11 research outputs found

    Cinnamaldehyde in flavored e-cigarette liquids temporarily suppresses bronchial epithelial cell ciliary motility by dysregulation of mitochondrial function

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    Aldehydes in cigarette smoke (CS) impair mitochondrial function and reduce ciliary beat frequency (CBF), leading to diminished mucociliary clearance (MCC). However, the effects of aldehyde e-cigarette flavorings on CBF are unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cinnamaldehyde, a flavoring agent commonly used in e-cigarettes, disrupts mitochondrial function and impairs CBF on well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial (hBE) cells. To this end, hBE cells were exposed to diluted cinnamon-flavored e-liquids and vaped aerosol and assessed for changes in CBF. hBE cells were subsequently exposed to various concentrations of cinnamaldehyde to establish a dose-response relationship for effects on CBF. Changes in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis were evaluated by Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer, and adenine nucleotide levels were quantified by HPLC. Both cinnamaldehyde-containing e-liquid and vaped aerosol rapidly yet transiently suppressed CBF, and exposure to cinnamaldehyde alone recapitulated this effect. Cinnamaldehyde impaired mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in a dosedependent manner, and intracellular ATP levels were significantly but temporarily reduced following exposure. Addition of nicotine had no effect on the cinnamaldehyde-induced suppression of CBF or mitochondrial function. These data indicate that cinnamaldehyde rapidly disrupts mitochondrial function, inhibits bioenergetic processes, and reduces ATP levels, which correlates with impaired CBF. Because normal ciliary motility and MCC are essential respiratory defenses, inhalation of cinnamaldehyde may increase the risk of respiratory infections in e-cigarette users

    Raamwerk voor omgaan met onzekerheid

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    In de nieuwe Wro staat dat nieuwe ruimtelijke plannen vanaf 1 januari 2010 digitaal en uitwisselbaar vervaardigd moeten worden. Het digitaliseren van het ruimtelijke ordeningsproces heeft een grote impact. Het zou het vergelijken van plannen eenvoudiger moeten maken, maar vooral onzekere planobjecten kunnen lastig zijn bij het vergelijken van plannen. De taxonomie voor onzekerheid in de ruimtelijke ordening is de basis voor het raamwerk. In het raamwerk worden alle bronnen van onzekerheid die in de ruimtelijke ordening aanwezig zijn besproken en er worden omgangsvormen aangeboden

    Aligning male and female linkage maps of apple (Malus pumila Mill.) using multi-allelic markers

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    Linkage maps for the apple cultivars ‘Prima’ and ‘Fiesta’ were constructed using RFLP, RAPD, isozyme, AFLP, SCAR and microsatellite markers in a ‘Prima’בFiesta’ progeny of 152 individuals. Seventeen linkage groups, putatively corresponding to the seventeen haploid apple chromosomes, were obtained for each parent. These maps were aligned using 67 multi-allelic markers that were heterozygous in both parents. A large number of duplicate RFLP loci was observed and, in several instances, linked RFLP markers in one linkage group showed corresponding linkage in another linkage group. Distorted segregation was observed mainly in two regions of the genome, especially in the male parent alleles. Map positions were provided for resistance genes to scab and rosy leaf curling aphid (Vf and Sd 1, respectively) for the fruit acidity gene Ma and for the self-incompatibility locus S. The high marker density and large number of mapped codominant RFLPs and some microsatellite markers make this map an ideal reference map for use in other progenies also and a valuable tool for the mapping of quantitative trait loci


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