetic variants and carnitine transport activity can be used to distinguish between these groups. & amp; copy; & amp; copy; Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ

    Feasibility of a classification system for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports therapy interventions for mobility and self-care in spinal cord injury rehabilitation

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    Objective: To test the feasibility of a classification system developed to record the contents of treatment sessions intended to improve mobility and self-care by persons with a spinal cord injury (SCI) in clinical rehabilitation. Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Three Dutch SCI facilities. Participants: Participants (N = 36) as well as physical therapists (n = 20), occupational therapists (n = 14), and sports therapists (n = 2). Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Questionnaires to assess the clarity of the classification system, time needed to record 1 treatment session, and the distribution of categories and interventions. The classification system consisted of 28 categories at 3 levels of functioning: basic functions (eg, muscle power), basic activities (eg, transfers), and complex activities (eg, walking and moving around outside). Results: Therapists used 1625 codes to record 856 treatment sessions of 142 patients. For 93% of the treatment sessions, the coding caused little or no doubt. The therapists were able to classify 86.3% of the treatment sessions within 3 minutes. The classification system was rated as useful and easy to use. Conclusions: The findings support the suitability of our classification system as a tool to record the contents of SCI treatment sessions in different settings and by different therapists

    Progress of the Dutch Spinal Cord Injury Database:Completeness of Database and Profile of Patients Admitted for Inpatient Rehabilitation in 2015

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    Background: In the Dutch International Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Data Sets project, we translated all International SCI Data Sets available in 2012 and created a Dutch SCI Database (NDD). Objective: To describe the number of included patients and completeness of the NDD, and to use the NDD to provide a profile of people with traumatic SCI (T-SCI) and non-traumatic SCI (NT-SCI) in the Netherlands. Methods: The NDD includes patients admitted for their first inpatient rehabilitation after onset of SCI to 1 of the 8 rehabilitation centers with a specialty in SCI rehabilitation in the Netherlands. Data of patients admitted in 2015 were analyzed. Results: Data for 424 patients were available at admission; for 310 of these patients (73.1%), discharge data were available. No significant differences were found between patients with and without data at discharge. Data were nearly complete (>90%) for lower urinary tract, bowel, pain, and skin. Data on sexual function has the lowest completion rate. Complete neurological and functional data were available for 41.7% and 38%, respectively. Most patients were male (63.4%), had NT-SCI (65.5%), and had incomplete SCI (58.4% D). Patients with T-SCI differed from patients with NT-SCI on most characteristics, and they stayed considerably longer in the rehabilitation center (112 days vs 65 days, p < .001). Place of discharge was not different between both groups. Conclusion: With the NDD, we collect important data on the majority of Dutch SCI patients, although much work needs to be done to improve the completeness of the data collection

    Exploring the metabolic fate of medium-chain triglycerides in healthy individuals using a stable isotope tracer

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    Background & aims: Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) supplementation is often recommended as treatment for patients with long-chain fatty acid β-oxidation (lcFAO) disorders, since they can be utilized as an energy source without the use of the defective enzyme. However, studies in mice and preterm infants suggest that not all medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) are oxidized and may undergo elongation to long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). In this single blinded study, we explored the metabolic fates of MCT in healthy individuals using a 13C-labeled MCT tracer. Method: Three healthy males in rest received on two test days a primed continuous infusion of glyceryl tri[1,2,3,4–13C4]-octanoate with either an isocaloric supplementation of 1) exclusively MCT (MCT-only) or 2) a mixture of MCT, proteins and carbohydrates (MCT-mix). Gas chromatography - combustion - isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) was used to determine 13C-enrichment of long-chain fatty acids in plasma and of 13CO2 in exhaled air. Results: When provided as single energy source, an estimated 42% of administered MCT was converted to CO2. In combination with carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, oxidation of MCT was higher (62%). In both diets <1% of 13C-label was incorporated in LCFA in plasma, indicating that administered MCT underwent chain-elongation to LCT. Conclusions: Although the relative MCT oxidation rate was higher when combined with carbohydrates and protein, quantitatively more MCT was oxidized when given an isocaloric meal with solely MCT. As these results were obtained in the resting state opposed to during exercise, it is too early to give a recommendation concerning the use of MCT in lcFAO disorders. The data show that in resting healthy individuals only a very small part of the MCT is traced back as LCFA in plasma, suggesting that MCT treatment does not result in a large LCFA burden, however further research on storage of MCT in tissues is warranted. Registration: The study was registered in the Nederlands Trialregister. Protocol ID: Trial NL7417 (NTR7650)

    Neonatal carnitine concentrations in relation to gestational age and weight.

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    A retrospective study was performed using data from the Dutch NBS. Dried blood spot (DBS) carnitine concentrations, collected between the 3rd and 10th day of life, of nearly 2 million newborns were included. Individuals were grouped based on GA and WfGA. Median carnitine concentrations were calculated for each group. Mann-Whitney U tests, and chi-square tests were applied to test for significant differences between groups

    Newborn screening for primary carnitine deficiency: who will benefit? - a retrospective cohort study.

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    We investigated clinical, genetic (variants in SLC22A5 gene) and functional (carnitine transport activity in fibroblasts) characteristics of all referred individuals through NBS (newborns and mothers) and clinically diagnosed patients with PCD (not through NBS). Disease phenotype in newborns was predicted using data from PCD mothers and cases published in literature with identical SLC22A5 variants