47 research outputs found

    Surface evaporation and water vapor transport in the convective boundary layer

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    cum laude graduation (with distinction

    Relative Humidity as an Indicator for Cloud Formation over Heterogeneous land surfaces

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    The influence of land surface heterogeneity on potential cloud formation is investigated using relative humidity as an indicator. This is done by performing numerical experiments using a large-eddy simulation model (LES). The land surface in the model was divided into two patches that had the same sum of latent and sensible heat flux but different Bowen ratios to simulate heterogeneous land surfaces. For heterogeneity in the meso-Âż scale (2Âż20 km), sensitivity analyses were carried out on the heterogeneity amplitude (Bowen ratio difference between contrasting areas) and the inversion strength of potential temperature and specific humidity. The competition between absolute temperature decrease by ABL growth and dry air entrainment in heterogeneous conditions is analyzed using the LES results. First, it is shown that entrainment is located and enhanced over patches with higher Bowen ratios (warm patches) than their surroundings (cold patches). The heterogeneity-induced strong thermals can further penetrate the inversion at the ABL top, thereby reaching lower absolute temperatures than in homogeneous conditions. Second, because of the heterogeneity-induced circulations the moisture is located over the warm patch, and higher time-averaged RH values at the ABL top (RHzi) than over the cold patches are found here, even for dry atmospheres. These RHzi exceed values found over homogeneous land surfaces and are an indication that surface heterogeneity may facilitate cloud formation. In vertical profiles of RH, few differences are found between the homogeneous and heterogeneous cases, but the essential heterogeneity-induced modifications are within the domain variability

    Mean and Flux Horizontal Variability of Virtual Potential Temperature, Moisture, and Carbon Dioxide: Aircraft Observations and LES Study

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    The effects of the horizontal variability of surface properties on the turbulent fluxes of virtual potential temperature, moisture, and carbon dioxide are investigated by combining aircraft observations with large-eddy simulations (LESs). Daytime fair-weather aircraft measurements from the 2002 International H2O ProjectÂżs 45-km Eastern Track over mixed grassland and winter wheat in southeast Kansas reveal that the western part of the atmospheric boundary layer was warmer and drier than the eastern part, with higher values of carbon dioxide to the east. The temperature and specific humidity patterns are consistent with the pattern of surface fluxes produced by the High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System. However, the observed turbulent fluxes of virtual potential temperature, moisture, and carbon dioxide, computed as a function of longitude along the flight track, do not show a clear eastÂżwest trend. Rather, the fluxes at 70 m above ground level related better to the surface variability quantified in terms of the normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI), with strong correlation between carbon dioxide fluxes and NDVI

    Interactions between dry-air entrainment, surface evaporation and convective boundary-layer development

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    The influence of dry-air entrainment on surface heat fluxes and the convective boundary-layer (CBL) properties is studied for vegetated land surfaces, using a mixed-layer CBL model coupled to the PenmanÂżMonteith equation under a wide range of conditions. In order to address the complex behaviour of the system, the feedback mechanisms involved were put into a mathematical framework. Simple expressions for the evaporative fraction and the PriestleyÂżTaylor parameter were derived, based on the concept of equilibrium evaporation. Dry-air entrainment enhances the surface evaporation under all conditions, but the sensitivity of the evaporation rate to the moisture content of the free troposphere falls as temperature rises. Due to the evaporation enhancement, shallower CBLs develop beneath dry atmospheres. In all cases, dry-air entrainment reduces the relative humidity at the land surface and at the top of the CBL. However, because of dry-air entrainment-induced landÂżatmosphere feedback mechanisms, relative humidity at the top of the CBL responds nonlinearly to temperature rise; it decreases as temperature rises beneath a moist free troposphere, whereas it increases beneath a dry free troposphere. Finally, it was found that in certain conditions the evolution of the surface fluxes, relative humidity and CBL height can be as sensitive to the free tropospheric moisture conditions as to the land-surface properties. Therefore, studies of the land surface and of convective clouds have to take into account the influence of dry-air entrainment through landÂżatmosphere feedback mechanism

    Understanding the daily cycle of evapotranspiration: a method to quantify the influence of forcings and feedbacks

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    A method to analyze the daily cycle of evapotranspiration over land is presented. It quantifies the influence of external forcings, such as radiation and advection, and of internal feedbacks induced by boundary layer, surface layer, and land surface processes on evapotranspiration. It consists of a budget equation for evapotranspiration that is derived by combining a time derivative of the Penman–Monteith equation with a mixed-layer model for the convective boundary layer. Measurements and model results for days at two contrasting locations are analyzed using the method: midlatitudes (Cabauw, Netherlands) and semiarid (Niamey, Niger). The analysis shows that the time evolution of evapotranspiration is a complex interplay of forcings and feedbacks. Although evapotranspiration is initiated by radiation, it is significantly regulated by the atmospheric boundary layer and the land surface throughout the day. In both cases boundary layer feedbacks enhance the evapotranspiration up to 20 W m-2 h-1. However, in the case of Niamey this is offset by the land surface feedbacks since the soil drying reaches -30 W m-2 h-1. Remarkably, surface layer feedbacks are of negligible importance in a fully coupled system. Analysis of the boundary layer feedbacks hints at the existence of two regimes in this feedback depending on atmospheric temperature, with a gradual transition region in between the two. In the low-temperature regime specific humidity variations induced by evapotranspiration and dry-air entrainment have a strong impact on the evapotranspiration. In the high-temperature regime the impact of humidity variations is less pronounced and the effects of boundary layer feedbacks are mostly determined by temperature variation

    Invloed van klimaatverandering op kwel en wegzijging langs de grote rivieren

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    Kwel en wegzijging van en naar de grote rivieren zijn een belangrijke waterbalanspost voor gebieden die zich dicht achter de rivierdijken bevinden. De kwelflux is in sommige gebieden zelfs even groot als de neerslag. Behalve neerslag en verdamping kunnen ook rivierafvoeren sterk veranderen onder invloed van klimaatverandering, waardoor ook de hoeveelheden kwel en wegzijging veranderen. Klimaatscenario's geven aan dat het in de winter natter zal gaan worden. De gebieden langs de rivieren krijgen zowel meer neerslag te verwerken als een extra hoeveelheid kwel, omdat de rivieren hoger staan door de toenemende neerslag in bovenstroomse gebieden. Daarbovenop kan het afvoeren van water bemoeilijkt worden door de hoge standen in de rivieren waarop geloosd wordt. Klimaatscenario's laten ook zien dat de zomers droger worden en de rivierafvoeren dan afnemen. De hoeveelheid water die beschikbaar is, neemt af door minder neerslag en meer verdamping. De hoeveelheid water die wegzijgt naar de rivieren neemt dan to

    A conceptual framework to quantify the influence of convective boundary layer development on carbon dioxide mixing ratios

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    Interpretation of observed diurnal carbon dioxide (CO2) mixing ratios near the surface requires knowledge of the local dynamics of the planetary boundary layer. In this paper, we study the relationship between the boundary layer dynamics and the CO2 budget in convective conditions through a newly derived set of analytical equations. From these equations, we are able to quantify how uncertainties in boundary layer dynamical variables or in the morning CO2 distribution in the mixed-layer or in the free atmosphere (FA) influence the bulk CO2 mixing ratio. We find that the largest uncertainty incurred on the midday CO2 mixing ratio comes from the prescribed early morning CO2 mixing ratios in the stable boundary layer, and in the free atmosphere. Errors in these values influence CO2 mixing ratios inversely proportional to the boundary layer depth (h), just like uncertainties in the assumed initial boundary layer depth and surface CO2 flux. The influence of uncertainties in the boundary layer depth itself is one order of magnitude smaller. If we “invert” the problem and calculate CO2 surface exchange from observed or simulated CO2 mixing ratios, the sensitivities to errors in boundary layer dynamics also invert: they become linearly proportional to the boundary layer depth. We demonstrate these relations for a typical well characterized situation at the Cabauw site in The Netherlands, and conclude that knowledge of the temperature and carbon dioxide profiles of the atmosphere in the early morning are of vital importance to correctly interpret observed CO2 mixing ratios during midday

    Modelling the partitioning of ammonium nitrate in the convective boundary layer

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    An explanatory model study is presented on semi-volatile secondary inorganic aerosols on three clear days in May 2008 during the IMPACT campaign at the Cabauw tower in the Netherlands. A single column model in combination with the equilibrium aerosol model ISORROPIA is used. This model uses surface observations from IMPACT and calculates the gas-aerosol partitioning of ammonium nitrate. The calculated gas-aerosol equilibrium overestimates the gas phase fraction during daytime, and overestimates the aerosol phase fraction during night-time. This discrepancy can partly be solved when the approach of the gas-aerosol equilibrium is forced to proceed with a delay timescale of up to two hours. Although it is shown that the delay itself has a small effect, the most important effect is caused by the mixing of air from higher altitudes at which the equilibrium is shifted to the aerosol phase. Thus, vertical mixing is shown to have a significant influence on the calculated partitioning at the surface. On some occasions, the correspondence to the observed partitioning improves dramatically. Even though gas-aerosol partitioning of ammonium nitrate is not instantaneous, observations show that a different equilibrium in the upper boundary layer causes aerosol ammonium nitrate concentrations to increase with altitude. Our model calculates similar vertical gradients depending on the assumed speed of gas-aerosol equilibrium. The calculated optical properties of the aerosol show a similar behaviour. The aerosol optical properties depend on the aerosol size distribution both directly, because light scattering depends on particle size, and indirectly, because the equilibration timescale depends on the aerosol sizes. Future studies should therefore focus on a fully size-resolved treatment of the gas-aerosol partitioning. Finally, coarser-resolution models may treat the gas-aerosol equilibrium of ammonium nitrate by calculating the equilibrium with a temperature and humidity sampled at a different altitude. We found that the equilibrium at an altitude of 200 m (night) up to 600 m (day) is representative for the partitioning of ammonium nitrate at the surface in the beginning of May 200

    Invloed van klimaatverandering op kwel en wegzijging langs de grote rivieren

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    Kwel en wegzijging van en naar de grote rivieren zijn een belangrijke waterbalanspost voor gebieden die zich dicht achter de rivierdijken bevinden. De kwelflux is in sommige gebieden zelfs even groot als de neerslag. Behalve neerslag en verdamping kunnen ook rivierafvoeren sterk veranderen onder invloed van klimaatverandering, waardoor ook de hoeveelheden kwel en wegzijging veranderen. Klimaatscenario's geven aan dat het in de winter natter zal gaan worden. De gebieden langs de rivieren krijgen zowel meer neerslag te verwerken als een extra hoeveelheid kwel, omdat de rivieren hoger staan door de toenemende neerslag in bovenstroomse gebieden. Daarbovenop kan het afvoeren van water bemoeilijkt worden door de hoge standen in de rivieren waarop geloosd wordt. Klimaatscenario's laten ook zien dat de zomers droger worden en de rivierafvoeren dan afnemen. De hoeveelheid water die beschikbaar is, neemt af door minder neerslag en meer verdamping. De hoeveelheid water die wegzijgt naar de rivieren neemt dan to