29 research outputs found

    Epithelial cell–cell junctions and plasma membrane domains

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    AbstractEpithelial cells form a barrier against the environment, but are also required for the regulated exchange of molecules between an organism and its surroundings. Epithelial cells are characterised by a remarkable polarization of their plasma membrane, evidenced by the appearance of structurally, compositionally, and functionally distinct surface domains. Here we consider the (in)dependence of epithelial cell polarisation and the function of smaller plasma membrane domains (e.g. adherens junctions, gap junctions, tight junctions, apical lipid rafts, caveolae, and clathrin-coated pits) in the development and maintenance of cell surface polarity. Recent evidence of cross-talk and/or overlap between the different cell–cell junction components and alternate functions of junction components, including gene expression regulation, are discussed in the context of cell surface polarity

    Subsection signal transduction

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    AbstractInteractions between human platelets and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were studied by monitoring changes in cytosolic [Ca2+]i in both cell types. Confluent monolayers of Fura-2-loaded HUVEC, grown on gelatin-coated coverslips, responded to repeated addition of a suspension of unstimulated platelets by transient increases in cytosolic [Ca2+]i. These platelet-evoked Ca2+ responses were not caused by products secreted from the platelets and were insensitive to inhibitors of platelet activation and/or platelet aggregation. The platelet-evoked rises in [Ca2+]i in endothelial cells, similarly as the thrombin-evoked rises, were blocked by preincubation of HUVEC with the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 or the Ca2+ influx blocker Ni2+. In contrast, treatment with the protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein was without effect. Video imaging experiments, in which the fluorescence signal was analysed from the individual cells of an endothelial monolayer, showed that only 2–20% of the cells, scattered over the monolayer, responded to the addition of platelets by a transient increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas most of the cells responded to thrombin. This leads to the conclusion that unstimulated platelets can activate HUVEC putatively by mechanical interaction with individual endothelial cells in the monolayer

    A Molecular Mechanism Underlying Genotype-Specific Intrahepatic Cholestasis Resulting From MYO5B Mutations

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    Altres ajuts: Supported by grants from the Nederlandse vereniging voor Gastroenterologie (to S. I. J.) and the Natural Science Foundation of China, Nos. 81873543 and 81570468 (to J. S. W.).Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) 6 has been associated with missense but not biallelic nonsense or frameshift mutations in MYO5B, encoding the motor protein myosin Vb (myoVb). This genotype-phenotype correlation and the mechanism through which MYO5B mutations give rise to PFIC are not understood. The aim of this study was to determine whether the loss of myoVb or expression of patient-specific myoVb mutants can be causally related to defects in canalicular protein localization and, if so, through which mechanism. We demonstrate that the cholestasis-associated substitution of the proline at amino acid position 600 in the myoVb protein to a leucine (P660L) caused the intracellular accumulation of bile canalicular proteins in vesicular compartments. Remarkably, the knockout of MYO5B in vitro and in vivo produced no canalicular localization defects. In contrast, the expression of myoVb mutants consisting of only the tail domain phenocopied the effects of the Myo5b-P660L mutation. Using additional myoVb and rab11a mutants, we demonstrate that motor domain-deficient myoVb inhibited the formation of specialized apical recycling endosomes and that its disrupting effect on the localization of canalicular proteins was dependent on its interaction with active rab11a and occurred at the trans -Golgi Network/recycling endosome interface. Our results reveal a mechanism through which MYO5B motor domain mutations can cause the mislocalization of canalicular proteins in hepatocytes which, unexpectedly, does not involve myoVb loss-of-function but, as we propose, a rab11a-mediated gain-of-toxic function. The results explain why biallelic MYO5B mutations that affect the motor domain but not those that eliminate myoVb expression are associated with PFIC6

    Oncostatin M regulates membrane traffic and stimulates bile canalicular membrane biogenesis in HepG2 cells

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    Hepatocytes are the major epithelial cells of the liver and they display membrane polarity: the sinusoidal membrane representing the basolateral surface, while the bile canalicular membrane is typical of the apical membrane. In polarized HepG2 cells an endosomal organelle, SAC, fulfills a prominent role in the biogenesis of the canalicular membrane, reflected by its ability to sort and redistribute apical and basolateral sphingolipids. Here we show that SAC appears to be a crucial target for a cytokine-induced signal transduction pathway, which stimulates membrane transport exiting from this compartment promoting apical membrane biogenesis. Thus, oncostatin M, an IL-6-type cytokine, stimulates membrane polarity development in HepG2 cells via the gp130 receptor unit, which activates a protein kinase A-dependent and sphingomyelin-marked membrane transport pathway from SAC to the apical membrane. To exert its signal transducing function, gp130 is recruited into detergent-resistant membrane microdomains at the basolateral membrane. These data provide a clue for a molecular mechanism that couples the biogenesis of an apical plasma membrane domain to the regulation of intracellular transport in response to an extracellular, basolaterally localized stimulus

    Raft-mediated Trafficking of Apical Resident Proteins Occurs in Both Direct and Transcytotic Pathways in Polarized Hepatic Cells: Role of Distinct Lipid Microdomains

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    In polarized hepatic cells, pathways and molecular principles mediating the flow of resident apical bile canalicular proteins have not yet been resolved. Herein, we have investigated apical trafficking of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked and two single transmembrane domain proteins on the one hand, and two polytopic proteins on the other in polarized HepG2 cells. We demonstrate that the former arrive at the bile canalicular membrane via the indirect transcytotic pathway, whereas the polytopic proteins reach the apical membrane directly, after Golgi exit. Most importantly, cholesterol-based lipid microdomains (“rafts”) are operating in either pathway, and protein sorting into such domains occurs in the biosynthetic pathway, largely in the Golgi. Interestingly, rafts involved in the direct pathway are Lubrol WX insoluble but Triton X-100 soluble, whereas rafts in the indirect pathway are both Lubrol WX and Triton X-100 insoluble. Moreover, whereas cholesterol depletion alters raft-detergent insolubility in the indirect pathway without affecting apical sorting, protein missorting occurs in the direct pathway without affecting raft insolubility. The data implicate cholesterol as a traffic direction-determining parameter in the direct apical pathway. Furthermore, raft-cargo likely distinguishing single vs. multispanning membrane anchors, rather than rafts per se (co)determine the sorting pathway

    Formation of E-Cadherin/β-Catenin–based Adherens Junctions in Hepatocytes Requires Serine-10 in p27(Kip1)

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    The adhesion between epithelial cells at adherens junctions is regulated by signaling pathways that mediate the intracellular trafficking and assembly of its core components. Insight into the molecular mechanisms of this is necessary to understand how adherens junctions contribute to the functional organization of epithelial tissues. Here, we demonstrate that in human hepatic HepG2 cells, oncostatin M-p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling stimulates the phosphorylation of p27(Kip1) on Ser-10 and promotes cell–cell adhesion. The overexpression of wild-type p27 or a phospho-mimetic p27S10D mutant in HepG2 cells induces a hyper-adhesive phenotype. In contrast, the overexpression of a nonphosphorylatable p27S10A mutant prevents the mobilization of E-cadherin and β-catenin at the cell surface, reduces basal cell–cell adhesion strength, and prevents the stimulatory effect of oncostatin M on cell–cell adhesion. As part of the underlying molecular mechanism, it is shown that in p27S10A-expressing cells β-catenin interacts with p27 and is prevented from interacting with E-cadherin. The intracellular retention of E-cadherin and β-catenin is also observed in hepatocytes from p27S10A knockin mice that express the p27S10A mutant instead of wild-type p27. Together, these data suggest that the formation of adherens junctions in hepatocytes requires Ser-10 in p27

    Induction of Bile Canaliculi-Forming Hepatocytes from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Cell polarity and formation of bile canaliculi can be achieved in hepatocytes which are generated from patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. This allows for the study of endogenous mutant proteins, patient-specific pathogenesis, and drug responses for diseases where hepatocyte polarity and bile canaliculi play a key role. Here, we describe a step-by-step protocol for the generation of bile canaliculi-forming hepatocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells and their evaluation

    Polarized Membrane Traffic and Cell Polarity Development Is Dependent on Dihydroceramide Synthase-Regulated Sphinganine Turnover

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    Sphingoid bases have been implicated in various cellular processes including cell growth, apoptosis and cell differentiation. Here, we show that the regulated turnover of sphingoid bases is crucial for cell polarity development, i.e., the biogenesis of apical plasma membrane domains, in well-differentiated hepatic cells. Thus, inhibition of dihydroceramide synthase or sphinganine kinase activity with fumonisin B1 or N,N-dimethylsphingosine, respectively, dramatically perturbs cell polarity development, which is due to increased levels of sphinganine. Consistently, reduction of free sphinganine levels stimulates cell polarity development. Moreover, dihydroceramide synthase, the predominant enzyme responsible for sphinganine turnover, is a target for cell polarity stimulating cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signaling cascades. Indeed, electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analyses revealed a significant reduction in sphinganine levels in cAMP/PKA-stimulated cells. These data suggest that sphinganine turnover is critical for and is actively regulated during HepG2 cell polarity development. Previously, we have identified an apical plasma membrane-directed trafficking pathway from the subapical compartment. This transport pathway, which is part of the basolateral-to-apical transcytotic itinerary, plays a crucial role in apical plasma membrane biogenesis. Here, we show that, as a part of the underlying mechanism, the inhibition of dihydroceramide synthase activity and ensuing increased sphinganine levels specifically perturb the activation of this particular pathway in the de novo apical membrane biogenesis

    Oncostatin M-stimulated Apical Plasma Membrane Biogenesis Requires p27(Kip1)-Regulated Cell Cycle Dynamics

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    Oncostatin M regulates membrane traffic and stimulates apicalization of the cell surface in hepatoma cells in a protein kinase A-dependent manner. Here, we show that oncostatin M enhances the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)2 inhibitor p27(Kip1), which inhibits G(1)-S phase progression. Forced G(1)-S-phase transition effectively renders presynchronized cells insensitive to the apicalization-stimulating effect of oncostatin M. G(1)-S-phase transition prevents oncostatin M-mediated recruitment of protein kinase A to the centrosomal region and precludes the oncostatin M-mediated activation of a protein kinase A-dependent transport route to the apical surface, which exits the subapical compartment (SAC). This transport route has previously been shown to be crucial for apical plasma membrane biogenesis. Together, our data indicate that oncostatin M-stimulated apicalization of the cell surface is critically dependent on the ability of oncostatin M to control p27(Kip1)/cdk2-mediated G(1)-S-phase progression and suggest that the regulation of apical plasma membrane-directed traffic from SAC is coupled to centrosome-associated signaling pathways