17 research outputs found

    Student Interprofessional Facilitator Training (SIFT) program: building capacity in clinical education leadership

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    Background: While there are many teacher training programs for health professional students, few are interprofessional, and few integrate assessment and feedback prior to participation as peer teachers. In 2021, The Student Interprofessional Facilitator Training (SIFT) program was developed to allow senior students, already trained in peer teaching, to revise, build on, and practice their newly acquired skills in an interprofessional context. The aim of this study was to explore participant perception and performance, and the contextual factors that influence student aspirations as clinical teachers. Methods: Alumni of the 2021 Peer Teacher Training program (n = 74) were invited to participate in the SIFT program. Those who participated were invited to attend individual semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to code and categorise data into themes, using Communities of Practice as a conceptual framework. Skills in interprofessional facilitation were observed, assessed and students were provided with individual feedback. Assessment data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: Sixteen students from six disciplines joined the SIFT program, and 13/16 (81%) completed. Students were from medicine, nursing, diagnostic radiography, medical imaging, dentistry and speech pathology. Students reported an increased recognition of teaching as a learned skill, development of clinician identity formation as educators, development of interprofessional communication skills, increased awareness of the roles of other health professions, and an increased understanding of leadership. Participants expressed a desire for additional opportunities for interprofessional networking and peer teaching. A good level of competence in facilitation skills was reached by participants. Conclusion: The SIFT program provided a sustainable framework for health professional students to develop and evidence their teaching and leadership skills in an interprofessional context. This study highlighted the important role of observation, assessment and feedback in student teacher training programs. The process of clear assessment guidelines, direct observation with feedback from supervisors provided a way to ensure quality improvement in peer teaching. The SIFT program will help to build capacity of interprofessional programs where large numbers of teachers are required for small group teaching. The next step will be to ensure a variety of opportunities within interprofessional contexts, and with face-to-face engagemen

    Optimising student-led interprofessional learning across eleven health disciplines

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    Background Provision of effective Interprofessional learning (IPL) opportunities plays a vital role in preparing healthcare students for future collaborative practice. There is an identified need for universities to better prepare students for interprofessional teamwork, however, few large-scale IPL activities have been reported. Additionally, little has been reported on disciplinary differences in student learning experience. The Health Collaboration Challenge (HCC) is a large-scale IPL activity held annually at the University of Sydney. This study sought to explore students’ experience of early participation in an interprofessional case-based learning activity, and the similarities and differences in the perceived value of interprofessional (social) learning for each discipline. Methods In 2018, 1674 students from 11 disciplines (dentistry, oral health, nursing, pharmacy, medicine, occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, dietetics, diagnostic radiography, exercise physiology) participated in the HCC. Students worked in teams to produce a video and patient management plan based on a patient case. Participants completed a questionnaire, including closed and open-ended items. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Thematic analysis was used to code and categorise qualitative data into themes. These themes were then applied and quantified at a disciplinary level to measure prevalence. Results In total, 584/1674 (35%) of participants responded to the questionnaire. Overall, students perceived their experience to be largely beneficial to their learning and interprofessional skill development. Positive aspects included opportunities for peer learning, collaboration, networking, and understanding the different roles and responsibilities of other health professions. Negative aspects included the video form of assessment, inequity in assessment weighting across disciplines, the discipline mix within teams and lack of case relevance. Conclusion The learning activity provided a framework for students to practice and develop their skills in interprofessional teamwork, as they prepare for increased clinical placements. Overall, students perceived their experience as beneficial to their learning and professional development early in their degree. However, they expressed dissatisfaction with the inequity of assessment weighting across the disciplines; lack of relevance of the case across disciplines; and the activity of producing a video. Further research is needed regarding the ideal number of disciplines to include in teamwork specific to a patient case

    Planning peer assisted learning (PAL) activities in clinical schools

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    Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is well accepted as an educational method within health professional education, involving a process of socialisation among students. PAL activities provide a framework whereby students are permitted to practice and develop their healthcare and teaching skills. However, the success of PAL activities is dependent upon two key factors: the “agency” of the individual students, that is, their willingness to participate; and importantly, the “affordance” of the activity, that is, the invitational quality provided by the clinical school. The purpose of this paper is to assist healthcare educators and administrators responsible for curriculum design, course co-ordination, and educational research, in developing their own PAL activities. Health professional students and junior health professionals leading or participating in PAL activities may also find the paper useful. Based on the authors’ collective experience, and relevant literature, we provide practical tips for the design, implementation and evaluation of PAL activities

    Teaching clinical handover with ISBAR

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    Clinical handover is one of the most critical steps in a patient’s journey and is a core skill that needs to be taught to health professional students and junior clinicians. Performed well, clinical handover should ensure that lapses in continuity of patient care, errors and harm are reduced in the hospital or community setting. Handover, however, is often poorly performed, with critical detail being omitted and irrelevant detail included. Evidence suggests that the use of a structured, standardised framework for handover, such as ISBAR, improves patient outcomes. The ISBAR (Introduction, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) framework, endorsed by the World Health Organisation, provides a standardised approach to communication which can be used in any situation. In the complex clinical environment of healthcare today, ISBAR is suited to a wide range of clinical contexts, and works best when all parties are trained in using the same framework. It is essential that healthcare leaders and professionals from across the health disciplines work together to ensure good clinical handover practices are developed and maintained. Organisations, including universities and hospitals, need to invest in the education and training of health professional students and health professionals to ensure good quality handover practice. Using ISBAR as a framework, the purpose of this paper is to highlight key elements of effective clinical handover, and to explore teaching techniques that aim to ensure the framework is embedded in practice effectively

    Interprofessional education: tips for design and implementation

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    Interprofessional education (IPE) is a critical approach for preparing students to enter the health workforce, where teamwork and collaboration are important competencies. IPE has been promoted by a number of international health organisations, as part of a redesign of healthcare systems to promote interprofessional teamwork, to enhance the quality of patient care, and improve health outcomes. In response, universities are beginning to create and sustain authentic and inclusive IPE activities, with which students can engage. A growing number of health professionals are expected to support and facilitate interprofessional student groups. Designing interprofessional learning activities, and facilitating interprofessional groups of students requires an additional layer of skills compared with uniprofessional student groups. This article outlines the key points for planning and practicing interprofessional facilitation within the classroom and clinical setting

    Feedback in the clinical setting

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    Provision of feedback forms an integral part of the learning process. Receipt of feedback enriches the learning experience, and helps to narrow the gap between actual and desired performance. Effective feedback helps to reinforce good practice, motivating the learner towards the desired outcome. However, a common complaint from learners is that the receipt of feedback is infrequent and inadequate. This paper briefly explores the role of feedback within the learning process, the barriers to the feedback process, and practical guidelines for facilitating feedback

    Leadership in healthcare education

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    Effective leadership is a complex and highly valued component of healthcare education, increasingly recognised as essential to the delivery of high standards of education, research and clinical practice. To meet the needs of healthcare in the twenty-first century, competent leaders will be increasingly important across all health professions, including allied health, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine. Consequently, incorporation of leadership training and development should be part of all health professional curricula. A new type of leader is emerging: one who role models the balance between autonomy and accountability, emphasises teamwork, and focuses on improving patient outcomes. Healthcare education leaders are required to work effectively and collaboratively across discipline and organisational boundaries, where titles are not always linked to leadership roles. This paper briefly considers the current theories of leadership, and explores leadership skills and roles within the context of healthcare education

    Leadership behaviours in interprofessional student teamwork

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    Background Effective leaders support high-quality patient care and improve patient safety by embodying a collective leadership style. Training in leadership skills needs to be integrated longitudinally throughout a clinician’s career. Models of leadership drawn from organisational theories can provide a conceptual framework for cultivating student leadership qualities during teamwork and the evaluation of emergent outcomes. Using the conceptual framework of Situational Leadership Theory, we sought to explore the leadership qualities identified by students of their team members, during a large scale interprofessional learning activity. Methods In 2018, 1674 students from 11 health disciplines were required to participate in the “Health Collaboration Challenge” (HCC). The HCC required students to work in small interprofessional teams of five or six students. Following team activities, students were required to provide constructive written feedback to their team members. Peer feedback data were coded and categorised into themes using the conceptual framework of Situational Leadership Theory. Data were then quantified within each theme. Results A total of 1282 comments were analysed. The most frequent comments related to ‘delegating’ (456/1282, 36%) and ‘supporting’ (402/1282, 31%). This was followed by comments categorised as ‘directing’ (244/1282, 19%), and ‘coaching’ (180/1282, 14%) leadership styles. Notably, a total of 1112/2597 (43%) of comments were unconstructive. A total of 298 comments provided by students informed their peers of areas for self-improvement. The most frequent comments were recommendations relating to ‘active team member contribution’ (111/298; 37%), followed by ‘communication’ (83/298; 28%), ‘interprofessional practice’ (77/298; 26%), and ‘disciplinary knowledge’ (27/298; 9%). Conclusion Although most students demonstrated a reasonable ability to display leadership behaviours appropriate to teamwork, further development is needed through training. Leadership skills are an expectation of health professional graduates, and should be explicitly taught and vertically integrated within interprofessional education curricula. Further research is warranted in how students contribute to and understand the requirements of leadership within interprofessional teams

    Tips for teaching procedural skills

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    The teaching of procedural skills required for clinical practice remains an ongoing challenge in healthcare education. Health professionals must be competent to perform a wide range of clinical skills, and are also regularly required to teach these clinical skills to their peers, junior staff, and students. Teaching of procedural skills through the use of frameworks, observation and provision of feedback, with opportunities for repeated practice assists in the learners’ acquisition and retention of skills. With a focus on the teaching of non-complex skills, this paper explores how skills are learned; ways to improve skill performance; determining competency; and the provision of effective feedback

    Facilitating small group learning in the health professions

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    There is now good evidence that small group teaching provides a fruitful academic environment, which optimises learning, particularly in the healthcare setting, and especially when compared to lectures. An individual student’s understanding of knowledge is increased when they are able to actively compare and build on their own understanding in conjunction with their peers. Small group teaching provides opportunities for learners to work collaboratively, and promotes team-building skills – skills that are essential to work within healthcare settings. The aim of this paper is to provide health professional students and early career health professionals involved in peer and near peer teaching, with an overview of approaches and tips to improve learner engagement when facilitating small groups