12 research outputs found

    Tensor Products of Convex Cones, Part II: Closed Cones in Finite-Dimensional Spaces

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    In part I, we studied tensor products of convex cones in dual pairs of real vector spaces. This paper complements the results of the previous paper with an overview of the most important additional properties in the finite-dimensional case. (i) We show that the projective cone can be identified with the cone of positive linear operators that factor through a simplex cone. (ii) We prove that the projective tensor product of two closed convex cones is once again closed (Tam already proved this for proper cones). (iii) We study the tensor product of a cone with its dual, leading to another proof (and slight extension) of a theorem of Barker and Loewy. (iv) We provide a large class of examples where the projective and injective cones differ. As this paper was being written, this last result was superseded by a result of Aubrun, Lami, Palazuelos and Pl\'avala, who independently showed that the projective cone E+βŠ—Ο€F+E_+ \mathbin{\otimes_\pi} F_+ is strictly contained in the injective cone E+βŠ—Ξ΅F+E_+ \mathbin{\otimes_\varepsilon} F_+ whenever E+E_+ and F+F_+ are closed, proper and generating, with neither E+E_+ nor F+F_+ a simplex cone. Compared to their result, this paper only proves a few special cases.Comment: 21 page

    Tensor Products of Convex Cones, Part I: Mapping Properties, Faces, and Semisimplicity

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    The tensor product of two ordered vector spaces can be ordered in more than one way, just as the tensor product of normed spaces can be normed in multiple ways. Two natural orderings have received considerable attention in the past, namely the ones given by the projective and injective (or biprojective) cones. This paper aims to show that these two cones behave similarly to their normed counterparts, and furthermore extends the study of these two cones from the algebraic tensor product to completed locally convex tensor products. The main results in this paper are the following: (i) drawing parallels with the normed theory, we show that the projective/injective cone has mapping properties analogous to those of the projective/injective norm; (ii) we establish direct formulas for the lineality space of the projective/injective cone, in particular providing necessary and sufficient conditions for the cone to be proper; (iii) we show how to construct faces of the projective/injective cone from faces of the base cones, in particular providing a complete characterization of the extremal rays of the projective cone; (iv) we prove that the projective/injective tensor product of two closed proper cones is contained in a closed proper cone (at least in the algebraic tensor product).Comment: 62 page

    On the size of subsets of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n avoiding solutions to linear systems with repeated columns

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    Consider a system of mm balanced linear equations in kk variables with coefficients in Fq\mathbb{F}_q. If kβ‰₯2m+1k \geq 2m + 1, then a routine application of the slice rank method shows that there are constants Ξ²,Ξ³β‰₯1\beta,\gamma \geq 1 with Ξ³<q\gamma < q such that, for every subset SβŠ†FqnS \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^n of size at least Ξ²β‹…Ξ³n\beta \cdot \gamma^n, the system has a solution (x1,…,xk)∈Sk(x_1,\ldots,x_k) \in S^k with x1,…,xkx_1,\ldots,x_k not all equal. Building on a series of papers by Mimura and Tokushige and on a paper by Sauermann, this paper investigates the problem of finding a solution of higher non-degeneracy; that is, a solution where x1,…,xkx_1,\ldots,x_k are pairwise distinct, or even a solution where x1,…,xkx_1,\ldots,x_k do not satisfy any balanced linear equation that is not a linear combination of the equations in the system. In this paper, we present general techniques for systems with repeated columns. This class of linear systems is disjoint from the class covered by Sauermann's result, and captures the systems studied by Mimura and Tokushige into a single proof. A special case of our results shows that, if SβŠ†FpnS \subseteq \mathbb{F}_p^n is a subset such that Sβˆ’SS - S does not contain a non-trivial kk-term arithmetic progression (where pβ‰₯kβ‰₯3p \geq k \geq 3), then SS must have exponentially small density.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, no figure

    Discrete and metric divisorial gonality can be different

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    This paper compares the divisorial gonality of a finite graph GG to the divisorial gonality of the associated metric graph Ξ“(G,1)\Gamma(G,\mathbb{1}) with unit lengths. We show that dgon(Ξ“(G,1))\text{dgon}(\Gamma(G,\mathbb{1})) is equal to the minimal divisorial gonality of all regular subdivisions of GG, and we provide a class of graphs for which this number is strictly smaller than the divisorial gonality of GG. This settles a conjecture of M. Baker in the negative.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Changes: improved Lemma 4.4, added Proposition 5.3, changed open question

    Discrete and metric divisorial gonality can be different

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    This paper compares the divisorial gonality of a finite graph G to the divisorial gonality of the associated metric graph Ξ“(G,1) with unit lengths. We show that dgon(Ξ“(G,1)) is equal to the minimal divisorial gonality of all regular subdivisions of G, and we provide a class of graphs for which this number is strictly smaller than the divisorial gonality of G. This settles a conjecture of M. Baker [3, Conjecture 3.14] in the negative

    Constructing tree decompositions of graphs with bounded gonality

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    In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the fact that the treewidth of a graph is at most its divisorial gonality. The proof gives a polynomial time algorithm to construct a tree decomposition of width at most k, when an effective divisor of degree k that reaches all vertices is given. We also give a similar result for two related notions: stable divisorial gonality and stable gonality