181 research outputs found

    The photocurrent response of human cones is fast and monophasic

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    BACKGROUND: The precise form of the light response of human cone photoreceptors in vivo has not been established with certainty. To investigate the response shape we compare the predictions of a recent model of transduction in primate cone photoreceptors with measurements extracted from human cones using the paired-flash electroretinogram method. As a check, we also compare the predictions with previous single-cell measurements of ground squirrel cone responses. RESULTS: The predictions of the model provide a good description of the measurements, using values of parameters within the range previously determined for primate retina. The dim-flash response peaks in about 20 ms, and flash responses at all intensities are essentially monophasic. Three time constants in the model are extremely short: the two time constants for inactivation (of visual pigment and of transducin/phosphodiesterase) are around 3 and 10 ms, and the time constant for calcium equilibration lies in the same range. CONCLUSION: The close correspondence between experiment and theory, using parameters previously derived for recordings from macaque retina, supports the notion that the electroretinogram approach and the modelling approach both provide an accurate estimate of the cone photoresponse in the living human eye. For reasons that remain unclear, the responses of isolated photoreceptors from the macaque retina, recorded previously using the suction pipette method, are considerably slower than found here, and display biphasic kinetics

    A Unifying Theory of Biological Function

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    A new theory that naturalizes biological function is explained and compared with earlier etiological and causal role theories. Etiological theories explain functions from how they are caused over their evolutionary history. Causal role theories analyze how functional mechanisms serve the current capacities of their containing system. The new proposal unifies the key notions of both kinds of theories, but goes beyond them by explaining how functions in an organism can exist as factors with autonomous causal efficacy. The goal-directedness and normativity of functions exist in this strict sense as well. The theory depends on an internal physiological or neural process that mimics an organism’s fitness, and modulates the organism’s variability accordingly. The structure of the internal process can be subdivided into subprocesses that monitor specific functions in an organism. The theory matches well with each intuition on a previously published list of intuited ideas about biological functions, including intuitions that have posed difficulties for other theories

    Truncated Variational Sampling for "Black Box" Optimization of Generative Models

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    We investigate the optimization of two probabilistic generative models with binary latent variables using a novel variational EM approach. The approach distinguishes itself from previous variational approaches by using latent states as variational parameters. Here we use efficient and general purpose sampling procedures to vary the latent states, and investigate the "black box" applicability of the resulting optimization procedure. For general purpose applicability, samples are drawn from approximate marginal distributions of the considered generative model as well as from the model's prior distribution. As such, variational sampling is defined in a generic form, and is directly executable for a given model. As a proof of concept, we then apply the novel procedure (A) to Binary Sparse Coding (a model with continuous observables), and (B) to basic Sigmoid Belief Networks (which are models with binary observables). Numerical experiments verify that the investigated approach efficiently as well as effectively increases a variational free energy objective without requiring any additional analytical steps
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