50 research outputs found

    Increased medial tibial slope in teenage pediatric population with open physes and anterior cruciate ligament injuries

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    Purpose: Variations in bony morphology have been associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. The primary aim of this study was to compare the tibial slope in the teenage pediatric population with open physes, with and without ACL injury. The secondary aims were to compare the notch width index (NWI) and determine the influence of gender and age on tibial slope and NWI. Methods: Thirty-nine teenage pediatric subjects were included in this study, 16 with and 23 without ACL injury. Medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope and NWI as measured on plain radiographs were compared between the groups using an independent t-test. Comparison of tibial slope and NWI was also performed between male and female subjects. Pearson correlation coefficient between age and tibial slope and NWI was calculated. Results: The medial tibial slope averaged 10.2 (±3.9) degrees, the lateral tibial slope 11.5 (±3.9) degrees, and the NWI 0.26. There was a significant difference in medial tibial slope between the ACL-injured (12.1 degrees) subjects and the controls (8.9 degrees) (P=0.009). There was no significant difference in lateral tibial slope or NWI between the groups. There was no significant difference in the medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope and NWI between the male and female subjects. Subject age was not correlated with medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope or NWI. Conclusion: There was an increased medial tibial slope in ACL-injured teenagers with open physes, when compared to a control group of teenager with open physes without ACL injur

    Increased medial tibial slope in teenage pediatric population with open physes and anterior cruciate ligament injuries

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    Variations in bony morphology have been associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. The primary aim of this study was to compare the tibial slope in the teenage pediatric population with open physes, with and without ACL injury. The secondary aims were to compare the notch width index (NWI) and determine the influence of gender and age on tibial slope and NWI. Thirty-nine teenage pediatric subjects were included in this study, 16 with and 23 without ACL injury. Medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope and NWI as measured on plain radiographs were compared between the groups using an independent t-test. Comparison of tibial slope and NWI was also performed between male and female subjects. Pearson correlation coefficient between age and tibial slope and NWI was calculated. The medial tibial slope averaged 10.2 (±3.9) degrees, the lateral tibial slope 11.5 (±3.9) degrees, and the NWI 0.26. There was a significant difference in medial tibial slope between the ACL-injured (12.1 degrees) subjects and the controls (8.9 degrees) (P = 0.009). There was no significant difference in lateral tibial slope or NWI between the groups. There was no significant difference in the medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope and NWI between the male and female subjects. Subject age was not correlated with medial tibial slope and lateral tibial slope or NWI. There was an increased medial tibial slope in ACL-injured teenagers with open physes, when compared to a control group of teenager with open physes without ACL injur

    Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Is More Effective Than Hyaluronic Acid and Autologous Conditioned Serum in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Retrospective Study of 505 Consecutive Patients

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of three different intra-articular injective treatments: hyaluronic acid (HA), autologous conditioned serum (ACS) and bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA). A Level III retrospective comparative clinical study was performed on 505 consecutive patients treated with HA (n = 171), ACS (n = 222) or BMAC (n = 112) for knee OA. The mean patient age was 52 ± 13 years; 54.5% were males. Collected data included patient demographics, symptoms, visual analogue scale (VAS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and radiographic classification of osteoarthritis grade using plain radiographs and advanced imaging. Clinical outcome was assessed at 3 and 12 months post treatment. Significant improvement in VAS and WOMAC was seen for all three treatments at the 3-month follow-up. At 12 months, VAS was improved in all three treatment groups, yet only BMAC sustained the improved WOMAC even in patients with more severe degenerative changes. This study shows that BMAC is more effective than HA and ACS in the treatment of symptomatic knee OA, especially in the patients with more severe degenerative changes

    Anatomska rekonstrukcija prednjeg križnog ligamenta

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    Tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are one of the most common injuries to active individuals. The history of reconstructing a ruptured ACL has undergone many advances from open, extra-articular reconstructions, to modern day advanced arthroscopic techniques. Some of these new arthroscopic techniques use small incisions and standardized instruments reducing the surgical time, however, they fail to restore the native ACL anatomy. Recent studies have shown that non-anatomical reconstruction might result in suboptimal clinical outcomes. As a result, anatomic ACL reconstruction has gained popularity. The cornerstone of anatomic ACL reconstruction is the functional restoration of the ACL to its native dimensions, collagen orientation, and insertion sites. This article is meant to provide the most up-to-date literature review regarding anatomic ACL reconstruction.Ozljede prednjeg križnog ligament (PKL) spadaju među najčešće sportske ozljede koljena. Povijest rekonstrukcije PKL-a prešla je dug put od otvorenih metoda do današnji modernih artroskopskih tehnika. Pri nekim artroskopskim tehnikama koriste se male incizije uz upotrebu standardiziranih instrumenata, čime se značajno skraćuje vrijeme operacije, ali se ne uspijeva u cijelosti rekonstruirati anatomsko hvatište PKL-a. Novije studije pokazale su da se takvim rekonstrukcijama ne uspijevaju postići zadovoljavajući klinički rezultati. Cilj anatomske rekonstrukcije jest rekonstukcija prirodne duljine i promjera PKL-a, orijetnacije kolagenih vlakana i anatomskih hvatišta. U ovom radu dajemo pregled najnovije literature koja se bavi anatomskom rekonstrukcijom PKL-a

    ACL graft re-rupture after double-bundle reconstruction: factors that influence the intra-articular pattern of injury

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    To determine the most common rupture patterns of previously reconstructed DB-ACL cases, seen at the time of revision surgery, and to determine the influence of age, gender, time between the initial ACL reconstruction and re-injury, tunnel angle and etiology of failure. Forty patients who presented for revision surgery after previous double-bundle ACL reconstruction were enrolled. Three orthopedic surgeons independently reviewed the arthroscopic videos and determined the rupture pattern of both the anteromedial and posterolateral grafts. The graft rupture pattern was then correlated with the previously mentioned factors. The most common injury pattern seen at the time of revision ACL surgery was mid-substance AM and PL bundle rupture. Factors that influenced the rupture pattern (proximal vs. mid-substance and distal rupture vs. elongated, but in continuity) were months between ACL reconstruction and re-injury (P = 0.002), the etiology of failure (traumatic vs. atraumatic) (P = 0.025) and the measured graft tunnel angle (P = 0.048). The most common pattern of graft re-rupture was mid-substance AM and mid-substance PL. As the length of time from the initial DB-ACL reconstruction to revision surgery increased, the pattern of injury more closely resembled that of the native ACL. Evaluation of patients who have undergone double-bundle ACL reconstruction, with a particular focus on graft maturity, mechanism of injury and femoral tunnel angles, and graft rupture pattern assists in preoperative planning for revision surger

    Factors that influence the intra-articular rupture pattern of the ACL graft following single-bundle reconstruction

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    The number of revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgeries performed annually continues to rise. The purpose of this study was to determine the most common rupture pattern in ACL revision cases after previous single-bundle reconstruction. The second aim was to determine the relationship between rupture pattern and patient-specific factors (age, gender, time between the initial ACL reconstruction and re-injury, and etiology/mechanism of failure) and surgical factors (graft type, tunnel angle). This was a cohort study of 60 patients that underwent revision ACL surgery after previous single-bundle ACL reconstruction. Three sports medicine-trained orthopedic surgeons reviewed the arthroscopic videos and determined the rupture pattern of the grafts. The rupture pattern was then correlated to the above-mentioned factors. The inter-observer agreement had a kappa of 0.7. The most common rupture pattern after previous single-bundle ACL reconstruction is elongation of the graft. This is different from the native ACL, which displays more proximal ruptures. With the use of autograft tissue and after a longer period of time, the rupture pattern in revision surgery is more similar to that of the native ACL. The most common rupture pattern after previous single-bundle reconstruction was elongation of the graft. Factors that influenced the rupture pattern were months between ACL reconstruction and re-injury and graft type. Cohort study, Level I

    Does the lateral intercondylar ridge disappear in ACL deficient patients?

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a difference in the presence of the lateral intercondylar ridge and the lateral bifurcate ridge between patients with sub-acute and chronic ACL injuries. We hypothesized that the ridges would be present less often with chronic ACL deficiency. Twenty-five patients with a chronic ACL injury were matched for age and gender to 25 patients with a sub-acute ACL injury. The lateral intercondylar ridge and lateral bifurcate ridge were scored as either present, absent, or indeterminate due to insufficient visualization by three blinded observers. The kappa for the three observers was .61 for the lateral intercondylar ridge and .58 for the lateral bifurcate ridge. The lateral intercondylar ridge was present in 88% of the sub-acute patients and 88% of the chronic patients. The lateral bifurcate ridge was present in 48% of the sub-acute and 48% of the chronic patients. This matched-pairs case–control study was unable to show a difference in the presence of the femoral bony ridges between patients with acute and chronic ACL injuries. The authors would suggest looking for the ridges as a landmark of the native ACL insertion site during ACL reconstruction in both acute and chronic ACL injuries

    Assessment of correlation between knee notch width index and the three-dimensional notch volume

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    This study was done to determine whether there is a correlation between the notch volume and the notch width index (NWI) as measured on the three most frequently used radiographic views: the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg view. The notch volume of 20 cadaveric knees was measured using Computed Tomography (CT). The Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg notch view radiographs were digitally re-created from the CT scans for each specimen, and the NWI was measured by two observers. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the NWI and notch volume was calculated, as well as between the three views. An independent t test was performed to determine the difference in NWI and notch volume between male and female specimens. The reliability for each view was also determined. There was no correlation between the NWI as measured on the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, or Rosenberg view and the notch volume. All three radiographic views proved reliable, but showed only a moderate correlation with each other. Men had larger notch volumes than women, but there was no difference in NWI. A knee with a small intercondylar notch is often considered an increased risk for ACL rupture. The NWI is a frequently used two-dimensional method to determine notch size. However, in the present study, this index was not positively correlated with the overall volume of the notch. Based on the results of the current study, the authors would advice to use caution when using notch view radiographs in a clinical setting to predict risk of ACL rupture