4 research outputs found

    Amplification and overexpression of the KIT gene is associated with progression in the seminoma subtype of testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults

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    We have previously identified amplification at 4q12 in testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults centered around the KIT gene encoding a tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor. Analysis of primary testicular germ cell tumors totaling 190 cases revealed 21% of the seminoma subtype with an increased copy number of KIT whereas this change was rarely found in the nonseminomas. In most cases, gain of KIT did not include the immediately flanking noncoding DNA or the flanking genes KDR and PDGFRA. Increased copy number of KIT was not found in the putative precursor lesion, carcinoma in situ (CIS), adjacent to tumor with this change. KIT overexpression was found independent of gain and KIT immunostaining was stronger in selected cases with gain of KIT compared to those without. Taken together with activating mutations of KIT in exon 17 identified in 13% of seminomas, this suggests that the KIT gene product plays a role in the progression of CIS towards seminoma, the further understanding of which may lead to novel less toxic therapeutic approaches

    Stem cell factor receptor (c-KIT) codon 816 mutations predict development of bilateral testicular germ-cell tumors

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    Testicular germ-cell tumors (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults originate from intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN), which is composed of the malignant counterparts of embryonal germ cells. ITGCN cells are characterized, among others, by the presence of stem cell factor receptor c-KIT. Once established, ITGCN will always progress to invasiveness. Approximately 2.5-5% of patients with a TGCT will develop bilateral disease and require complete castration, resulting in infertility, a need for lifelong androgen replacement, and psychological stress. To date, the only way to predict a contralateral tumor is surgical biopsy of the contralateral testis to demonstrate ITGCN. We did a retrospective study of 224 unilateral and 61 proven bilateral TGCTs (from 46 patients, in three independently collected series in Europe) for the presence of activating c-KIT codon 816 mutations. A c-KIT codon 816 mutation was found in three unilateral TGCT (1.3%), and in 57 bilateral TGCTs (93%; P <0.0001). In the two wild-type bilateral tumors for which ITGCN was available, the preinvasive cells contained the mutation. The mutations were somatic in origin and identical in both tumors. We conclude that somatic activating codon 816 c-KIT mutations are associated with development of bilateral TGCT. Detection of c-KIT codon 816 mutations in unilateral TGCT identifies patients at risk for bilateral disease. These patients may undergo tailored treatment to prevent the development of bilateral disease, with retention of testicular hormonal functio